
I am writing in slight delirium today. I need that to hang on to being awake today.

A Riding Need is going to need a 1st chapter patch/slight rework because someone what Ice written about in later chapters needs an intro at the start to drive the need for the actions there in. Oh bother.



I just realized April is poetry month and the deadline for round 2 is April 3rd I think? How am I going to continue writing for round 3 if I participate in poetry month (Versification on WP)? Last year you had to write a 30 poems, 30 days worth of prompts. ADHD brain wants to do all the things. Not sure how realistic it is though. :thinking:

Can someone tell Churro that Churro NEEDS TO STUDY for the story and write some more?

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study, Churro. Study.

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Now you have no choice but to finish the whole thing before April. lol.
No pressure.

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I know I shouldn’t be looking at ranks but I’m looking at ranks and I’m annoyed.
Whenever I post a new chapter, I jump back on the Paranormal tag, but I never get advance on the ONC tags. So tag discoverability is zero. Sigh.
I mean, books with two reads are ranking much better than mine.

There’s a book there that has almost 2k reads already. Like what?


I will, tomorrow. I kinda overwhelmed myself last time I studied LOL

  1. Is the author who wrote the story popular? That can have a BIG role in playing how many reads they have. More followers/more reads.
  2. Does it have a lot of chapters in it? More chapters, more posting and more rankings.
  3. Was it posted on the exact date?
  4. How cliche is it, and what are the other tags? Those can get reads too.

Not trying or meaning to be pedantic, but you need to think about those things too. :stuck_out_tongue: I do always think about those things when I compare ranks,

I’ve got one person who asked me to do read4read, which I’ve got no problem with but the volume of reads they have would make it very difficult to read all those who responded.

It’s not gone anywhere yet because it looks like they are waiting on me tor was before they do me, when they initiated it. If it’s good, it won’t bother me, but I’m cynical for a reason.

Still feverish (without a noticeable temperature) and my joints are killing me. Only taking Tylenol and dousing the outside of my throat with TTO to keep me from coughing too much. Not mking enough snot to bother with cold medicine.

Which means I went and wrote the last few chapters in A Riding Need to get to the 8K. 1st chapter rewrite has to be done on the computer, as well as the publishing /1st edit of each chapter. So now I’ve got 2 to work on the computer and 1 to write through 8K, the. I get to start the end half of all these damn things.

And I’m just worn out.

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Yeah, I understand that.

That sucks the most. The sore joints. Yeah, good idea. Keep taking things. Honey, ginger and lemon tea is good for the throat as well.

I would ghost write it, but you mightn’t like it :joy: It would probably leave you with more editing to do.

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More popular than me but not really viral or anything. No million read stories on that profile.
It does have a lot of chapters though.
Posted on February first so most likely a legit ONC book.

It’s also a paranormal story (so’s mine) which is what really ticked me off. If this one can make it, why won’t mine?

Tags are similar to mine but this one comes with pirates. :joy: Are pirates hot nowadays?

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It sucks. Sending warm vibes your way.

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If I had known that crochet animals were the secret to winning Wattpad’s heart, I’d have written about them in all my stories.


Id joke about getting the chanclas, but that can go 7 kinds of sideways.

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Unfortunately for those with a serious side, there is a large part of readership in light reading that wants little fluffy things to squee over.

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Hmm… :thinking: I don’t know then. Chapters is the only thing I can think of, but still that mightn’t be it.

Hmmm… I dunno. Maybe part of it is the luck of the draw. It’s frustrating because Wattpad doesn’t actually have a legible, organized ranking system these days. Yuenrank is messed up, and has been since about 2018.

Pirates? Are they bad boy pirates? :joy: Maybe they are back.

In this day and age? Yep, :100:

Lol, judging from description, they’re not. If it was a tropey romance, I’d understand it better, but it doesn’t seem to be.

As an experiment, I did two things to my story’s description:

  1. Name+brief description of the other character. Maybe disclosing that MC meets a girl will get me a couple of clicks. :joy: It’s not a romance, and I think it’s clear, but a suggestion of a possibility of romance might help.

  2. I removed the mention that it’s a sequel. It’s still disclosed in the Author’s note chapter but I wonder if it was hurting my chances when in the blurb.

The power of suggestion is a powerful force.

I have this one crossover fanfic that’s pretty popular for a short story, and I didn’t realize readers assumed it’s a romance until I noticed the names of reading lists they were adding it to.

Thankfully, I think the story is good enough that they weren’t disappointed but they were probably surprised that it didn’t go the way they suspected.

And so I looked at the story’s description to figure out what might have prompted them to think that it’s a bxb romance and I realized that one sentence could be easily misconstrued.

I left it like that because, well, it’s not a bad thing that readers get interested in it even if for the wrong reasons. And no one ever complained.

My ONC story isn’t a romance but there is a fun dynamic between the two characters so if readers click on it hoping for romantic tension, maybe they won’t be disappointed.

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Adding to what JohnnyTutturo said, you should add the possibility that the author is in a bookclub or is reading as many ONC entries as possible with hopes of other authors doing the same.

I’ve crossed paths with two authors who are reading and commenting on my ONC and I’ve spotted their comments on other entries I’m currently reading, their entries are now over 1K reads (they update daily or once every few days), I’m guessing most of those reads are from fellow competitors who are returning the favor.

Unfortunately my schedule is too tight to read and keep up with so many books, so I’ll have to be happy with a snail paced read count for now.


5th ONC up to 8,743 words, officially.

Chose this excerpt for A Riding Need on NaNo's site (easy way to tally up chapter counts)

He wore a half unzipped black hoodie with sweats, which meant that she could see half his chest and his ash blonde hair curled out from under the hood. His reddish-brown eyes were lit with humor. “Looking for me, sweet morsel?”

Maria let out of startled hiss, warding herself with the sign of the cross out of instinct.

Smoke gently steamed off the man’s chest and a rage-lust tinted his eyes a brighter red. Fangs slowly sank down from his gums as he made a gesture of his own. The book went up in the air and her back hit a shelf as her arms were bound above her without a single touch.

“Oh, you shouldn’t have done that, honey.” He strode towards Maria, within an inch of hitting every curve of her, then leaned in to within a hair’s breadth of his lips touching her jawline, calmly breathing against her neck. He was waiting for something.

I am somewhat jokingly calling this one a smutfest. But it’s 1 fade-to-black and 1 take-up-whole-friggen-chapter in 7 chapters, so it’s not really that heavy-handed. Not yet at least.

Another one which is less smutfest will be counted out/edited later today, then I get to do my last one up to 8K then start the “to the end” writing.

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Yes, maybe these changes will help it. The possibility of romance and or romantic tension definitely get people interested. And yeah, people will probably skip it if it is a sequel because some people are like oh, do I HAVE to read book one first?

Definitely. Yeah, getting anyone interested in a story by any means possible helps. You have to make the most of your story and it’s unique selling points to get people to read it. Or not change things, like you said, if it helps the story.

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Hahahahahaha :sob:

I was thinking that. Maybe I won’t finish it lol but maybe I can reach the word count for round 3 or at least get close so I can free up some time for poetry in April? Might be too ambitious. We’ll see what happens. :laughing: