Out of Context! What happened in your story the last you worked on it?

Lara finds a half-drowned girl by the river and struggles notto eat her soul.


I haven’t been working :stuck_out_tongue: I’ve been reading.

I’m finally getting back to the internet though and…oh my gosh, I have to stop watching all this election stuff because my YouTube fyp is now filled with it. You watch a few and then they start drowning your fyp with all the news :sweat_smile:

I did have some good inspiration happening for Dragon Quest.

What was the last thing… oh yes, Tip is going to go on his quest now.


omg XD

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Eliza shows up to a ball, completely not matching the dress code and is about to be ‘dumped’ for a prettier girl.


Mephisto wants to recruit Dietrich, the same Dietrich who tried to assassinate his grandmother on her coronation day…


Pinti hears a flute and follows the sound to the roof.


Everybody’s in Show-Biz aired on Starz in 2009.

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I found a mini-library nearby and i’m planning on raiding it today. there’s a lot of interesting stuff there :sparkles:

:joy: yup!

you can also just delete your watch history. that should fix it.

oooh, new book who dis? :eyes:

where is he going?


Robin, Aiden, and their friends find the final gem they need, and go to ask someone what they’re supposed to do with them.


The still damp around the edges Krista and Freyja arrive in the kitchen to help Dov, Polanski, and Karen prepare dinner. Only Dov questions the girls’ (unannounced / unauthorised) decision to use his Oxford-business shirts as makeshift bathrobes, while a wine-infused Karen applauds how well Australian cotton complements Freyja.


I did talk about it a little on here. It’s a quest of a dragon. Not a quest to a dragon :wink: More specifically, Tip is a dragonoid.

To the Human Kingdom beyond the mountains that are home to vicious Yetis.

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Ooooh :open_mouth:

I haven’t even met non-wine-infused Karen and this part made me chuckle :grin:

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The last thing in Wynter’s Bane, which I’m currently working on, the MC; Wynter, just ‘escaped’ from a bad living situation and is in the process of signing up for college classes while awaiting her best friend to join her in ‘hiding’. It’s the first teen-fic I’ve attempted and took me four years to get back to after taking a hiatus while working on my main series.

My man series; Blood Moon Series, there’s 2 MCs; Kierra and her little sister, Faline.
This one I keep jumping around so the last thing I wrote wasn’t really the last thing that should be going on with them, if that makes sense, lol

The last thing I was writing that they should be doing though, is Faline was working on fighting back against a group of humans who’d just attacked the brothel that houses assorted supernaturals, killing a bunch of the populace, including someone who was very close to her. These humans are a glorified hate group, determined to wipe out everything non-human yet not exactly in the most humane ways. Faline and the Master Vampire of the area were putting together a group of their own to attack back after having taken prisoners.

Kierra is also contending with various groups. Trying to meet with the leaders and Alphas of each racial group large enough to matter in the area and talk to each of them about the rumors & possibilities of a war brewing/breaking out. While it started with the Vamps, there’s also trouble going on with human gangs that’s she’s having to contend with as they’re dealing drugs in her club - mainly one that effects supernaturals.

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A castle appears on the moon so all the power hungry and greedy idiots go “tHeRe mUsT bE tReAsUrE tHeRe”


oooooh cool!

so how many WIPs do you have now? :eyes:

sounds terrifying.

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Aeris faces the royal council who are greedy Elites trying to stay rich and hate change…


I love this.

Now I’m imagining a bunch of greedy idiots trying to race to the moon and be the first ones in the castle.



Oh good that means it worked :rofl: