Did you duplicate your gif? That would make your gif into a still image
Nope. I attempted it again and still no cigar
hmm do you want to do a one on one thing and figure it out?
Whenever you’re free, sure. How would we do that? c:
Maybe zoom? I’ll look it up
Just hit me with a message when you’re free and ready. c:
I’m good now if you want to try to share your screen with me
Yeah sure. Is there a certain program for that?
Lesson #7
I had an issue resizing it because the file was too big. So I used some random resizing website lol. Thanks again Carley!
Hows everyone doing
I couldn’t get the two gifs to play at the same time (I’m not using photoshop)
but here’s lesson #7!
@CarKann Can we learn lighting? Like, for example, if our background had more than one color (like night club lights for example, how would we make that reflect on the model? I hope this made sense
Looks good, the gif is bigger then the background though!
yeah I had to resize it because it wouldn’t fit into banner form heh
Sorry that I didn’t post a new video recently, been kinda hectic lately. Let me know what you guys want me to record on Monday =)
Pick a tutorial =)
- 2D Landscape
- Neon Light Effect
- Movie Poster
- Book Jacket
0 voters
Awesome =) welcome to the class. Turn in old assignment as soon as you’re able too - no deadlines =)
Lesson 8 - Making Posters!
Assignment - Make a poster mockup and drag (new or old) cover in the file
Due date - 3 days after you watch the video (honestly I’m not super strict with due dates - just turn them in when you can - if you need more time just let me know) - also apparently I talk with my hands alot so I apologize for that
My example of project