Pick a character from your story [Prompt 16: Hidden Genius]

I couldn’t listen to all of it XD I feel like I glimpsed the core of who Hasu is.

I don’t know how you’re able to find the most random things on the internet. I bet your YouTube recommendation section is wild :stuck_out_tongue:


Jerks are awesome, too :grin:

Actually your MC’s description reminded me of Jack. He’s from “Jack Of All Trades”. He’s a jerk, he’s super manipulative, and but he’s also really kind in the weirdest way. He would do something kind for someone and try to frame it as him doing it all for his own gain somehow.

He also ends up saving the world, but he frames it in a way that makes it sound like he only did it for his own gain.

Fingers crossed :wink: I love how you talk about him as if he’s not your character, but a real person :grin:


Idk why, but this made me laugh and think of Spongebob.

I don’t have anything more to add.


In that she’s extremely silly or has great taste in music?

I’ve been using individous these days mostly, but I have a talent for finding weird stuff online.


I got some supporting main characters to mention soon.


Let’s go with both :wink:

It’s a great talent to have. You can entertain yourself and people :grin:

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I noticed :smirk:


Right now Kali, Gisella, Faust, and Ryker from Project Merellian. Though my revamped Nirvana is too.

In terms of their backstories and personality.


What do i do if it’s a tie between 3 charcters? :joy:


Do all of them :stuck_out_tongue:


This is a three-way tie between Amneris, Xix and Hathor.

Amneris and Xix because of their personality and powers. Amneris holds the power of good/light/order but is really chaotic, loves to cause trouble and often gets into it, has a lot of enemies who hate her but not her family, and is very destructive. Xix holds the power of evil/darkness/chaos but always tries to make peace instead of war, is more of a fixer than a destroyer, is a calming person to be around, and is only hated because her father was a tyrant (though she’s growing on her people very fast).

Hathor, on the other hand, is basically the middle ground of the both. Yeah, she can be a bit chaotic and destructive and doesn’t mind starting drama if she thinks it’s worth it, but she always does her best to not cause chaos, help people out when they need it, be supportive and is a good problem solver. She also has a pretty good idea of when something is or isn’t okay or when it’s okay to break the Ruler but this becomes way more of a thing once she takes on her role as the Vessel of Time.


Come on back, Ena!

Man, I wish I can get this on my laptop, but my laptop won’t allow it. It does what I need it to do which for me to write my fiction.


A legacy character who has turned up in most of my stories. May the random scribbles commence…

Karen Gavish (53 in 2016, when my current story is set).

Karen is a billionaire heiress who, to quote Jurassic World, is so diversified she could never work out how rich she is. Recent example being, Karen financed a prototype human cloning project, and shrugged-off the expense as a rounding error.

In her romantic idealistic youth, Karen founded a small yet potent mercenary army (only ex-Special Forces need apply). As Karen was forbidden from joining the IDF, she created her own para-military unit for a similar purpose. Karen never treated her mercenaries as subordinates, and viewed herself as somehow beneath them or unworthy of their presence. Karen and her mercenaries soon became an extended family, with many residing at her fortress-villa. Karen also developed a habit of doting on her mercenaries, always over-paying or over-feeding them, and sometimes placing herself in extreme danger to protect them…Her “Aunt Kaz” status among the mercenaries’ children is well earned…Karen views any losses among her fighters as a personal failure.

Karen does not directly command her mercenaries. Her bodyguard, first mercenary, and closest friend, Zorik is the overall commander. Instead Karen asks her mercenaries of favours or assistance with general tasks, and lets the mercs do their thing. Karen is quite aware of her limits (e.g. any medical procedure more advanced than Band-aids), and is not exempt from making blunders, and often asks her mercenaries to cover for her or to forgive her.

Karen could qualify as a genetic freak. Always tall, lithe, attractive and agile. Old age has only affected her now silvering long dark hair. One possible reason why Karen collected ex-SF mercenaries, she only found comfort in the company of other genetic freaks.


Prompt 2: tell me why they’re so much trouble (to write, or in the story)

Why does this character cause you so much trouble to write them? OR Why does this character cause so much trouble in the story?

In Lunar Heart, Shadow Bound Thorn is giving me some trouble, mainly because he’s only a villain from Pinti’s perspective. Knowing his true reasons for certain actions but having to reflect that in his words without giving anything away because the story is Pinti’s perspective is so difficult.

He could seemingly do some questionable thing. Pinti is given reason to doubt him. And now all she can see are questionable actions even when he’s not doing anything questionable. I have to make it seem like it makes sense for him as an Ilvagi to do the thing, or to be in a location, but also have it look like it’s a horrid thing he might be doing because of Pinti’s close perspective.

Sometimes I wonder why he didn’t stay a ruthless villain, but I always wanted him to be a gray character, so, I better figure it out :sweat_smile:


So, Amneris holds the power of good, yet, she’s destructive. Is it because she thinks she can get away with it? Something like too much of a good thing? Hero-complex or god-complex? I’m curious why she doesn’t try to make peace if her power is good and order. It’s interesting how Xix is the one who tries to make peace instead of war. Her power is the complete opposite of that.

Quite interesting :grin:

What does Hathor thinks of Amneris and Xix? If she doesn’t meet them or lives in a completely different timeline or something, tell me what she would think if she ever did happen to meet them.

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I like this kind of older character taking care of younger characters thing :grin: So it’s like she’s created a little family? Would you say she’s strict or tough in any way? What would she do if one of the mercenaries got in some deep trouble in which saving or helping them would risk her life or the lives of the other mercenaries?

I guess I’m really wondering how far she would go for her mercenaries.

Prompt 2: tell me why they’re so much trouble (to write, or in the story)

Why does this character cause you so much trouble to write them? OR Why does this character cause so much trouble in the story?

The main character’s brother is omg so hard to write! He needs to exist in order to gather the evidence that their father’s a murderous anarchist, but he needs to be more than that, and so far the story hasn’t allowed him to be much of anything except a too-good-to-be-true protective older brother and the voice of reason. I think I need to give him a truly serious sin to make him more interesting, but I can’t think of anything just yet. Maybe he’ll be an unfeeling playboy or a swindling gambler or something. Hmmm…

*ponders and ponders it*

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For Project Dynasty, both Demetrius Steelcrest and Nicholas Scarletwound might be bit hard.


Or maybe he could secretly be involved in a love affair with some married person or be some kind of scammer?

I’ve been watching crime documentaries.


In what way? Care to elaborate? :grin:

Oh my gosh, that is such a cool last name :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: