Pick a character from your story [Prompt 16: Hidden Genius]

Oooh, that’s a thought! ヽ(^。^)丿

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They are both princes from different dynasties of the court affiliation with the Sovereign who form a brotherly friendship that is tested by their families, life as a royals amongst the Sovereign court, and their goals they want to pursue.

I want to focus on male relations in terms of friendships and brotherhood, in an ever changing and cruel world.


Thanks you. :grin:
It took me minutes ago to learn their names are a bit similar. :sweat_smile:

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Karen is not strict with her mercenaries, she has little hope of intimidating veteran commandos (especially when most could bench-press her). But Karen excels with finding compromises, or advising her mercenaries on any matters not related to combat. And sometimes Karen’s mercenaries advise her on personal matters. She is also quite forgiving and gentle, unless someone threatens her group. Although Karen is a civilian she takes the soldier’s creed of no one left behind very seriously. Even at the risk of sparking a regional war (first and second novels), or of being killed by an ex-SF assassin (second novel).

I am not leaving my lads out there ~ Strike Back, season four.


I’ll do both prompts :grin:

From Sapphire Wings, I’d go with the twins Eila & Tomas and Ari the dragon. They made for a very good trio and had each other’s backs when faced against monsters and exploring new locations. Eila’s hotheaded and bold personality complemented well with her brother’s more timid and collected attitude during their adventures, and Ari, despite not having any dialogue aside from her noises, turned out to be very sassy yet protective and loyal. I’d talk about Mister Green too, since he’s part of the main cast, but there’s a few spoilers regarding him XD I will say he’s the wise older figure that balances out the main trio (as the twins are kids and Ari is still a juvenile) who teaches them about the world yet also learns from them.

Lady Beltzane, the main antagonist of THFAS, mainly because I know so little about her so far. She’s a vampire, but I’ve yet to figure out 1) how old she is and whether that is relevant to her motivations, 2) her main motivation for the murders, aside from satisfying her bloodthirst, and 3) why is she so fixated on the town of Hayatozca in particular? Sure, she did attack animals and probably some people on her way there to survive, but what is it that she wants in that town?

So far she seems very interested in the town orphanage. Is there something she wants that is hidden in that area? Something related to her past… or perhaps related to a murder that took place in that town 20 years ago? Who knows!

Lots of questions about her for sure.



(Yes, him again lol)

It’s more so that he’s the one who causes trouble in the story. He is the catalyst, stealing from an armed man that he does business from. Causing him to run after him and hunt him down. :joy: He has always been a bit of a troublemaker, and Igor is the voice of reason. But Juan can be impulsive and not listen to him at times, but Igor is always there to tell him ‘I told you so’ offer a helping hand.


No she’s just extremely chaotic :joy: More than half of those incidents were by accident because she either lost control of her power or use too much. The rest were either proving a point or revenge

More of a “literal OP God”

She doesn’t really like the people she’s supposed to make peace with in more cases than not. And she tends to destroy first and ask questions later. And she doesn’t like dealing with people in general. And a lot of people who she tries to make peace with don’t like her

Yupppp. She’s the sensible one.

Another interesting point is that Amneris and Xix are half-siblings so, in the end, a lot of the more recent issues between their two worlds (before they knew their families were related) were just giant family squabbles :joy:

Amneris is Hathor’s mum and Xix is her aunt. She definitely has her pros and cons for both of them. eg., she likes how Amneris doesn’t take shit from anyone but also thinks she takes it a bit too far sometimes; she absolutely loves learning things from Xix who is very knowledgeable in the histories of their families and worlds but sees her as a bit of a know-it-all sometimes. Those are pretty minor examples :sweat_smile: Overall, she sees them as a good team who balance each other out


Krista (14, in 2016), and her dual / mixed personalities.

Krista presents herself to the outside world, and to new acquaintances, as a fearless / brash, abrasive teenage brat whose hormonal wit would make a merchant sailor blush, and who takes great delight in using her humour and model-like aesthetics to harass the adults around her. The real Krista, only seen by close friends and extended family, is a wise, nurturing and gentle girl, far more intelligent than her school peers (fluent in several languages, well-versed on European classical literature and culture, and a self-taught symphony violinist), and who has a deep love for her family’s adoptive nation. The outer Krista is a shield developed to protect the (betrayed and vengeful) inner Krista from a cruel and unforgiving world.

Krista doesn’t have any friends at school, and she had no interest in the associated dating and drama. To qualify as a potential friend / boyfriend, one must compare favourably to Krista’s housemates and idols; Karen’s mercenaries (who include Krista’s parents). All the hopeful schoolyard jocks fail spectacularly.

Basically, Krista is a mix of Auska (Neon Genesis Evangelion), Triela (Gunslinger Girl), and Karen (Exodus, see above), with a sprinkling of Israeli ‘subtlety’. Not the easiest character to get right, or to avoid exaggerating.

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Interested in a sinister way or in a non-sinister way? Because I immediately thought maybe there’s a kid or staff person there she promised someone she would protect. If it’s a staff person, it might make sense in terms of anything happening a long time ago :thinking:

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lol, the striked part XD

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Ah, there’s the connection!

For some reason, I thought they were all the same age :stuck_out_tongue:

What was or is it like for Hathor to grow up with Amneris as a mom?

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Krista sounds quite complex and difficult to deal with. But that’s what makes her interesting :grin: Did she just come out of nowhere and then developed into this complex character, or did you have some figures of inspiration when you created her to be complex?

Working on things, Ena?

Wolfie, from my LinkedUniverse fanfiction

Wolfie is great because he is a constant companion to the Links. When Twilight first found him he was little more than a pup, and how he found him is actually heartbreaking. The pup was terrified at first, but when he learned Twilight wasn’t going to hurt him, he became extremely friendly, playful, and above all, loyal. When Twilight became part of the group, Wolfie was initially wary of the others, but became loyal to them as well. Same with when Wild became part of the group (he was last to join, Twilight and Wolfie were second to last).

Wolfie can be trouble too sometimes. He’s very mischevious, and despite his loyalty, he likes to mess with the Links sometimes.

An example of this is when he stole Sky’s sailcloth, and made Sky chase him around the camp they were currently at.

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When I first created Krista I wanted a typical (though slightly exaggerated) teenage Israeli girl. One who is severely traumatised, who hides her trauma by pretending to be just as tough and daring as her housemates (veteran mercenaries), who also wants to be treated as an equal by her peers,* and who is at war with the treasonous outside world. My initial plan for crafting such a character was to mix in elements of some favourite characters from other media (see previous post), and hope it works.

My initial concept for Krista, her appearance and manner, was sourced from Karen (Jill Haworth) from Exodus, and Triela** from Gunslinger Girl. Krista’s future relationship with Freyja, and her Mother-Hen attitude towards Freyja’s relationship with Dov, will mirror Treila’s relationship with Henrietta, and the cyborg girls’ relationships with their handlers (without the European refinement or subtlety seen in GSG)…

…And Krista’s inner nature is all hidden beneath an Israeli version of Auska from Neon Genesis Evangelion.

In effect, Krista is intended to be an honorary Sabra (Jewish-Israeli). Hard prickly exterior, soft sweet center.

Oh, honourable mention to Aloysius from Brides-head Revisited. Source material for Krista’s life-size Steiff teddy bear and advisor / confidant.

*Need I remind you, every thirteen-year-old girl in this village is not only a nurse but a very good one ~ Kitty, Exodus.

**I also borrowed Triela’s pigtails and Henrietta’s Amati violin for the ‘young’ Krista, featured in a short story.

Hope all that rambling made some sense.


she didn’t because Hathor was kidnapped not long after birth


Hmm none of them are that hard to write :thinking:

As for the second question, they cause so much trouble because they’re just too darn powerful :joy:



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Your comment actually helped brainstorm some ideas for Beltzane’s motivations! So thanks for that :grin:

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At the moment, Isilynor and Jorildyn are very conflicting for me to write.


They are mother and daughter, but don’t realize it and before that becomes a topic of discussion, are off to a very rocky start.

Not only that they are dealing with their ow issues in their lives and trying to understand the world in midst of the problems.

Their relationship will worsen before getting a bit better.

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