Pitch your current project(s) as if you were trying to make a sell?

I am curious to know.
I shall come back with mine later.

Also, can you pitch your blurb of your current stories?



A sell to who?

Asking cause all Iā€™ve had to do to get sells locally is to say Iā€™m local. Thereā€™s maybe three fiction authors where I live


To a pretend person???

I say that because I want to know how differently writers pitch stories and write their blurbs.


Are YOU SICK of retellings in the modern era without any cultural callbacks?

DO YOU want something with ramifications? Real stakes?! (Without fries, sorryā€¦)

Then come see the trainwreck that is Atlā€™s life! I guarantee itā€™ll make you feel better about yourself!

Night terrors, running away from the gods of creations, paradise, the underworld, light, and death itself with Atl will leave you tiredā€¦ but it will be well worth it.

Trust me. :smiley: *

*If you donā€™t like it, Mictlan Mike will issue you with a refund.


My potential NaNo project. Right now it sounds plenty cheesy, but hopefully Iā€™ll find time and energy to tweak it before April. ĀÆ\_(ļ­¢)_/ĀÆ


In the small town of Gravid, Texas, abortion is illegal and contraceptives are hard to get. Yet men have no trouble getting viagra, and insurance even pays for it, while those same insurance companies refuse to cover feminine medical products.

When a twelve-year-old rape victim is unable to get her pregnancy terminated and dies in the delivery room, strange events start occurring in Gravid. The men soon find themselves suffering from symptoms of pregnancy, but theyā€™re not carrying babies.

Itā€™s something much more sinister.


It went something like this:

ā€œIā€™m an author from [area] and just published my first book on Amazon! Itā€™s science fantasy! Hereā€™s the link if youā€™re interested!ā€

Then I got on the local noticeboard.
Then I got in the local paper.
Then into my high school library.
Just got into the Regional Library (local council is making payment difficult hissssss)

Havenā€™t quite figured out how to pitch to a book store yet but figured worry about that after I publish book 2

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According to Google: Your pitch should include the title, length and genre of your novel; a short description of the call to action and the conflict, your target audience; where it fits in the market (i.e. books similar to yours, or authors similar to you ā€“ also known as ā€œcomp titlesā€); and your bio.

Soā€¦ if this is correct, then my pitch (if to an agent, etc.) will be below :arrow_down::

The SORCERESS is a YA sci-fi fantasy novel with over 101,000 words.

In the far future, Earth is no longer the same with changed climates, a continental shift, and multiple alien species residing in various places of the world during a century-long intergalactic war with a magical race called the Victorians. Nicolas Eissa, a seventeen year old solider, wants to put an end to their destruction as they killed his entire family and village. He sets out on a quest with his crew of seven to hunt them down and end the war with the help of some others along the way. Though Nicolas soon realizes that the Victorians arenā€™t exactly who he thinks they are, and believes that there is something more to their reasoning for destruction than just power.

Itā€™s an Avatar: the Last Airbender meets Star Wars story.

This is obviously not a true pitch because if I were actually pitching to an agent, Iā€™d definitely rewrite it, but this is more of a simple one. xD

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Then everything changed when the Victorians attacked in a galaxy far, far awayā€¦


Didnā€™t mean to do that, but I couldnā€™t help myself. :sweat_smile: :rofl:

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Oh my god, I love it. xD

If it wasnā€™t on Earth, itā€™d be absolutely perfect. :rofl:

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Thanks so much!

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A maybe projectā€¦

When a newlywed belleā€™s carefree life is ruined by abduction, for the first time in her life she refuses to be someoneā€™s pawnā€”but in order to become a Luna to the enigmatic Alpha she must sacrifice her marriage and win a ruthless heart devoted to a dead loverā€”all of it before the Wolf Moon rises.


When a mafia captain, Matteo ā€˜the Triggerā€™ Scali, receives an unsettling phone call from his fiancĆ©e, Bryn, then a gory memo, his instincts scream that someone from the coupleā€™s recent past wants to settle the score. After the kidnapping is confirmed, Matteo has to forge an alliance with the outcasts from the rival crime family to deliver Bryn before she loses a lethal gambling game.

Another ONC

In 2023, eighteen-year-old Grisha is upset over missing his admission to a prestigious Art Academy. Worse, heā€™s drafted to fight in an unjust war he hates. In a fit of rage, Grisha rips his second-hand text-book and hurls it at his hardliner father. He fervently wishes he could fix Russiaā€™s violent history just like that. To erase the shadow of Ivan the Terrible, as it looms larger and larger over Grishaā€™s world, driving him to the brink of self-destruction.

In response, the world crumbles around Grisha until all that is left of him is his soul, which travels through time to find Besson in the year 1591.

Also eighteen, Besson is a suspect in the killing of a child Prince-Ivan the Terribleā€™s son-when his only desire is to paint icons in a quiet monastery. Together, Grisha and Besson hunt for a mythical assassin and an answer to the question of who you should kill so there is always peace.

I am too lazy to post all othersā€¦ I have a lot going on.


Omg I love this


Hereā€™s mine. Pitched it to my partner, and he liked it so much he bought me coffee. So a success?

The Jorvoniad

What if the heroes are too old to fight? When the Lord of Shadows reincarnates fifty years after his defeat, three legendary heroes must reunite for a great world-spanning battle. But they are frail in old age, their powers are a fraction of what they once were, and their knowledge has been lost. New threats emerge from within as old grudges resurface in a cycle of plotting, murder, betrayal and ambition.