Project MH has to get a proper title, because Red Reign isn't doable for this story anymore!

The entire novel series is known as the Masked Heretic Series. I don’t know how many books I plan to give this, but I really rather not think about that right now.

So, here is what the story is about overall

Six years ago, Anjan Terris left the palace for unknown reasons, during that time four people came into an issue because of it. Two are dead, one has gone missing, and the last one is in a coma, while Anjan Terris suddenly departed. Now, years later, Anjan returns without any clear warning to finish his duties with many people questioning what happened six years ago and why has he come back. Anjan continues posing as the Sovereign’s court personal fixer, handling problems that the court members prefer the public and other parts of the media not catching wind of. With the court in a frenzy over Anjan’s return and more problems occuring within the palace walls and grounds, Anjan has to stay true to his duties while plotting/planning to bring down the court and break it entirely. Still, many court members, including Sovereign Salisara are keeping a very watchful eye on the mysterious Anjan. Plenty of people are interested in the Imperial Fixer’s motives along with the schemes he is hiding. But Anjan is clearly more than a man of sheer mystery, because he is out for revenge for an ancient event that caused his homeland to fall into ruin, then having the Sovereign’s family build the empire on the ashes of his fallen kingdom. Enter Anjan’s life as he returns to finish the job, he failed to do six years ago, then get his revenge against the Sovereign and the whole court for past events. Though the longer he works, the more he learns about truths and lies that lead to the biggest reveal of all, what really brought the destruction of Nazra-Eradelia. This is his story.

Thoughts and feelings?



Can you tell me anything, in terms of what title should fit the story, after reading the plot?

To me it would depend on what the other books in the series were called. They should somehow all relate to one another, though you could always change the titles later to match if you didn’t publish any of them until the whole series was finished.

If each book is about a different character, then you could just title it with the mc’s name. Or you could title it based on that character’s occupation, like The Court Fixer or whatever his actual job title is. ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯

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I am so sorry. This is mainly for book one at the moment. I should be able to get idea for the other books in the series, in terms of the title, based off the first book’s title.

So, I really only need one for the first book and nothing else at the moment. I apologize for not explaining things better.


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Anybody else wanna help me out here?

I just need help with a title for this first book.

I can make do with the next book titles, by getting a sense of the first book title.

The Secret Life of the King’s Arbiter

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Masked Heretic: Seeds of Evil.


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Hmm…sounds interesting.

thinking harder on it :thinking:

Anyone else?

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