Pseudo-medical scientific surgeries for fiction.

Honestly, I want to know something in regards to certain surgeries that can’t happen in the real world, but can happen in science-fiction or science-fantasy.

The type of surgical procedures that can only be possible in a world where medical technology is far more advanced than now.

The same with very rare viruses and other physical disorders.

Got something to mention and ask me.
Thoughts and feelings?



I typed this on my phone…sorry.
I hate doing it this way. :sweat_smile:

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I’m not sure what the question is or if I’m not understanding correctly? But the general topic reminds me of Frankenstein’s monster, how they use psuedo medical science to reanimate the dead. In my synethetic series, they also use genetic and medical science to create mostly organic bodies for artifical intelligence computers. I think that would count, though that’s my own writing.


Yes in those lines. Yet I shall give an example.

Brain surgery.

Nanobots are a pretty big thing when it comes to medicine in sci-fi


That is something to consider.

I was planning something in my head, in regards to doctors and surgeons in Alagossia.

Like there are surgeries that doctors wanted to do in the real world, but never happened due to obvious reasons.

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If you haven’t already done so, you could also incorporate magic into it.

In my books, because my characters are on one of the highest planes, they can actually phase through beings. So if you needed your appendix removed, for example, no surgery required. They just reach on in and pull it out without doing any digging to get to it then use a minor healing spell to fix up the insides. You might feel a bit weird afterwards but that’s about it. this is theoretical physics, not magic, but its’ a good example lol

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True, true!

Like I don’t want to share too much, but I have a plan for a character who is a doctor, but also does archaeological works that also plays into the medical field.

The doctor is famous, but the surgeries are something that is could never work well in the real world.

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That’s the good thing about fantasy. So long as it makes sense and is believable in the context of your world, you’re good

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Making an Aeptus Astartes (Pt.1)…

Making a Spartan II…

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My current story (set in 2016) feature some futuristic medical science too.

Freyja is a accelerated growth hybrid clone (70% human DNA, 30% synthetic DNA) who is basically a half-strength Spartan II* in the form of an over-developed teenage Israeli girl…There’s a reason why Krista gave Freyja the nickname Little Miss Terminator…Freyja also has cybernetic implants for organ regulation, immune system function, rapid healing (Dov’s genetics turbocharged) and sensory organ management including passive night vision (indicated by her emerald eyes’ neon glow).

Dov also received some advanced surgery, while in a medical coma. The clone project was used to grow a new left arm for Dov, and segments of Dov’s DNA were spliced with Freyja’s to prevent cell rejection (10% of Freyja’s DNA also came from Dov; his Viking genetic traits). As Dov does not know of his limb replacement (Dov thinks his original arm was repaired, not replaced), Dov is a little bemused when his physical strength and endurance surpasses his previous peak achieved in the Australian Commandos, even though Dov left the Commandos four years ago…Perhaps it’s just another victory of challah and chicken soup (and not a side-effect of his gene splicing)…

*Videos for reference.

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