questions about beta readers

I was wondering if anyone knows where some good places to find beta readers are? I have tried advertising here and only got one bite (though I am eternally grateful for the feedback they gave me). I’ve tried advertising on tumblr as well, but haven’t gotten anything. I’ve tried asking friends and family and only got one person to give me feedback. I’m just trying to find a good place to get free beta readers, people that just enjoy reading and giving feedback on books. I know I could try places where beta readers are paid to give feedback, but I currently can’t afford that kind of thing, so if anyone has any resources I could use to get free beta readers that would be awesome.

Bonus question: How many beta readers do you think I should get feedback from before I start on the next draft of my book? I’m aiming for 4 or 5, but is that too much? Not enough? What are your thoughts?


I haven’t read this yet, but it was posted on Jane’s blog recently. Maybe it’ll help…? ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯

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Not quite what I was looking for, but still useful information, so I’ll go ahead and save it.

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Do you guys even use beta readers when you finish a draft?

Look where writing and reading communities hang out. Join. Participate.

For example, I’ve been hanging out on Threads lately. We’ve got a nice, supportive community (though, as with all social media, popularity is a game of luck and endurance).

Also, offer up critique exchange with other writers. You’re more likely to get a response.

If your writing is up on an online platform, announce it on your profile or even within the notes of your books. I’ve gotten a few reader betas this way.

As to how many, 5 is a lot for a draft that you’re planning to revise. Just imagine, you’re going to have to do this again when you’re done with the revision.
But that also largely depends on how much feedback you get from each beta. If all you get is a paragraph for the entire book, then yes, you need more betas.
But if you get detailed feedback on various chapters, 2-3 might be enough.

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I’ve been trying to find writing and reading communities, but they are hard to find. Still, I’ll see what I can do.

I wish I had the time to read and give feedback on other people’s work, but with school it’s a bit hard to manage even finding time to write, let alone read. Still, I figure I should at least try to give something in return if I’m asking for a service. I’ll see if I can manage it. I feel bad not doing so.

I tried wattpad but ever since the forums got taken down there, I haven’t gotten a single new reader. I can’t network on wattpad so it’s up to the algorithm to suggest my book and that just is impossible to do. I don’t know where else I could post my book that isn’t the same sort of deal.

I don’t see why I would need any beta readers at all if I’m not planning on revising a draft, because I wouldn’t need the feedback if I’m ready to publish. The feedback is specifically for making improvements. I don’t think I’ll need more than one more draft before taking it to an editor, so I’d rather get as much feedback as I can before starting the last draft so I can make as many improvements as possible. I don’t feel like 4-5 is too much. In fact, it’s less than I originally planned on. But maybe I’m just being a perfectionist. I don’t really know how this whole process works, as I’ve never published a book before. I just want my book to succeed, so I’m taking as many steps as I need to in order to make sure it’s good. I figure having some extra beta readers can’t hurt.

This is your best shot tbh. All the beta readers who helped me with my most recent book came from either local (ex)nanowrimo groups or were friends who do creative writing.

I also got some feedback by throwing my book at critique books/review books on wattpad. I take everything from there with a pinch of salt but it’s an okay way to start identifying problem areas.

it depends how far along you are in the process and what you want from the beta readers. I sent my draft out to 4 beta readers at once and was able to make a lot of much needed developmental changes, but i did that with the initial intention of submitting the next draft to the writer’s guild for evaluation and ended up not being able to do that for time/money reasons. Next time, I think it would be better to split beta readers into two smaller groups so that I have a chance to get feedback on updated material as well.

If you’re close to a final draft then 4-5 beta readers would be an okay amount but if you’re earlier in your process then maybe only 2 or 3 would be better.

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Are you on FB or IG? I’ve found people through there.

You should not have to pay for beta readers, imo.

I would go for 4 to 5 and then expect at least 3 to finally get back with their feedback.

I am, but I only really use my IG for my artwork. I don’t have many friends/followers there. I just barely made a FB account to start looking for beta readers there.

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I can help you Provide detailed and critical reading to enhance your manuscript by Otavio_lima_fac | Fiverr

You could try these FB groups:
Writers Helping Writers
Writers Unite!

I’ve seen people ask for betas in there.

What’s your genre, btw?

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The series I’m currently focused on is a science fiction, but I dabble in a lot of different genres.

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I already mentioned that I can’t afford to pay beta readers at this point. Honestly, I doubt your ability to apply reading comprehension skills and provide good feedback if you missed that in my first post and subsequent replies, and if you just ignored it purposefully to try and sell to someone who has no money, that’s just plain rude.

You might also try this FB group.

BetaReader Connect - Find Beta Readers & Critique Partners


I’ll definitely look into these, thank you!

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Hi there!

Finding good beta readers can be a challenge, but there are some great options out there. While you might be looking for free beta readers, I wanted to mention that I offer beta reading services on Fiverr. Although it is a paid service, I keep my rates quite affordable.

What sets my service apart is not just the feedback I provide but also the personalized attention I offer. I take the time to discuss your book with you, understand your goals, and tailor my feedback to best fit your story.

Additionally, I recommend having at least two beta readers to evaluate your book. Getting different opinions can provide a more comprehensive view, but having too many beta readers might lead to conflicting feedback and complicate the revision process.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out. I’d be more than happy to help with your beta reading needs and offer any advice you might need!

Best of luck with your book!

Good morning, Xelyn! I saw that you are looking for beta readers! I work in this area, so I can provide you with critical and honest feedback on your manuscript. I can also recommend Fiverr, where you can find plenty of beta reading services. In fact, that’s how I promote my work, so if you’re interested, here’s the link.

No thanks. I’m looking for people who actually know how to read and comprehend what was written and clearly you can’t.

There are free services on Fiverr… but okay

I’m sorry. I was under a lot of stress when I wrote that response and I shouldn’t have been so rude. I’m a little calmer now and can think clearly. I wasn’t aware Fiverr had any free services. When I checked the site out (albeit briefly) I couldn’t find any options like that. I’ve had so many people say they will read my draft and then not follow through, and then people trying to get me to pay money I simply do not have to read it. I was scammed out of money for a beta reader that I couldn’t really afford but paid anyways and then they never got back to me either. So I’m a bit frustrated with the whole situation and honestly wary of anyone that even seems like they might want to take my money just so they can run away with it and never actually provide beta reading services. I jumped straight to the defensive because of this and I apologize. I also just had a really bad day, so that contributed to the rude response I gave.