Questions for all of you writers! [COMMENT IN DETAIL]

Here are the questions for your current novel(s):

  1. Where did you get the idea for your current story, and what made want to use it?

  2. Does this idea work weel within the world you’ve created?

  3. Does this idea align with the actions and motivations of the characters you’ve developed?

  4. Will any floating ideas make your current story stronger? Make a small pros and cons of including the ideas.

Be honest, answer in great detail.
Thoughts and feelings?



Well, come on friends.

But what about you? ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯


As for me:

Where did you get the idea for your current story, and what made you want to use it?

I loved the book Song of Achilles and wanted to read other books like it, but couldn’t find any. The only books that come up in recommendations are other mythology books, and I really couldn’t care less about the mythological aspect of the story. It was the tragic romance that I liked, so I decided to move the story forward in time to when the modern era first met the past – the moment when Pompeii was discovered in the 1700s and everyone first went crazy about the ancient Romans.

Does this idea work well within the world you’ve created?

I hope so, but very often things that sound like a good idea to me sound stupid to other people. ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯

Does this idea align with the actions and motivations of the characters you’ve developed?


Will any floating ideas make your current story stronger? Make a small pros and cons of including the ideas.

I have no floating ideas at the moment, so who knows…? (♯^.^ღ)


I shall return later with my own. :grin:

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1)… My youngest son read The Adventures of Farmer Ham, and did indeed write a short story that was influenced by it, and it was good, in fact, it was very good. He was just 7yo at that time.
This inspired me to take some of his created lore and build upon it. Thus The Endurlon was born.

2).That which was crafted indeed worked well in my created world, for it was indeed the same world. Arillion was his creation, I just wrote more, and gave larger content to that iamgined world. Which has now become “Our” world as he still has input and guidance when I ask for it.

3).Yes it does, for some of his characters lived in a land of which I felt fitting seamlessly into what I had imagined also, yet his characters are not within The Endurlon, just their being, their peoples, their founding. This includes the Elves of Undermount (The Drake Herders).

4). I have so many floating ideas, so many that it would be long in thought as to which would/could seamlessly fit within what I/we have created from scratch… But there is still scope to add much going forth… And some I do hope to add fully.

Pros… Too many to mention, and spoilers too…

Cons… Trying to fit a timeline and origin story to what is held in mind…


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The idea I got for the Sorceress (A Sorcery of Vengeance - probably using this title, it’s growing on me) was back when I was 18. I was still new to writing seriously and had only like… two novels under my belt. When I had finished a book called Ariella (which I no longer have on Wattpad or anywhere else… it’s lost to the void), I wanted to venture into another genre and thought of fantasy. I mean, back in 2015, it was a major genre (still is) and I thought of taking on a series. So… I started thinking about ideas and questions and one that came to mind was, “Where do witches and vampires come from?”

From the surface, I knew parts of the origins. Witches are born that way, but… how? What makes someone a witch and someone a human? And vampires, sure they’re bitten, but who was the first vampire? So, I wanted to write a story that would somewhat answer these questions.

And then came the main inspiration. While I tried to get into the dark fantasy mood, I began looking for dark music (the type that would be perfect for movies, you know?) and came across Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Lorde (a cover) and became instantly enthralled.

It was everything I needed to create the baseline for my story. So, when I began thinking about those questions again, I decided to twist them. The witch in my novel came from another planet, so she doesn’t have human features. She also was experimented on which made her magical, and gave her the power to recreate herself from her own DNA which in turn… basically allowed her to create an army. And vampires in the novel were her own experiments (through magic). While they drink blood, they also feast on their victims. They are also more demon-like. These two were inspired by witches and vampires, but are not called such things and don’t look like the kind in most fiction you may come across.

I thought that not only the idea was badass, but would help boost the “originality” feel because I never had come across something like that. Even to today, I never really have. And with the addition of science fiction (advanced technology, clones, aliens…) I thought it’d be cool to have.

Other sources of inspiration came from Star Trek (the fact that a good portion of the novel takes place on board a spaceship, and then there’s alien creatures) and Avatar: the Last Airbender (the elemental magic because that’s also a part of the book).

It does. :blush:

When I began writing it (for real, because I shelved it after two tries in 2015) in 2019, the idea has slightly changed but more so to fit the structure of the plot so it can be more coherent and flow better.

Yes. The story came to me as a revenge-story from the very beginning, and hasn’t changed since.

I still add new things to the rest of the series, but I think if I add anything more to the current novel, it may weaken the story which I am afraid of doing.

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Thoughts just happen, and it forms like a sponge soaking up spilled milk.

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Uhhh I don’t remember 'cause I was like 10

Again, I don’t know 'cause I was 10

No idea because I don’t remember as I was 10

I mean, I can’t answer that either because I was 10


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A decades old thought turned into a published novel series? Very impressed.

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JohnnyTuturro: I speak real, I spit the facts, and that’s all you need to know. My thoughts come, my thought go. That’s all I got.

I feel you’d say that in your own words. :laughing:


:flushed: Yes, and I would also say that in my Inner Andres voice, when I am speaking in Spanish.

Andres is my drunk, twenty-five year old translator from my revision program who doesn’t like his family, and wants to go drinking with strangers instead of filming the commercial he flew over to shoot with them.

You saw him in the post above. :wink:

(Also your impression of me sounds sick as a rap. Good job, Qualeshia :wink: I read that as a rap, and I like it).


@Qualeshia12 Reading this thread has triggered my creative process unintentionally, thank you. :smiley:


Oh, jeez, I wing everything.

But, for example, my 2 stronger pieces for ONC have 2 different things going on:

I had the thought for Until This World Ends long before ONC because I think it stemmed from a dream, back then, and so it’s stronger because the setting that was determined long before the prompts made it click stronger.

The other is because it’s my culture. I know this like the back of my hand, and so I just need to verify things as I come across the idea for usage.


Awesome. Just doing my usual thing. :grin:

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Oof…my bad! :laughing:

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  1. The main sources of inspiration for Goddess v2.0 were the anime series Gunslinger Girl and Armitage III. With an honourable mention to the 1960s Paul Newman film Exodus.

  2. My story is set in the real world, in 2016, and my story is mostly realistic (suitable for its environment). Except the technology needed to create Freyja (a hybrid clone) is about ten years more advanced than what was around in 2016. However, classified technology is often a decade more advanced than what the public know about (ref. F-117 and F-22).

  3. The story’s overall theme and plot-line is character motivation driven (the reason why Freyja was created, and why Dov and Krista were chosen to train / nurture her), so yep.
    I wanted you to become interested in something besides your own troubles, and you did ~ Exodus film.
    I pushed you, and pushed you, in search of your limits only to discover you didn’t have any ~ Citizen X film.
    Above all things you have to be someone the girls can look up to. In fact, that’s the absolute least you should do ~ Gunslinger Girl series.
    Stop taking on every problem by yourself ~ Armitage Dual Matrix.

  4. A few floating ideas / themes. But I don’t know if they will fit the story’s timeline, or just add clutter.

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These gave me the initial idea for the World of Elgana which then partially led to Lunar Heart, Shadow Bound.

To be honest with you, idk how I went from that girl with the lion to what I currently have for Elgana, but initially, I had this idea of desert people living with big magical beasts. Currently, I still have desert people, but no big magical beasts. I forgot that idea somewhere :stuck_out_tongue: Left it in the dust.

Also, I had an idea of “what if the protagonist and antagonist became friends or were friendly somehow, but then they had to become enemies because of their different fates and it’s all sad and terrible with tears?” and also,

“if I’m going to write a fantasy story for NaNoWriMo 2016, I’m going to put everything in it that I like: cats…no, BLUE cats, no, BLUE anthropomorphic cats, portals, magick, forests, multiple moons, sorcerers, other anthro races, and a wise old man, and an annoying supporting character with cuteness”


for this, I already answered because Pinti’s story came about during the creation of the world. I discovered the rest of Elgana through Pinti’s story.

I made it work in 2023 XD It took me years to finally figure out where I was going with Pinti.

I don’t have any floating ideas right now. They’re all solid, written-down ideas at the moment. Lunar Heart, Shadow Bound changed SO MUCH compared to the first time I wrote it.

What has or hasn’t changed might be an interesting topic :wink:


The idea and characters came from a dream I had about a year or two ago, with Diego’s appearance in said dream being inspired by Vampire Hunter D and Hellsing’s Alucard (unlike those two though, Diego is human)

Marta’s appearance and personality have definitely changed from said dream, but have no clear inspiration (then again, she’s got some similarities to other female OCs I’ve created before, and now that I think about it she may be inspired by Nancy Drew)

What motivated me to write it was my own love for certain vampire stories, tropes, and a desire to write a mystery story after reading so many (it’s one of my top 5 favorite genres to read, after all)

I mean, it takes place on Earth :joy: I’ve been doing research on the country and specific area to try being accurate, though I don’t specify what year it takes place aside from it being after TVs became commonplace. I’d like leaving it up to reader to imagine what year (or decade) it could be taking place in.

The character’s motivations are more or less being developed alongside the story itself, so yes.

As a pantser, it’s very possible I’ll come up with some random idea or theme to incorporate into the basic plot while writing it. Some aspects have changed from the original dream’s plot, such as Marta becoming the protagonist when she was a supporting character in said dream. I’ve also had some floating ideas that could help develop the antagonist and their motivations.

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