Questions for current or recent work! (Answer carefully)

Q1. What is the thing your character wants?
Q2. Why does your character want this (i,e. What is their motive)?
Q3. What is your character doing to try to obtain it (i,e. How is this character putting their goal into action)?
Q4. How can you frustrate their desire and goals to create conflict?
Q5. What is the thing your character needs?
Q6. What is your character’s full name? Alias? Nickname?
Q7. How old is your character? Physically, mentally, and/or biologically? When is their birthday?
Q8. Where was your character born? Hometown? City? Country?
Q9. What is their backstory? Family life and relationship with others?
Q10. What are the ghost and demons inyour characters life?

Thoughts and feelings?



Hello again. :wave:

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Q1. What is the thing your character wants?
To stop the war and defeat the Emperor

Q2. Why does your character want this (i,e. What is their motive)?
To save his Kingdom from the Emperor of Kandrix

Q3. What is your character doing to try to obtain it (i,e. How is this character putting their goal into action)?
By embarking in an adventure to gather an Ancient Sacred Weapon in a distant planet

Q4. How can you frustrate their desire and goals to create conflict?
Space Pirates, problems with the Reality Warper Wizard that’s helping (Reality Warping Magic allows people to travel faster than light so without them your ship is stranded in the middle of nowhere with the nearest person to ask for help being countless of kilometers away), the Imperial Kandrix forces, problems in his search with local Kingdoms, etc.

Q5. What is the thing your character needs?
The Sacred Weapon, which is a Magical Laser Gun (Yes, you read that right)

Q6. What is your character’s full name? Alias? Nickname?
Jondrax Lowborn

Q7. How old is your character? Physically, mentally, and/or biologically? When is their birthday?
37 years old, but they still act like if they were 20, their birthday is the 8th of the Month of Xinix in the Intergalactic Calendar

Q8. Where was your character born? Hometown? City? Country?
Kingdom of Lapetus, in the Capital Planet, Lapetus, Northwest Continent, in the City of Whilin, 87 kilometers away from the Planetary and Kingdom-wide Capital

Q9. What is their backstory? Family life and relationship with others?
Worker for a Trade Company that mostly trades between Lapetus and Earth as part of one of the oldest Commercial Routes in the Galaxy, lives with his wife when off duty, but his duty is 5 years working for the company then 3 years of resting, for 45 years before the contract ends (So total 30 years of working in an Spaceship and 15 years resting), until one day the Kandrix Empire attacked his Kingdom looking for the Chosen One of a Prophecy, so he needs to find the Sacred Weapon that, according to the Prophecy, will be the only way to defeat the Kandrix

Q10. What are the ghost and demons in your characters life?
The little time he has spent with his wife and kids due to his Merchant Job


Your story sounds intriguing, very intriguing.

Normally, you write like historical fantasy/fiction or something along those lines, correct?

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Yeah, I’m usually a Science Fiction or Historical Fiction gal, this time I’m trying a Scifi/Fantasy Mix

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Ooh! Is it exciting for you so far?

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Worldbuilding Magic is certainly a task, but yeah

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Congrats and enjoy the fun journey.

:thinking: Mainly to not have to do paperwork tbh but also to have a week off

Because Creation keeps causing trouble and she wants a break for one darn moment :joy:

Nothing because things keep getting in the way :joy:

I mean, the goal is never actually reached so ;-;

To not constantly get dragged into having the save the world because some idiot thought they could run things better or wanted revenge :joy:

Full name is waaaaaaayyyyyyyy too long so I’m not typing that out. No alias either. Nicknames include: A.K., Amneris, Queenie

Age wise: +5,000
Body wise: 18-24
Mentally: Honestly it depends on the day :joy:
Birthday: [checks notes] July 17

Ah, now this is the tricky one. Born in Kemet, home city is Lapide on Lyriumia, but was raised in both Kemet and Lapide, and then also the Underworld

Still working out the details of the later years tbh and it ain’t a very happy story :joy:

Literally or metaphorically? :joy:



Are you writing a novel?Just kidding! :sweat_smile:

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I’ll focus on Torgyn, an ascetic who’s traveled across the desert to arrive at Mount Falda — a women’s monastery.

Q1. What is the thing your character wants?
The Book of Holy Movements; a powerful scripture which demonstrates how to jump your soul from body to body, and realm to realm. This magic is very powerful, and has only been used once before to dire consequences.

Q2. Why does your character want this?
Firstly, he wants to teach this to the Vidomids, a small army of the last remaining sorcerers (of which he’s the secret leader of) so that they gain more power. More broadly, he wants to save all the Sawha: sorcerers, who are being put to death across the world.

Q3. What is your character doing to obtain it?
He has traveled to the monastery under the guise of a pilgrimage. He plans to covertly negotiate with the Holy Women and share information he could exchange for access to their library. It that fails, he plans to steal their books and scriptures.

Q4. How can you frustrate their desire and goals to increase conflict?
Torgyn is at a disadvantage being a man belonging to an unpopular sect of their religion, and being somewhat untrustworthy. Plus, another traveler has arrived — Sweetflower, a singer, who has declared herself the prophesied leader of the Holy Women. If she gains favour and passes the testing, she will be taught their knowledge, including the Holy Movements.

Moreover, the scriptures have been outlawed, and the library in Mount Falda has been long destroyed. The books and scriptures are now hidden in certain private houses throughout the desert, their locations known only to the senior women of the monastery.

Q5. What is the thing your character needs?
Access to the library and the scriptures lol.

Q6. What is your character’s full name? Alias? Nicknames?
Torgyn, the Blessed is his alias. He was born Elloro Hozan, of Foya.

Q7. How old is your character?
87 years old.

Q8. Where was your character born?
The city of Foya, in the former Kingdom of Altheria.

Q9. What is their backstory?
He was once a very powerful sorcerer who facilitated in essentially destroying the world as it was.

Q10. What are the ghosts/ demons in your character’s life?
He’s haunted by the world-shattering war he fought, and all the deaths he caused during and after the war. He’s trying to right his wrongs.


Lol yeah actually :wink:

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Dov Shaul:

  1. To become a good mentor and companion for Freyja, and to discover what is troubling Krista.

  2. To repay a perceived debt owed to Dr Lander and Aviva, he knows and the hormonal brat Krista is not the real Krista, just symptoms of her issues. Also if Lander’s project is to work, Dov and Krista need to trust each other above all others, so Freyja can learn to do likewise. Dov also experienced an instinctive bond with Freyja (and Freyja with Dov) on first touch, so he had no choice. Dov’s fate was sealed.

  3. Trying to teach Freyja what he knows, acting as her close friend by default, demonstrating extraordinary levels of trust in Freyja, and forgiving or ignoring Krista’s unrelenting teasing / flirting / mockery while rewarding her rare signs of vulnerability or veiled requests for help.

  4. Have Krista, and some of their other housemates, rebuke Dov’s hesitation or self-doubt in relation to his interactions with Freyja at every opportunity. Krista will also push Dov and Freyja to develop a close relationship with Freyja post-haste, as a means of (playfully) tormenting Dov and of protecting Freyja.* The other characters may join Krista’s teasing for their entertainment and to punish Dov’s shy restrained manner, and intensify his discomfort, especially around the equally naive, curious and loyal Freyja.
    *Krista is terrified of Dov abandoning Freyja, and exposing her to the same remorse and isolation Krista experienced when her brother was killed.

  5. Confidence to act in a natural relaxed manner with and around Freyja, and to a lesser extent Krista. And, more importantly, trust Freyja to forgive his mistakes (even severe ones) without hesitation or prompting, just as Dov forgives her mistakes.

  6. Dov’s only nickname, for now, was Achi Sheli. A title awarded to him by Aviva, a young kibbutz girl. No one at the kibbutz told Dov what the name meant (why spoil Aviva’s fun). Krista later informed Dov the nickname is Hebrew for ‘Brother of Mine’, a term symbolising a close bond and affection.

  7. Age: 28 in the story. Birthday: 20, July, 1988.

  8. Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia.

  9. Eldest of four children, two younger brothers and one little sister. Raised on a cattle farm west of Toowoomba. Graduated from High School and joined the Australian Commandos at age 18. Served for six years, completed three combat tours in Afghanistan. Left the Army after his third tour and traveled to Israel for a holiday. Worked as a volunteer on a kibbutz near Gaza. Met and was befriended / ‘adopted’ by Aviva. A month later Aviva was killed protecting Dov from a rocket. Dov spent two years in a medical coma while Dr Lander mended his wounds, then Lander helped Dov through his physical rehabilitation. Dov returned to Brisbane, Australia, and constantly failed to adapt to civilian life, haunted by the memories of Aviva’s death. Two years later, a letter from Lander summoned Dov back to Israel, and Lander set Dov the task of nurturing and mentoring Freyja (a prototype hybrid clone), with Krista’s assistance.
    Dov lost contact with his family as his siblings dispersed around the world and his parents sold their farm, retiring to a cottage on the central coast.

  10. Remorse and guilt over Aviva’s loss, and phantom limb syndrome. Dov remembers the rocket had destroyed his left arm, yet the limb remains with no noticeable injuries.


Oooh, good questions! Wish I knew the answers, but I’ll try. What about you? You must know all these things about your characters! (ღ˘ᴗ˘ღ)


Q1. What is the thing your character wants?

To save his lover’s life, and put the true king (his lover) on the throne

Q2. Why does your character want this (i,e. What is their motive)?

The current king is not only a usurper, but totally self-serving and evil

Q3. What is your character doing to try to obtain it (i.e. How is this character putting their goal into action)?

Right now he’s in prison, taking his lover’s place on the chopping block

Q4. How can you frustrate their desire and goals to create conflict?

His desires are nicely frustrated right now…unless something happens, he’s getting his head chopped off first thing in the morning

Q5. What is the thing your character needs?

A way to knock out the guard and escape from the tower

Q6. What is your character’s full name? Alias? Nickname?

Treymor Barrington Fanshawe; don’t think he’ll get a nickname but who knows

Q7. How old is your character? Physically, mentally, and/or biologically? When is their birthday?

21 in the present day, born sometime in April of 1724

Q8. Where was your character born? Hometown? City? Country?

Born in the family manor in the capital city of Llundein in the country known as Angla Londe

Q9. What is their backstory? Family life and relationship with others?

His father’s an alcoholic anarchist; his mother’s a ghost. His brother’s a playboy and a monarchist

Q10. What are the ghosts and demons in your character’s life?

His father murdered the royal family, destroying Treymor. He therefore wants to kill his father, but can’t bring himself to do so…yet

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Q1. What is the thing your character wants?


Q2. Why does your character want this (i,e. What is their motive)?

He is in love with him, for some reason, despite Igor being not his usual type.

Q3. What is your character doing to try to obtain it (i,e. How is this character putting their goal into action)?

By getting closer to Igor than he already is, and seducing him in the gym.

Q4. How can you frustrate their desire and goals to create conflict?

Add in some feelings of hesitation, another love interest, and the general chaos of life.

Q5. What is the thing your character needs?

A slap on the back of the head, and a stern reality check.

Q6. What is your character’s full name? Alias? Nickname?

Juan Mateo Rojas, also known as Juan or Shade.

Q7. How old is your character? Physically, mentally, and/or biologically? When is their birthday?

Physically? 40 Mentally? 14. Biologically? 26-27. 1977, sometime. (This story takes place in 2004)

Q8. Where was your character born? Hometown? City? Country?

Maximo Park, Angel Falls County, California, USA.

Q9. What is their backstory? Family life and relationship with others?

Juan was a kid once, and he grew up. He met Igor as a teenager, and then they became friends. Then, he started to like Igor. Now, he likes him a lot. He has a Mom, Dolores that he doesn’t see much, and his Dad, Carlos passed when he was eight. He doesn’t get on amazing with her. He obviously loves Igor, and he likes Julie, his old friend. Felix too, but he moved away.

Q10. What are the ghost and demons in your characters life?

I dunno?


Anyone else?

I shall return later to answer.

Hannah Gavish:

  1. To protect her family’s secrets, and to discover their enemies’ secrets.

  2. Hannah is devoted to / borderline-obsessed with her adoptive mother (Karen), her step-brother (Leon), and Karen’s band of mercenaries (their extended family). Hannah’s family live and work near Be’er Sheva, Israel. A place with no shortage of enemies.

  3. Hannah is an officer in the IDF Military Intelligence, and the understudy (and causal friend) of a senior Mossad agent. She’s learning everything possible about spy-craft, and she is developing her knowledge of the human psyche and how to manipulate it. Training herself to become the perfect spy and a pre-emptive defence for her household.

  4. Introduce two foreign elements to Hannah’s family’s household, Dov and Freyja, and have Karen hide a substantial secret (Freyja’s origin and lack of history) from her. Causing Hannah to become Dov’s friend, despite her desire to suspect him and remain closed-off from him, would also annoy her. Stop being a good guy, I want to hate you ~ Hannah (maybe).

  5. An ability to trust Karen’s judgment in regards to Freyja, and to accept that sometimes secrets are kept between family members to protect each other. It’s not due to a lack of trust or faith in the other’s abilities.

  6. Some of Hannah’s housemates call her Book Worm or Library Mouse because the villa’s library is her second bedroom.

  7. Age 23 in the story. Birthday: 15 / 9 / 1993.

  8. Born on the floor of Karen’s private Tu-154, flying over the Mediterranean ocean in international airspace, en-route to Tel Aviv.

  9. Hannah’s biological mother was assassinated the day after she was born. Hannah’s father (one of Karen’s mercenaries) was killed in the Kosovo conflict, when Hannah was four. Karen’s mercenaries fighting in Kosovo suffered considerable losses, and would have been wiped out by a militant ambush but they were saved by a platoon of Australian Commandos (who ignored NATO Command’s orders to abandon the mercenaries). Hannah since became hyper-protective of her family, especially Karen and Leon, and distrustful of outsiders. Hannah insists on calling Zorik (Karen’s first mercenary, bodyguard, closest friend, and Leon’s father) her second dad, even though Karen and Zorik were never married.
    Hannah’s personal / romantic life is a perpetual disaster zone. Hannah has a pronounced preference for pretty girls, often Leon’s dates and or naive / passionate orchestra students, but her affairs are as brief as they are intimate. Leon (and only Leon) jokes that Hannah’s bedroom should be fitted with a revolving door to save time. Hannah pretends to not care about her growing tally of intense temporary romances. However, she secretly mourns her inability to trust others enough to form a somewhat stable relationship.

  10. Hannah remains traumatised by the Kosovo conflict, and her childhood memories of watching Karen’s mercenaries (her idols and close friends) being carried off helicopters with chunks missing from their bloodied figures. Every loss Karen’s mercenaries suffered since Kosovo reminded her of that time. And the more Hannah learnt of the mercenaries clandestine involvement in the conflict, and of NATO’s decision to betray them…for the crime of doing NATO’s job better, and telling a NATO officer to shove it when ordered to hand over a new friend (a defecting militia member)…the more Hannah grew to despise secrets and foreigners. However, luckily for Dov, Australians get a pass / stay of execution* as their Commandos displayed some honour and comradery.
    *Betray my family, break Freyja’s heart, I feed you to the desert ~ Hannah welcoming Dov to her household.


Working on ONC: Between Catholics & Voodoo Queens


Want? He isn’t working on wants but serving the one who created him.

He’s being obedient while grumpy.

By making his jealous and grumpy.

To keep his contract alive.

Dat damn Corbeau

50-60 years old.

All unknown.

He’s a crow. He finds a hen, settles doen with her and raises broods around being ordered around by a witch.


Its work to get the 0 draft out.


Q1. What is the thing your character wants?
To find the culprit behind the murder that took place at the orphanage she works and lives in.

Q2. Why does your character want this (i,e. What is their motive)?
To feel at peace again, get good sleep, and keep her home safe.

Q3. What is your character doing to try to obtain it (i,e. How is this character putting their goal into action)?
She’s been doing some independent investigation, even though she knows snooping through police documents is not a good idea. She’s also partnered up with a paranormal investigator who has his own motives for finding the culprit, aside from it being his job.

Q4. How can you frustrate their desire and goals to create conflict?
For one, investigating while still working, dealing with the paranormal investigator (who is not the best talker, but they’re getting along better), and the culprit still stalking the town, especially the orphanage, all of which are testing her patience and sanity.

Q5. What is the thing your character needs?
To realize that constantly working, thinking about work, or putting others’ needs above her own so often is having negative effects on her wellbeing, exacerbated by the whole murder ordeal.

Q6. What is your character’s full name? Alias? Nickname?
Marta Isabel Díaz Aponte.

Q7. How old is your character? Physically, mentally, and/or biologically? When is their birthday?
28 years old.

Q8. Where was your character born? Hometown? City? Country?
Born and raised in Burgos, Castile and León, Spain. At age 22 she moved to the (fictional) town of Hayatozca, Navarre, Spain.

Q9. What is their backstory? Family life and relationship with others?
Middle child of three, one older sister, one younger brother. Formerly a city girl from a large family, now lives in a small rural town working as a caregiver in an orphanage. Gets along well with most people, though with few true friends.

Q10. What are the ghost and demons in your characters life?
Figuratively, workaholic habits and lack of self-care. Literally, the vampire that’s been stalking her home for the past few days.


Safety, but on the other paw, she wants freedom (“paw” because Pinti does not have hands, get it?)

Safety, for her sister. Freedom, so she can find out about her birth parents. These two conflict.

In her mind, destroying the Bloodstone barrier could get her both of these. But in reality, destroying Bloodstone could potentially put her sister, family, and clan in danger (Pinti is unaware how much danger, so she’s willing to risk it…not very smart, if you ask me :grimacing: ).

Pinti Segnoshua
Nickname: Pinny

Biologically 16. 16 is adulthood in Kattaluna culture. Pinti’s birthday is unclear because she was found as a baby, but potentially sometime in the spring.

She was found in the forest by her father. Doesn’t know where she was born.

Not knowing who she really is.