Quote a sentence out of context: your own writing, your fav book, movie, anime, manga, etc.

Depends on what you’re buying.

What if you’re buying an editor’s services to self-publish your novel? I think this one is a case of money buying happiness.


Sounds like a lovely story :blush:

Do you usually read books with a sort of sad undertone? What attracts you to books like The Sea of Tranquility?

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weirdly enough, i do usually read books with a sad undertone. i think i get attracted to reading those types of books because there’s some element of understanding. i find that i relate to them more, but also that i feel more when i read them. i’m one of those people who quite literally physically feel emotions when i read, the angst, the sadness, the jealousy, the heartbreak, the joy, the anger. i think it’s partially because i’m an empathetic person, i quite literally put myself in the position of the character in the books and therefore, i feel everything that i assume the character would feel in response to certain situations. it’s a level of :sparkles: delusional :sparkles: i didn’t think was even possible. but i do enjoy it, because i get to feel something.

these days i feel very numb, and books are like my way of proving that my humanity is still there, that i’m still a normal human being who can feel. i sometimes feel like i’m a bad person for not feeling guilt, happiness, love, hurt, in real life. and i know that’s not normal, but when i feel those emotions while reading a book, i’m happy to know that actually, i am pretty normal as i should be. i can feel. thus why i mainly attract to books that evoke those kinds of feelings.

idk how to explain it properly. the simplest way to is that i only get to experience or stimulate emotions when i read rather than in my daily life, and it brings me satisfaction because it makes me feel a little more human. but i don’t understand why there’s a numbness of feeling within myself even though i can empathise with others. it doesn’t make sense

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