Random… question and conversation.

Have you ever had a story idea that’s really ridiculous and ongoing like a telenovela that verges on not making sense but somehow could still be a real story and tie into things?


Yes indeed. I’ve had some crazy ideas.


Ever tried to write them fully and finish them?

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I always try to finish them, with the exception of a few that come off being a more cool set up than a actual story. Sometimes that happens, but I always try to write them. If you look at my Wattpad (sheldoncooper122), you’ll find I have some crazy and unusual stories on there.


Yeah, same here. :smiley: I am good at world building, but I need more tangible story ideas tbh.

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… Grace :smiley:


YEAH! He is like a sitcom that could run on for too many seasons until people get bored of him


I would never.


What if the writing got stale?

Idk about something so long and ongoing, but I did end up finish writing a story I wrote briefly in junior high. I finished it four years ago or something. It was about a girl alien who time traveled and then went to earth to fix it for the future. It was a crazy, insane, upper middle grade comedy sci-fi Spy Kids without spies idk what kind of thing that I never thought I would ever finish writing, but then I did.

Nope, but a telenovela is just a soap opera that has an ending in mind from the start, right? If the book has a lot of melodrama like a soap opera it could go viral on TikTok and that seems to be the goal these days, so I say do it. Maybe they’ll turn your book into a TV show and you could make millions! (*^-‘)乃

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Only if I can produce it :smiley:

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I’ve got a spoof werewolf romance that was based off my roommate’s bad reading of the Wattpad style advertisements. And it’s meant to read a bit more like Terry Pratchett. The werewolf guy wasn’t supposed to be a wereolf per se, as he’s more of a spirit defender of his parallel earth from the invasion of demons via cats, but it was a chance to do some really insane stuff like make the conditions for the contract between them be his “rejection of his mate, then bonding”. This entity isn’t really supposed to be bonded solely as a mate at all, but it depends on the conditions set by the MC and she chose to complain about werewolf romances at the wrong moment.

So, it does things like forces him to be like a walking upright hairy werewolf with a hairless chest (so it’s like someone badly shaved him), comes into a grocery store looking like a Hispanic Buddy Holiday to try to reject her (doesn’t work), tries to reject her through the steamed YouTube videos, but it switched to Du Hast before he could get it to work, finally dang near causes a wreck to poltergeist through the car with a middle finger up screeching “Fuck you!” The grown women don’t think they heard what happened right, because he’s mostly spectral at that point, but the baby repeats what he says, to show it registered.

Unfortunately this spoof was set aside for COVID because it would be depressing to write about my best friend during a pandemic if it took her out.

This also goes along with my idea to write about the complaints of a man in jail as insanely as possible, as far as level of crazy and hilarity that ensues.


Sort of.

I wouldn’t say it was “ongoing” but it had some crazy things, mostly drama, that felt like it was a telenovela. :sweat_smile: A previous novel of mine, a romance to be exact, started out that way as an idea. I wanted lots of drama between the characters and their personal lives, like the oldest sister who was a hoe (kept cheating on husbands, boyfriends, and fiances, and slept with dozens of men) had a storyline where she had like ten kids, all from different men, and she was going to get pregnant again while on vacation because she was going to cheat on her fourth husband. But I felt like this was wayyyy too much going on so I scrapped it, especially since it didn’t match with the age I went for her (I believe I made her like 28ish). So it didn’t make sense at all.

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