Reading along to an audiobook?

I STRUGGLE with reading physical books on my own, but I also struggle with sticking with audiobooks as well. I can never win no matter what I do and how I try.

Sooo, because suck at doing one over the other, I do need to give both things a shot. The audiobook plays in the background as I read the same book in a physical version along with it.

I will never be in the right head-space, I will never have the discipline I need to stick to it, yet I do have the chance to keep this method going, while not being so hard on myself because of it. With that said, the drawback (not really a drawback) is purchasing used books or books on sale. I need to start using the Hoopla and Libby apps more when I do.

I am VERY hard on myself, my mind is a monster that I clash against.
Still, I can tame the monster a bit.

Thoughts and feelings?



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Have you tried the pomodoro method for reading, taking breaks every few minutes? And it helps if the book you’re reading is interesting. It’s so hard for me to stick with one that drags. What book are you trying to read? I wonder if it would be helpful if we started a book club here and all read a book together, discussing it after we finish a chapter or section. ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯


No. I believe I should give that a shot.


The same books and the new books I got.


I am glad to see it does work a little. That’s an improvement.


Thank you.