I STRUGGLE with reading physical books on my own, but I also struggle with sticking with audiobooks as well. I can never win no matter what I do and how I try.
Sooo, because suck at doing one over the other, I do need to give both things a shot. The audiobook plays in the background as I read the same book in a physical version along with it.
I will never be in the right head-space, I will never have the discipline I need to stick to it, yet I do have the chance to keep this method going, while not being so hard on myself because of it. With that said, the drawback (not really a drawback) is purchasing used books or books on sale. I need to start using the Hoopla and Libby apps more when I do.
I am VERY hard on myself, my mind is a monster that I clash against.
Still, I can tame the monster a bit.
Thoughts and feelings?