Scenario Time: You are teleported to your fictional world that your story is set in, what is the first thing you do?

What exactly is the first thing that you do in the fictional world of your own creation?
I’ve made a poll for you, cool peeps!

  • Go on an epic adventure. Yippee!
  • Keep away from my characters (I might get tempted to seek them out).
  • Find things to do in order to keep busy.
  • Panic and lose my flipping mind.
  • Start living a somewhat average life and stay out of trouble.
  • Find a way to return back to own world.
  • Other (explain in the comments)
0 voters


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Depends. WHERE?

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Let’s go with your recent story.

Get killed on the spot by my own characters


I’d definitely seek out my characters, I don’t see why not to.


If I’m in my own story world, it means I’m dead. ;n;
I’d choose “find a way back to own world,” but There is a canon way to do that and it ain’t good.

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I would be in a slow life fantasy with beautiful mountain scenery. Something approaching a Ghibli film but it veers off midway into something like Courage the Cowardly Dog.


I meant physically, which country? Not the same to appear in Chile than the US


The US has combined to create the autonomus state of Chileo-Merica.


Umm…how about Chile?


Try to find shelter and make spears with knives and sticks

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Oof! I’m sorry that you have to go through that.

So, I voted Others cause of one thing: If I get teleported to my fictional world, that would only mean one thing. The MC of the whole series is like a “variant of ME.” Ikr, such Marvel copycat. But the thing is, this plotline has been in my head for years, wayyyyy before I even watched the Marvel movies where the multiverse is the main plot. Anyway, in my series, while in a coma, MC was able to pull in variants of himself from other universes that are dying. So, that would mean, if I get teleported into his universe, that would mean in the universe I currently live in is I’m dying or dead. And being powerless, I would go to MC and literally ask for powers to defend myself. That universe he lives in has some nasty stuff that would try to kill me, so I’d rather not live a normal life, cause if I die in this universe, living a normal life, I would probably die in a second when I teleported there.

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I’ll lose my mind first, and then seek out my minor characters because they are the ones who will help. I, having created this world (Elgana, btw), have a great advantage in that I do know where to go to find help from the helpful ones.

Definitely will try to sneak my way into the Fourth Ring to find the lizard wizard Thereanbold. He’s always willing to help anyone.

If all fails with my own characters, I can seek asylum or help or something at the High Collection Human headquarters. But only if I go there at the time of Cypur’s story because the Human headquarters at the time of Pinti’s story is corrupt.

I’ll definitely go and see how my characters are doing though, but only after I’ve settled in somewhere. I need somewhere to go home to so that I can set out on an adventure with ease.

Oh, and I’ll look for Daero because even though he’s a unique species, he’s super kind and helpful and will be nice to humans.

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