Seeking beta/sensitivity readers for a YA sci-fi fantasy!

I just finished the fifth revision of my book a Sorcery of Vengeance and I’m now on the lookout for beta/sensitivity readers.

The story is about a seventeen year old soldier named Nicolas Eissa who is still grieving the loss of his family after three years. They were murdered by a magical being with many others who continuously sets fire to various villages. Nicolas gathers his crew to find them and wage war as he wants revenge.

The story clashes both genres together as it takes place in the far future, with a continental drift with nearly all history, cultures, and life destroyed and is anew. There’s advanced technology, aliens, and clones. There’s fantastical creatures like dragons and sirens. And there’s magic, including elemental magic.

It’s just under 100,000 words/180 Word Document pages. If you’d like to be a part of helping me with the next revision, DM me or shoot me an email at

Attached photos is the beginning to help you determine if you want to continue.

Thank you in advance! :hugs:


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