Sharing birthdays with family or relatives?

I do! I share a birthday with my aunt, march 28 for both of us. My aunt jokes that I was a birthday present for her :joy: as for celebrating it, most of the time our families get together with my grandparents (my aunt’s parents) either on our birthday or sometime near our birthday (the day of doesn’t always work for us) and open gifts together. Ironically, she’s my favorite aunt for reasons other than just our shared birthday, which makes it so I’ve always been really happy to share a birthday with her lol


Cool :grin:

Sounds fun to get to celebrate with another person! And someone you get along with :blush:

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i share my birthday with my uncle, (jan 6th) and when i was born he was just a kid so he was so upset that i stole his thunder :sob:
sorry jr. i’m the star now


Do you ever have joint celebrations?

I just so happen to share a birthday with a cousin (born a few hours after me) and an aunt (born on the same day as me but many years earlier). They don’t live nearby though, and we aren’t too close, so we would always just have separate celebrations!


3 related people! :open_mouth:

So it does happen. The odds of that.

I’m guessing if anyone sends birthday cards or presents, they must be pretty busy.


yeah no one in my family bothers with that though LOL, we’re all very lazy when it comes to gifts :sweat_smile:


haha, same. And there aren’t even any overlapping birthdays XD

A gift card here, a gift card there, that’s it :stuck_out_tongue:

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maybe one or two when i was super young? like, younger than five, but i’m not even totally sure. other than that possibility, nope. we aren’t super close lol.

(my expected birthdate was actually in feburary, i think? so i was SUPER early and i firmly believe it’s because my purpose was to crash his party and steal his spotlight. jokes on you, sir.)


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