Slow eater or fast eater and more?


  1. Are you a slow eater or fast eater?
  2. When it comes to food, are you picky or fine with anything?
  3. Do care when different foods on your plate touch which causes you to eat one by one or that doesn’t bother you?
  4. Loud chewer or quiet chewer?
  5. Heavy eater or light eater?

Thoughts and feelings?



Come answer!

A normal eater?

I will eat anything :smiley:

I don’t care, as long as I’m eating.

Quiet :smiley:


So, in-between?

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Yes, for everything except KFC.

I wolf that down me… then…

I would eat you to get more :smiley:


Eat me to get KFC?
Reminds me a little of that Boondocks episode?


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When the 20 hot wings offer comes back, I am gonna buy like 3 buckets of it.




So, you inhale your food?


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3 buckets? Damn?

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4 maybe. I go WILD for hot wings.

  1. Depends on the food
  2. Depends on how I’m feeling
  3. Only when it comes to wet foods (juicy steak for example) and bread touching. I don’t like the sogginess
  4. Quiet
  5. Most of the time, light.

I will not digest… :smiley:



Devour it all!

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Are you a slow eater or fast eater?

Whoosh! Über fast. (>‿◠):v:

When it comes to food, are you picky or fine with anything?

Very picky. There’s a lot of stuff I won’t eat. But I’m not vegan or anything. Though I respect those who are.

Do you care when different foods on your plate touch which causes you to eat one by one or that doesn’t bother you?

Omg yes, I hate it when different foods touch each other! It’s like…cooties. And I generally eat one thing until it’s gone and then start the next thing. I dunno why. (♯^.^ღ)

Loud chewer or quiet chewer?

Um, I think I’m quiet since no one has ever told me otherwise…? ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯

Heavy eater or light eater?

I dunno. I only eat one meal a day and that’s like a burger and fries or something, so is that heavy?

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So, you don’t eat a lot?

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Fast to some people I guess? I try to take my time but naturally I know when I’m not thinking I barely chew :joy:

I’m not that picky, I like trying new things but I’m not the most adventurous either lol.

As a kid I used to not like my food touching apparently but I don’t care now, as long as it isn’t something that is like gravy, I don’t like it touching everything.



If a burger and fries or the equivalent is not a lot, then I guess I don’t eat a lot…? All I have in a day is that and a couple of Elevation meal shakes from Aldi’s–they’re so fiber filled they keep you feeling so full that you really can’t eat anything else. ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯

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  1. I’m lucky culinary speeding tickets don’t exist.
  2. Will nom most morsels except anything with wheat / gluten, sugar, or soy…Steak hamburgers accepted (and challah)…
  3. What are these plates you speak of?
  4. A Sandworm in sneakers, except when a treasonous wisdom tooth snares the side of my mouth.
  5. Light most of the time.