So, tell me, what is on your mind at the moment?

Something tells me there is yet another savings-demolishing computer upgrade in my future.

Apparently a 24GB Graphics Card is recommended for the full Mistral (Mixtral?) model.

I’m now plotting / researching if there is a way to install a local uncensored equivalent of GPT-4 / GPT-4.5 on my (post-lotto win) system, setup several agents (AI Bots) each with the personalities and backgrounds of my characters, introduce a conversation or activity scenario, and let them run.* Could be quite useful for drafting ideas and brainstorming.**

*Make something up, both of you ~ Jon English, Pirates of Penzance.

**A writer can work with anything except a blank page ~ Hemingway.
Well, overcoming blank-page-itis is one of the more difficult / tedious parts of writing for me.

Oh, vaguely related, I can no longer make new posts on the AI Art thread, lest I be accused of Chat Spamming. Any way to fix that?

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