So, tell me, what is on your mind at the moment?

Some won’t finish because they are either getting up there in age, can’t handle the fame that comes with being a popular author, too many novels to write in their back list, died and they still had more novels to finish, or lost either their fame and/or fortune for reasons.

That is all I got.

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I only one I know of is a self-published writer who didn’t finish her series, and that was deliberate. Every time she published another book in the series, it was pirated, so she was losing money. It cost her a lot of money to pay for book covers, editors, etc. and then some slimeball was stealing her work, so she finally gave up and said she wasn’t publishing anymore. A lot of her fans were furious, although not at her. There’s always some dirtbag who has to ruin a good thing for everyone. (ノ_<、)ヾ(´▽`)


That is another reason for such things to cause a famous author to stop writing.

Didn’t think of that…

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Add to the list Egypt’s attempts to ban the Netflix series Cleopatra for cultural demolition. Cleopatra is believed to either have been Greek or of Greek heritage, and the Netflix casting managers overlooked this piece of info.

Some internet loonies aren’t happy when the casting choices hold true to the tale either. Example, the meltdown over choosing a Jewish-Israeli actress to play the biblical character Mary, in the film Mary.

There’s no pleasing some people ~ Life of Brian.

Anyhoot. My main gripes over the live action films Snow White and Ariel are the directors’ insistence on choosing the least aesthetically pleasing actresses for the main roles, especially when their characters are considered by their counterparts to be the most beautiful in their postcode / region / hemisphere.*

*The 'ugly' evil witch Snow White should outclass in beauty o.0


And, yes, I was a little peeved with the live-action film Ghost in the Shell. Not because of any casting choices, but because the film’s writers seemed to ignore the original animated film’s (and mangas’) storyline. Some folk have no respect for the Classics.

The only time I know of when disregarding the source material worked in a film’s favour is Starship Troopers. Rumors abound ST’s director never read the associated book and, although he got the book’s theme and contexts wrong, he still managed to promote via the ST film the book author’s ideals.** …However, in my humble opinion, nothing can forgive or excuse the film casts’ appalling weapons handling and aiming…Oh, the recent Barbie film might be another Successful Fail example, depending on your perspective.**

**Videos for reference.

Politics of Starship Troopers:
Barbie is Based(?):

As ye-oldie saying goes: Never judge a book by its movie.


Continuing from the above, I’m now tempted to make a list of my favourite actor nationality - character origin mismatches. That might take all day so, for now, here are my Top Five.

Rutger Hauer in Escape from Sobibor (and in Merlin)
Alec Guinness in Lawrence of Arabia
Steven Bauer in Sword of Gideon (a far better film than Munich)
Sean Connery in The Hunt for Red October
Fares Fares in Chernobyl


The best thing that I am doing on Wattpad is just putting out the chapters, not caring if I get comments or not.


Every time I go to the library, I am reminded that James Patterson, Danielle Steele, and Nora Roberts have too many books. There are two more authors like this, I can’t think of them at the moment.


@Qualeshia12 I found a Ponteglyph.


Oda trolls us. He tells us one thing done a certain way, but we get something else still leaning on that certain way. Most of the time you can’t trust Oda, then other times you can trust the process.

One Piece was going to end in five years when things were getting crazy, YEARS AGO AND IT IS STILL ONGOING FOR OVER A DECADE!!!


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At least he doesn’t spend 21 years in a single arc…


I feel like I know this.

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Akagi by Nobuyuki Fukumoto. The proportions alone give Oda a run for his money in designing ugly characters.

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Farm-fresh milk is so underrated like why is it so good


I just hope you’re drinking it pasteurized! They’re finding bird flu in raw milk here in the states. Fortunately no one’s stupid enough to drink it raw except the head of the health department, RFK Jr. (⊙.⊙(-̶●̃ₒ●̶̃)⊙.⊙)


Lmao that idiot. In this household we drink pasteurised


I have another story for Wattpad in the works.

I am bringing Project Venom back.


You know Trump is hated when the Super Bowl fans boo you, except for his loyal brainless fanboys and fangirls.

Funny how things work, huh?


Did anyone boo him? I thought they only booed Taylor Swift, but I didn’t watch the game. Woohoo if they did boo him! ☜(ˆ▿ˆc)


I didn’t watch it either. I learned this from my mom.