Solomonic Magic: Where is the scary part?

So I posted a link to this:
And it scared people, they called it a dodgy website for some reason, even though my browser marks it as a secure connection.

And where is the scary part?

What is Solomonic Magic?

Simply put, Solomonic Magic is a system of ceremonial magic used for summoning and communicating with (or commanding) spirits. In many of the manuscripts there are also included instructions for creating talismans for finding love or gaining success and health, acquiring knowledge or wisdom, winning a court case, exorcisms, and many other practical operations. In my opinion, the core operation of Solomonic Magic is the summoning of spirits which are accomplished using purifications, astrological timing, sacred invocations (prayers & psalms), and pentacles. In addition to this there is operational equipment such as magical circles, gazing mirrors & crystals, rings, wands, horns, bells, swords, knives and ritual garb.

That’s literally all this is. Where’s the part that makes people run for the hills? I don’t understand this ridiculous reaction, especially if you don’t believe in this sort of stuff.


Pentacles are used in other witch religions. It sounds like a lot like wishing bad luck. Exorcisms are kinda scary (in my opinion).

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Exorcisms have a very dark history, but practitioners encourage hitting demons if they don’t do what what they are asked to do. I’m not kidding.

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✧・゚: * ✧・゚:* Be nice to yourself. It’s hard to be happy when someone’s mean to you all the time.✧・゚: *✧・゚: *


I don’t see how that connects but here
@Wisp :sandwich:


✧・゚: * ✧・゚:* burp!✧・゚: *✧・゚: *


What is my fortune?


I think it’s more just the link. Most people know not to click on links from people they don’t know. :sweat_smile:


I would say that the most disturbing thing of all is the fact that it calls for animal parts, though due to the magic manuals’ age it could just be calling, for example, parchment (stretched and dried animal skin) because at the time that it was written, paper was hard to get.

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Even strange, unfamiliar websites?


Yes. :joy:


It’s simple:

Let’s go with ghosts and demons being absolutely real.

Can you consistently see them?


Must they always take their true form?


When you call something by name, must it alone answer?


With these 3 factors, let’s say you have the spirit of a small child that you’re messing with, calling it by name, etc.

Is it really a child, or is it the light on an Angler Fish of the spiritual realm?

More likely the Angler Fish.

My personal theory is that 99% of what people think they are doing isn’t what is happening, the majority of THAT being absolutely bupkis: it’s not real, in most all cases.

Where it’s plausible, maybe possible, whatever it is, is humoring you for its own entertainment and goals. So the pentagram isn’t working: but if it quits responding to your barriers, you quit seeking it out and it wants you hooked.

A friend who has claimed to have performed exorcisms, and I don’t have any reason to believe or disbelieve them, said this:

“You can’t simply pray mental illness away and demons don’t give one shit about Lithium.”

So, that has stuck with me.

Couple that with having met people who weren’t alone in their heads? (It doesn’t have to be mental illness, demons, anything, just a distinct impression of something else in there )

Yeah, I’ve no interest in persuing such things…although fear isn’t the right word for the caution I have about it.

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I’ll have to think about that, but it doesn’t explain the thought process for everyone. Not even most people.

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Most people don’t think it through.

At the least they put themselves in some sort of sprit cage (basically being in a room full of electrical wiring that they don’t know they are sensitive to) and they see things and feel things based on that. It comes with extreme paranoia, at times.


When I worked at Olive Garden, the bar area had some wonky electric fields. Occasionally around close Is see a black mass run by, keys jangling: no source, no exit, across one side of the bar that you couldn’t easily fake it on.

Casually mentioned it to my coworker and she about left the store because she’s bipolar and had assumed it was her just seeing things, but if I could see it? Big bout of paranoia was going to break out over that. I calmed her down by telling her that it was just a repeating apparition (second time the exact thing happened), and most likely was just an impression from one of the builders, not even a dead person, if it was anything to go by the behaviors on it.

She kept the job, but the level of panic she had over something that was harmless (well, the wiring issue might be a problem, I don’t know) was what I’m used to people reacting like over the dumbest things.

I wouldn’t even remember it if she hadn’t about had a heart attack over it.


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