Aside from not being here in a month-ish, I’ve been focusing on writing and just trying to remain stress free. So, I just wanted to stop by and say hello.
Things in my life have been progressing a bit, along with my writing.
So, I just wanted to chat with you all. I just suddenly left, some of you were probably wondering what happened.
Nothing other than stress and complications.
I am fine, just hanging in there.
Thoughts and feelings? 
I am going to have to explain Buddhism to my university writing workshop in order for them to understand my Journey to the West adaptation.
Great to see you again too, Narby!

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I just hope that the concept of Boddhishiva vs God doesn’t confuse my classmates. They’ll probably react like this and never speak of it again:
Interesting. What made you want to go with that topic of choice?
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Buddhism has more animals in it than other modern religions. No really, there is a whole discussion on the Buddah-nature of animals.
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Did you ever state what your favorite animal was? In terms of learning about and having a fondness over, is what I meant.
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I love all sorts of animals but one animal I appreciate highly is the octopus. They change colors, spray ink, and can escape easily from any situation.
LOL! In terms of mythical animals, would you like the Kraken as well? Though that’s a squid, yet they are still in that same family with the octopus.
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I always wanted to see a giant squid so yeah!
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It’s been so quiet without you here. You have been missed.