Strange question/help wanted:

I just want to know what everyone’s thoughts on bed comforter sets.
This question will hit differently for everyone due to them living in other countries where things are a bit different to begin with.

So, nothing too crazy, just need help deciding on new bedding for my bed.

I prefer something simplistic, but still lovely looking.
I am already looking at some reasonably priced ones online, but there is just too many nice looking simplistic ones.

So, I will show picture on what I mean in a bit, but I am curious to know how are the bed sheets on your own bed look?

Do you go for plain, simple, yet bold single colors? Do you lean towards stripes, polka dots, and other whimsical designs? Do you get whatever is affordable and care less about how pretty it looks and more so if it will keep you warm? What do you do?

Thoughts and Feelings?



I shall return with pictures in a bit.

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Here are the pictures:

Option 1

Option 2


The lines would be too busy for me.

Also, look into Duvet covers: This allows you to wash the blanket’s pillowcase, and not wear down the blanket’s fluff as quickly.


I hear duvets a lot and would see people use them in their youtube vlogs.

Never thought about them that much…interesting. :thinking:

Can you get a plainer version of the blue one? That particular shade of blue makes me feel nauseous for some reason.


It allows you to put any blanket inside. Let’s say you have a weighted blanket that you would rather sleep with, but it don’t look crisp anymore? Shove that sucker inside the Duvet.


Like a lighter shade of that blue? I am sure they have that.

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Oh cool. :hushed:

Yeah or even something more neutral.


The blue comforter is reversible. It changes to gray and the red one does the exact same.


Here’s more options:

Option 3

Option 4

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I have a futon so all my blankets and sheets are put away during the day, so it doesn’t matter what design or color they are. So I choose mine just by what strikes me at the store. If it catches my eye, I buy it and don’t worry about whether it’ll match my room or not. ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯

I like option 4 the best, although I’d like option 1 or 3 is they were gray, beige or taupe. (ღ˘ᴗ˘ღ)


My main blanket is a space-themed. It was a Christmas present that I got about five years ago. :sweat_smile:

It’s thick and big enough for me, so it works. I am needing a new one (at least in the future) because it has holes in it with fluff coming out. :sweat_smile: It’s not too bad, though, and it is one of my favorite blankets.


I jonestly just get what’s cheap and will keep me warm. I’ve got mismatched sets of sheets and blankets and don’t really care that they look that way.


I have a space-themed bed so probably can’t help with this one :joy:


I’m noticing a thing here… :sweat_smile:


Yay for space-themed beds :joy:


Solid blue!!


It’s reversible. All of the bed sets are reversible.


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