Struggling Writers’ Daily Den: rant, share, complain, ask, daily progress thing (Part 1)

@DomiSotto Thanks for tour advice like a month ago, i think. I finally updated my story with two chapters and edited all the other chapters.


Oh, my pleasure.

The weekend is over (it was Canadian Thanksgiving so we got Monday off) and I have troubles sleeping b/c of getting back to work and being so worried about my trip and a dick move that left one of my fav skaters high and dry for an all important Grand Prix assignments (they elbowed him aside despite being Junior World Champion to give 2 assignments to another guy, who just withdrew too late to be replaced even though he had ongoing health issues for nearly two years, so everyone pretty much knew he wasn’t going to be ready for GP… but no, they held on to it instead of dropping the assignments early enough to sub. They even went as far as to get that guy a visa with the rest of the team. Which for the Russians involves travel abroad… Like, seriously? Go to this length to clock-block others? Anyway, much drama. And if they didn’t clock-block, my fav guy would have been the first pick, and I would have seen him skate live in the States…)

Doing some reading before work, hopefully will be able to write a little in the evening, but there are a few favs skating a small competition today, so obv, I have to watch that too.

I also feel that maybe I had written all the books I was meant to write, and now it is just a long editing phase, and that’s it. I mean, if I polish up all ten or eleven books I have already, including one in a rough draft, I will have a solid story collection.


I’d love someone to make me a cover.



Hello! :blush:

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Yeah blurbs suck. I struggle with mine a lot too, just so much I want to say! I think you’re improving though!


They’re such a pain to write! Some people just have the gift for them but I don’t lol. Thank you though :star2: I hope I am after writing so many.


I’m not much better than you at it, from scratch. Generally a better editor.

Hemingway Editor said that this was too hard to read

He was about my height, broad and stocky, a hood over his face, Prussian blue tunic, bone-white skin, and a pair of shiny, oxford blue horns.


I don’t think it’s hard to read :thinking:

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Well, is there a simpler, less wordy way to say the same thing?


I’m not sure. I’m sure there isn’t, but for me it doesn’t seem too complicated. That’s the description of the man and I have a clear picture of him. Plus it isn’t too long either. It’s nice and concise. Maybe you could split it into it’s own short sentences? Or use less commas somehow? I’m not sure what exactly would be the problem honestly.

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Sometimes more is less:

This bone-white creature stood eye to eye with me–not that I could see them with his hood covering his face. The shiny Oxford-blue horns? Oh, that’s where my eyes drifted, no matter how many times I tore them away. It overopwered the Prussian blue tunic that couldn’t mask how broad he was, causing his frame to look quite stocky.

The reason why you want more sometimes is because it breaks up the description with actions and intent, giving the reader time to process the look.

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Where are we going with this?

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I’m not that bad. I’m not amazing and I refuse to make those overexposed covers. I don’t like that style.

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I understand d that. Just trying to figure out your goals with it, is all.


I don’t have one.

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I got my first professional 1-star bomb review. in a long time. It’s funny how I used to get them and death threats all the time earlier in my writing career.

I’ve been doing my best to keep a balance. I’ve mixed feelings because what they called out as ridiculous was actually what I had planned. So, I’m both patting myself on the back but deflated as well.
Kind of leaves me numb. Considering it took me almost 3 years to write something that is considered in a few hours by another as dumb. Guess I need to break from writing for a while.

Add: their logline, was… actually a compliment? Except for the last words that said, skip it. I’m so confused.


Can’t please everyone.


:frowning: :slight_smile:

