Struggling Writers’ Daily Den: rant, share, complain, ask, daily progress thing (Part 1)

What if you jot down all possible plots?

This was a method I was going to try when I thought the plot was the problem for mine.

Get all your options onto the table and see which ones work and which don’t. But don’t stop until you have a bunch to choose from.

I found that I was finding plots that seemed to work, but as I began writing it, it would stop working. Then I would get frustrated and find another plot. THIS TIME for sure, but then it didn’t work… The torment continued :sweat_smile:

So, yeah, try jotting down plot options before committing?


Change your schedule up. Feed your muse a mind-numbing moment. Sitting in that frustrating spot is going to produce writing you will be rid of.

Try automatic writing…doodle a bit, write what pops in your head, zone out on it.

There are things to try.


That makes sense.

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Good luck to you.

Have a fox hug :fox_face: :hugs: They are magical. Might help.

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Thank you very much.

I am going to jot down some plots and more.


I have over 103k words written so far. Now the only thing I need to do is figure out where I want this book to end and the next to begin.


Is there a natural wrap up or coming home spot post serious climax?

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I have an idea for where to wrap it up but it’s not after an action climax, it’s more of a cliffhanger.

I suppose I don’t know Faust (short for Faustina) all that well,

I somewhat understand her goals, needs, and wants a bit. However, I do not understand her personally. It is like I barely know her. I do know somethings like her being in and out of foster care, dropping out of high school and doing only one semester of college only to drop out there too, being a troublesome and problematic person due to her upbringing, and not knowing anything about her birth family.

Faust, like many of my other characters are a bit unknown to me.
That makes me really sad.


So, I know there’s a lot of writing-new-content contests. But are there any revision contests or something? :joy: Like NaNoWriMo but for revising a book?

Gosh I really need some kind of social, competitive spirit to go back and edit my books. I can never get myself to commit to revising anything I write once draft 1 is completed and I’ve started a new project.


Hey, I’m editing a book now. Usually do it chapter by chapter. Wanna cheer each other on? :wink: Like a critique partner, but only for holding each other accountable for editing. I plan to buckle down on it once I finish things for my PhD.


Andrei Mozalev will skate in the Olympics! I am crying happy tears! Just as you think the world is this dreary place, it surprises you!


That works for a series.


I second Abbie recommendation.

Make sure to check her whole playlist on 3 act structure. Don’t skip any videos.


Someone put one of my stories on a “bad boys” reading list. It isn’t, at least not in the traditional sense.
Will it get some extra views when on a list like that? :woman_shrugging:

It’s actually my most popular story though it doesn’t look like it at the first glance.
8k reads on a 5 chapter story = 1600 people have read it. :exploding_head:

What’s this baby’s secret? It’s an unexpected crossover, and I don’t know, maybe people expect it to get steamy - it doesn’t get anywhere close to that, zero romance, but they must like it despite that if they keep saving it to their reading lists.


People just reuse lists. I had Winners Don’t Have Bad Days put on Fantasy or Problematic, and even BTS.


In my experience, sometimes people just put things in the most random lists :joy:

I once had a star wars fanfic added to a list called “Gucci Posers” or something like that. And I have no idea why or what that even means :rofl:


I’ve been put on lists for pretty much every single genre, regardless of how relevant they are to the content


Gucci is slang for fancy. So, pretentious is what this old lady would name the list.

But then, I’ve got a small list of “I’d read it twice”. Very eclectic. Most the rest of my lists are either piffle or were program specific.


My reading lists have grown in no time, it seems and maybe I’ll never read them all. But the books that I’m recommending, are in clearly labeled lists - recommended - [insert story kind].

I’ve seen lists that are just numbers or symbols.