Struggling Writers’ Daily Den: rant, share, complain, ask, daily progress thing (Part 1)

It’s always easier to address your thoughts and feelings in something that isn’t to viscerally real…

Since you’re aware of it, it’s best to check it against real-world issues. Not because an android is anything like what we face now, but because people project and its better to be prepared for what will upset people who project their own cultures onto what they read.

It doesn't even have to be big.

For example, in To Make a Kinder Children’s Tale, the pale human (not even the right species) was being targeted for not being “noble enough” (not an Aelif (Elf)). The human figured it was a reasonable, the heir to the throne possibly implies it’s reasonable, but one dark Aelif snapped that there was nothing right about it.

The first time I wrote that scene out, I thought it was pretty clear that it wasn’t Earth, that they were taking care of the issue caused without having to address this targeting that could be seen to be only about skin color (though it wasn’t).

I thought about it and decided that at least one person had to say “this is wrong”, just because some random reader might have issues without it…and that was as far as I wanted our world to intrude on their issues.

Not like anyone has read it or said anything about it, it’s just there in case people do read it and decide that I must have x worldviews because I didn’t. At least now, with multiple views in that semgent, you have to be particularly obtuse to assume the worst about the writer. Shrugs

I don’t know how many times I’ll write a conflict that people will see what they want in it instead of letting the story be itself. We will see.


There’s never enough hours. You have to set aside time for things that are important and selectively peruse posts when you can’t be 24/7 invested. We all do that.

Man, the stuff I’ve let go of, in just the 2 days of travel and 2 days of Disney hell is crazy.

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Can I say this? I really don’t want to care about how others will perceive this story. I am trying to get to point in my life where I can care less what others think if they aren’t all about helping me out.

Another thing is that, if is not based on any real life issues at all. I steer clear of things dealing with Earth.
Sorry if my comment came off as rude, I am just getting a bit tired of caring about things that don’t matter all that much.

Anyway, thanks for commenting to my post.

Yes, you can. I hate catering, period. But this is also why Wattpad and places like it will start talking “safe spaces” and “we need to do better than toxic blahblahblah”.

Honestly, write what you write. I only changed mine because it wasn’t “Captain Obvious”.

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I prefer fantasy because here shouldn’t be there.

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I’m torn on what to do. I aim to read at least 300 chapters of Wattpad books by the end of this month for a book club, but at the same time I have a 100K-word novel to write and I’m far from halfway done :sweat: I really want to binge this month instead of July. Hmm. I’ll see how I’ll divide my time :thonk:


300, in half a month? That’s pushing it, a bit.

Yeah, it’s a lot, but never underestimate how much I can binge :skull:


You still got 50k done :slight_smile: technically you can enter it then. Milk it and split it into two lol

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Actually, I’m only at 30K :skull:

Oh, I wish, I was contemplating splitting Book One into two but then it would mess up all the other books :sweat:


:frowning: Can you write a novella and stretch it out?

Oh no, unfortunately not. I don’t have any new novella ideas :face_with_spiral_eyes:

It’s okay, I’ll just grind. I know I have it in me :fist:

I don’t know then.

I am writing about a crazy French man. He’s not co operating lol

That’s a huge goal, respect!


Thank you! :heart:

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I’m outlining my story Magecraft Mechanics. It was Magecraft Children, but that will be the title of the second book.

I am also working on not only an outline but a chapter summary as well for book 1.

I am doing this all for book 1.

I have a long night ahead of me and I really need to get started immediately. LOL!


It’s so hard to get started sometimes!

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Hi there! Long time, no update. Been months since I last wrote anything for my story properly, but I note down scenes whenever something springs up in my head. Uni, temp jobs, volunteering, and trying (and failing) to get my driver’s license is taking up most of my life and it’s not easy to get back into it. :sob: I really hope I get the chance to write again. :sob::sob::sob:


Yeah…I ended up getting tired in the end. I am awaked now so I can get things done.

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I streamed writing on a Discord server I’m in, and I managed to add about a couple hundred words to my next chapter during that time. Not a lot, but it’s something!