Struggling Writers’ Daily Den: rant, share, complain, ask, daily progress thing (Part 1)

At least mild means it’ll be over sooner rather than later. Always a positive!

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One of my super minor characters has been given a bigger role and a lot more dialogue and the way she talks is cute and funny. Often redundant for emphasis.

“By the moons, sweetkins,” Chardi cooed, rubbing Pinti’s back like she was a child, “you really need to rest. Shaman Yon will understand and so will Shamala Cerenti. They might be strict, but they’re not going to force a tired soul to work until she drops corpse dead.”


Lately I’ve been wondering about how I could start making passive income.
My blog is doing better and better every month. I don’t have ads on it so it’s not making me any money yet. I’ve been maintaining it with the idea that one day I could profit from it, it’s sort of been like my backup plan. If I’m ever out of job or something, I’d have an existing blog I could invest time in. It’s easier to build something from something existing, right?

So thoughts have been bouncing around in my head of possible things I could do and the most plausible solution appears to be capitalizing on incorporating affiliate links. That’s a true passive income. All it takes is to create meaningful content and link to relevant items. I’ve got the first already. I got the hang of maintaining a blog well enough. What’s left to learn is how to do the other properly.


Screw this! I’m going to go to the library!
I need a change of scenery and to actually get some writing done.

I am way to distracted and lazy right now!




:tada: :tada: :tada:


Well, I am the library now! I can get some writing done!

Edit: I was able to get some writing done. Mainly plotting for a story, but I am not entirely satisfied with that. I am starting to get hungry. So, I am going to go back home and eat something.


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Me: researches black hole mechanics and certain effects of gravity for book

Parents: We know you should’ve gone into astrophysics instead of wasting your time in creative writing!

Me: i will not say anything i will not say anything i will not say anything


I had to delete some things so I my docs wouldn’t be so cluttered and all.

Now, I can write with a clean slate.


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So, what is going on here? A fun day at the beach? A crazy party?

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You should. It sucks so much that society doesn’t value creative arts.


It’s a picnic with the ridiculous swan thingy

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So, that’s a swan, huh? Interesting…

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Which is sad because they are quite valuable

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A bit late, but I managed to put out Thursday chapter 15 for Jilted by the Mafia… now the trick is to get the Saturday’s one done too. Somehow.


I’m listening to Brandon Sanderson’s lessons and he gives advice on what type of job you should have if you want to juggle working and writing and he recommends menial, manual labor (brick laying is his example). And computer programming and the like types of jobs are the absolutely worst jobs for a writer because it uses up your mental energy, doesn’t allow you to think about your story during work hours.

And guess what field I’m in. :sweat_smile:

I do totally see it. I feel it. The more productive I am at work, the least productive I am in writing. I come home and my brain needs a break, can’t do anything else. And the only times I’ve ever been productive in writing is when I slacked off at work.


Outlook isn’t that great, huh?

On the other hand, my fear of going blind is closer and closer becoming reality and I might not be able to do the type of job I’m doing in a few years anyway and might have no choice but to invest all my time and energy in writing to scrape by. So there’s that.

So I keep wondering if I should really plan for the future this way. I need to go back to my eye doctor to discuss stuff so I’d know where I stand.

And it gets even trickier because my husband has all these future plans that bank on me remaining in my field and racking in big money in the future. He’s much older than me so he’ll be retiring in the next few years and so it will be up to me to provide for us. And our son will be going to college in 4 years and I’d like to be able to afford to help him get through college without hardship.
So yes. Money.

So that’s what’s been bouncing around in my head lately.

And unsurprisingly, I haven’t done any writing either.


The feels. I feel lucky that I can get a couple of years right now to get a bit more relaxed schedule…

Getting the first flow of feedback on the Fireman’s Girl, and I feel that Nick’s advice on my chapter one… well, if it wasn’t completely wrong, then my enthusiasm to follow it, was. I will be reworking the main character in those chapters, because I feel he is way too unlikable. Yes, he has conflict to the wazoo, but on Wattpad, it’s likable men who wins the day. So I need to get him to ‘strong and suffering’ type that people like.

I put a few quick patches in, but it will need more, more and more.

I like the story, so I don’t want to abandon it, but next story I will direct my efforts to stick to character archetypes and not do anything out of the way.


How much feedback writing-wise does the Creators program provide? I know you’ve mentioned they had thoughts on your cover.