Struggling Writers’ Daily Den: rant, share, complain, ask, daily progress thing (Part 2)

I basically want to read stuff that’s like an anime or has an anime flavor sprinkled with romance as a novel. No plain Jane meets billionaire CEO who suddenly has all the time in the world to woo plain Jane who has no brains/good qualities whatsoever but for some odd reason this CEO HAS to have her! :laughing:

Like sign me up for rivals to lovers in crime families, ninjas, monster/demon romance, fantasy, all that type of drama. Slow burn, fast burn. Whatever haha I just prefer romance with a little more excitement than… plain Jane & CEO. :roll_eyes: Or “guy next door” or whatever the hell stuff most of these romance novels are made of. I like characters that have their own backstories/development versus their sole goal in life is to be with the love interest. Also cool with comedy in romance too but like ridiculous anime level vs “that’s what she said” type jokes?

Hard to describe. Kind of like this? It’s hilarious and cute: Maybe Meant to Be | WEBTOON

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Name the book after the ship in your story. Or just call it So-and-So and the Sky Pirates? ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯


I have a temporary title…for now:

Jiord and the Asakala Voyage.


Eek! Do you have ADHD? That sounds like something an ADHD person would do haha. What? Do this thing that takes X amount of time that I haven’t even started and get it done in a fraction of the time under pressure without sleeping and eating and somehow pull it off at the expense of burn out after? To be fair, ADHD people work best with impending doom/deadlines so long as the pressure isn’t TOO much.


Oh lol I didn’t know that. I don’t have ADHD. I’ve always worked liked this haha. I’m just really fussy when it comes to these sorta things, especially when I’m passionate about it.

I kinda enjoy the stress. Maybe it’s masochistic. My therapist called it “harnessing eustress” and said it’s beneficial (to certain extent) so I’m holding onto that :laughing:


hm, if you’re looking for something anime-esque, you might like light novels.

as far as romance with a little extra goes…

  • Penryn and the End of Days trilogy by Susan Ee has enemies to lovers and a supernatural apocalypse.
  • Keeper of the Bees by Meg Kassel has a supernatural love interest, a serial killer, and a natural disaster.
  • Maggie Stiefvater’s works in general. Not all of her stuff has romance in it, but a lot does and she has a really pretty writing style.

I don’t read a ton of romance personally but I think if you’re looking for something a little more three-dimensional, then wandering over to a speculative fiction genre like fantasy or scifi might be a good idea. They generally have to give you at least some base to ground yourself on. Fantasy in particular has a lot of crossover with romance.

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How to make Jorildyn similar to Monkey D. Luffy, without making her an obvious carbon copy of Monkey D. Luffy? :thinking:

The most is like far as Luffy’s personality is goofy, weird, charming, a person who LOVES fighting, and LOYAL/DEDICATED friend.
However, what makes her not like Luffy is how she is her great leadership skills, charisma, good at forming strategies, tech savvy, does better in academics than Luffy, but isn’t a genius in that regard, and being a bit more mature than Luffy pre and post-time skip.

So, Jorildyn is a bit like Luffy in some ways, but overall she is different.

At least, I hope she stays true to that. :sweat_smile:


Putting all my faith in my skills as a storyteller to finish this thesis. If there’s anything I’m good at, it’s wielding my words to construct a narrative. Last section less gooo!

Also really want to include a quote:

‘Gay is an identity of longing, and there is a wistfulness to beholding it in the form
of a building, like how the sight of a theatre stirs the imagination.’ - Jeremy
Atherton Lin, Gay Bar: Why We Went Out.

Not sure if I have clearance to include it tho :frowning:


I stopped working on part 1, chapter 1 of Jiord and the Asakala Voyage to rest for a bit and because of internet…WHICH NOW WANTS TO COME BACK ON and just to take a break.


I have decided that The Essence of U would probably fit Antiromance, if there is such a thing.


Being a not-bot, my relationship with my own brother is screwed up. He has to be the responsible one, even though he doesn’t know the quadratic equation yet. Because with my botty problems, I need more support from my parents.

Usually the older sibling is closer to a third parent, and will always sort of see the youngest as a baby in some respect.


Look up Sensei Seth. Arguably, he’s closer to Goku than Luffy, mostly because he has a girl friend and is overall a bigger sort of guy.

Saying that Conor MacGregor would have a sea lion in a cage as a pet and not knowing why is a very Goku/Luffy thing to do.

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Drama, probably

Well, there will be some of that. Extreme spoiler kid finds out he’s not fully human but a malicious entity, and some of his enemies are bis siblings AFTER they are dead, but has been warned by a dream since the begining of high-school, basically . There’s a potential girlfirend but she was entangled with the siblings and so its something I don’t want fufilled. Lol

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It is super dramatic, then. Drama usually covers romance that isn’t happy ever after.


Yeah I’ve noticed that with my cousins who have siblings. The oldest is the one “in charge” of them, often bossing them around/reprimanding them. There was a time or two when the oldest cousin tried that sh$t with me and I was like hell no, I’m not your sibling. I’m younger but you’re not entitled to tell me what to do. :laughing: It’s kind of the parent’s fault TBH. To put the full responsibility of looking after a child on someone who is STILL a child is sucky. Like you don’t have children so you can take away the childhood of the oldest by giving them the anxiety of having to watch the others. I remember my dad who is the oldest of 6 always said whenever his siblings did something wrong, he was the one that got punished for it since he was supposed to be looking after them. It’s like…wtf?

That’s twisted. I think we should raise kids to look after each other because they’re family not because this one is oldest/knows best. So the youngest should also be protective of the oldest. But what do I know. I’m an only child. :woman_shrugging:

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You ever sit there and feel like, what’s the point? This crap I’m writing is boring as hell. Meanwhile, logically I know there are anime/comics etc. of just every day slice of life nothingness so yeah, maybe all in my head? I’m tired. :weary: Even as a writer, I’m impatient and want to get to the “good parts” but at the same time, I don’t want to rush the story where it feels like things don’t make sense or the character development isn’t there.


Theme stressed me out for a while.

These first 8 chapters are making me go crazy.


Remember, its more boring to you because its a rerun.


Got to go back to finish chapter 1 of part 1 of JATAV (Jiord and the Asakala Voyage).

I left off at an interesting part.