Struggling Writers’ Daily Den: rant, share, complain, ask, daily progress thing (Part 2)

I am done with part 1’s chapter 1 of Jiord and the Asakala Voyage.
I am at 4031 words and I am tired.


:open_mouth: That’s true! I didn’t even think of it like that. :grin: That really helped actually. Thanks. :sunflower:

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I haven’t visited this space in a while.

How is everyone doing?

I’m frustrated with real life and writing life and everything in general at this point.

You know how there are times when you think you’re doing a good job and you pat yourself on the back but then others are there to point out all the things you aren’t doing well and you have this Why do I even try crisis?

Yeah, it’s like that but with everything in life.

At least there are still cats. They’re cute no matter what.


Meh. Still a bit foggy, but whatever.


Its Domi’s main posting. Ive not seen her in a while. Since Im one to duck out for quiet, I dont think much of it, but it has been a bit.


I’m going to rewrite Overlord’s first chapter ever to read more closely as a traditional fantasy novel.

No more light novel, only heavy novel from now on!


I think I’ve seen her post an update on WP so she might be taking a break. A break is good every once in a while.


Have you ever checked out this site for fantasy and sci-fi writers? I’ve only just now heard of it, but I’m thinking of writing some kind of fantasy next, and it looks like it might be useful…


Oh my gosh, it’s been along time since I’ve posted in here
How is everyone doing?

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No. Never heard of it.

Thanks so much.


me when i have to put effort into editing instead of just typing the words that are already on the page: >:(


I am not going to stress about the writing since I am dealing with stuff and my mind isn’t there yet. So, I am going to do something else with my time rather than concern myself with the fact that I am not writing or planning or doing anything related to my story.

I am not in a rush and I will revisit Jiord and the Asakala Voyage when I am ready to.
I am thinking about doing a FINAL/NEW remake to Red Reign, only this time EVERYTHING will change and be brought to a new light with a BRAND NEW MC and more.

Over and out!


Ok, mostly.

still not done this chapter booooooo


okay, now it’s done. I’m excited for the next chapter though, it has angst :wisp_smirk:

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Zelda BOTW stole my soul for like a week because the sequel is out and I didn’t write a thing for like a week and a half. Getting back into it and continuing to write my ONC which, now that ONC is over, will be a novel.

Speaking of, I actually have someone reading/voting actively on my chapters! It makes me happy and at the same time, I feel like, should I leave a comment thanking them for their support even though they’re a “lurker”? I don’t want to scare them away. :laughing: I’m scared of scaring them away haha


Same. Editing is painfulllll. :weary:

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Ooh, bookmarking this! :star_struck:

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Zelda has taken over my life. I have to pry my hands away to do real life things and so writing hasn’t really been happening. :laughing: Just started doing a little editing today to “get back into it” and it’s the usual, “Why do I do this, it’s pointless bc I suck” and then the, “BUT IT’S SO AMAZING IN MY HEAD, if only I can get the darn stupid thing in my head outside of it in the same quality!” (sigh)


So, Red Reign makes a comeback in a new light.

Jiord and the Asakala Voyage shall return with new chapters 1-3, since I’ve did some good tweaking.

There is another third story focusing on a female monarch with immense magical powers who brought calamity to the world is reincarnated as a female academy student wanting to restore her family’s legacy and hone her magic skills, but also build a major reputition in her school and the nation overall.

I shall call the third story “The nobody who became the promised queen” and I am totally ripping off Isekai anime/manga/reincarnation webtoons/manhwa/manuha. LOL!