Struggling Writers’ Daily Den: rant, share, complain, ask, daily progress thing (Part 2)

maybe. u-u

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Takes off your headphones

You did? :open_mouth:


HEY! rude. :sob:

i did. and im not doing any more because it’s bedtime because you stole my headphones.

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I did start hitting my head on a pillow going “you idiot” but it was mostly funny tbh

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That’s good, then. It’s bad when we really tear after ourselves.


Writing a short story for a change. This sentence came out of nowhere.

Emmity wore a long black cloak and could have passed for Death on his deathbed.


Got some good editing done! Here’s a paragraph from that.

Silence fell between them. Only the hum of the grig and a whispering breeze made Pinti’s ears twitch. Warm, orange lights glittered up ahead like a pile of jewels had been dumped in the middle of the desert and spread out across the horizon.


I just want to complain about how expensive it is to be a self-published author. I am trying to make an appearance at a local book festival to sell physical copies and ordering the copies alone costs so much. I don’t make much money at my day job let alone with book sales or blog revenue. Sometimes the struggle truly feels futile. I could spend my time and money doing crafts or something but I do this. Often at a loss hoping to someday break open into the circle of best sellers. That is all. I just needed to vent. I love writing but sometimes I wish I was one of those writers content to keep it as a hobby without the yearning for the career.


We feel you. It’s why many of us won’t go hard on it.


Funny how I see this post the day I’m finally like, okay, maybe I’ve been too much of a perfectionist and I’m being my own biggest obstacle, so time to start working on self-publishing a poetry chapbook or two! Determination! And then… I read this. :laughing: Is this the universe telling me to calm my ass down?

This is my biggest concern. I do have a full time day job but I still can’t throw down money like crazy because bills etc. Just to have a WattPad cover art commissioned, I saved up a bit so I’m not sure how much money I’m going to need to save for self publishing. :thinking: I also want to have physical copies too. Do you order your own books from a print on demand kind of site?


I knew this was the place to complain about it :rofl: I typically don’t spend too much as I can’t afford to but I have to get my sales up somehow.


Consider this the universe telling you to take your time and be wary of where and how much you spend. There is SO much you could spend on. Paid ads, paid promos, vanity publishers who will rip you off, overpriced covers and editing without the quality in return (not at all saying these aren’t worth it, but make sure you are getting what you pay for, it makes a huge difference, and getting the quality is worth the price). BookBub deals cost a ton of money, too. Yeah, you might profit or break even, but the up front cost is hard enough to come up with for those of us struggling financially. We have to prioritize that roof over our heads and food on the table first.

I self-publish through Draft2Digital, who is free to use, but ordering author copies costs money, even at the discount they offer authors. Printing still costs them, too. Draft2Digital distributes to many book vendors, and you can do both ebooks and paperbacks (and with better quality than Amazon, imo.)

By all means, self-publish. I’ll keep at it myself with my two series until I can make a living at it. Be persistent, be consistent, but also be wary. We put up a lot of costs to publish to start, so don’t waste money on scams, vanity publishers, and low quality editors or cover designs. Take the time to make a quality book, including how it looks on a shelf, and you will find your readers.



Paid Ads? I haven’t even thought about that. :grimacing: I don’t even think I’d bother with those. Not for a small poetry chapbook anyway. I don’t imagine I need anything too crazy cover wise. But yeah, finding a quality editor I think is going to be the tough part, especially because it’s poetry and that’s subjective.

Also I found your book on Amazon! Sent a sample to my Kindle. It sounds interesting. I don’t have the money right now but it sounds like something I’d read. Crime. Tension. Drama! :+1: I hope you sell lots of copies at the festival. Sending all the kudos and positive vibes! Sell, sell, sell! :crossed_fingers:


I have spoken to several authors who aren’t big six-figure earners and they tell me it isn’t worth the money they spend. Maybe for the bigger authors, it is, but not for us lower income ones.

I totally understand. I hope you get to enjoy it soon!

Thank you!! I will do my best!


i have so much editing to do my dudes, i have been putting off even opening the notes one beta reader sent me simply because when I got the notification for them a week ago it immediately felt too overwhelming (on top of school starting and work drama and general overstimulation from doomscrolling) and I knew i’d pop and fizzle like a burnt lightbulb babee.

however, i am super grateful to have this feedback to work with and to know enough about the editing process to have a general understanding of how the future looks. It’s very different from my first book, where I floundered through rounds of edits and didn’t have a reliable source of feedback (i flopped communication with most of them and a lot of them were from wattpad to begin with). Ash and Cinder suffered a lot from my inexperience, so even though it feels overwhelming right now and I’m dragging my ass about it, I’m glad to have a million rounds of editing to do on Gallows Humour.

okay i think i procrastinated enough. back to editing. blehh


sometimes i come on here and ramble about what i’m doing/need to do writingwise until whatever mess is in my head untangles. most of the time i don’t post it but i wish i’d posted yesterday’s bc now i’m at work without my laptop, re-blocking finished for the chapter that’s getting edited next, and i can’t remember what i meant to do after this.

… it was pick apart chapter 29. okay, amnesia reverted. and i’m posting this time in case i forget again.

see how well this ramble method works? :rofl:


I got so drunk last night, I attempted to write a sex scene and now want to erase it.


dies of laughter. You ought to run it by me first. Not because I wants all the smut but Im generally safe on critiquing that mess.


That sounds like the best way to write a sex scene lmao :laughing: I think too much and get in my own way writing stuff so maybe I should grab a beer.