Struggling Writers’ Daily Den: rant, share, complain, ask, daily progress thing (Part 2)

It’s different wiring. I’m going through BifL right now, I noticed:

1-9 chapters: typical cheating teens issues. 20K, all I could stomach.
10-12: captivity and history collide with resolving into a relationship.
13-20: early relationship, running a messed-up pack, getting characters in place.
21-27 : animals swarming from the desert to attack, high school graduation, becoming a Siren,
28-29: Outsiders
30-31: Climax
32-33: Outtro
Book 2

What type of division is this?! lmao

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I dunno, lmfao but it makes sense to the story, right? That’s the main point isn’t it? :stuck_out_tongue: The plot has to work in conjunction with the book doesn’t it? :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, it’s really 4 parts.
1-9 is Act1
10-12 is sloooow transition into Act2
13-20 is Act2
21-27 is Act 3,
28-29 can count as transition
and the rest is the climax-resolution spiral of act 4.

It still fits a format, but it’s not so hide-bound.

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Yeah, but it’s not a cut and dry 3 acts :stuck_out_tongue: But it still makes sense doesn’t it? In the context of the story. :smiley: It does fit a format, but it’s not the same as every other format.

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I don’t have a lot of loose stuff in the story. Some of it I could trim if I wanted to follow a strong storyline, but this is supposed to be someone’s memoirs–they LIVED this, not made a great story. Requires different thoughts.

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Yes, and it’s great that there is a distinction made there :smiley: Hopefully people will get that!

Out of nowhere, the squirell walks towards me with a Rod shaped nut

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I’m seriously thinking about retitling the whole collection as Memoirs of a Luna and BifL is the first of the 3 “books”.

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Yes, you should do that.

I am gonna do a Pissyverse within the Churroverse, lol. Which is a small collection of the “supernatural side” of Angel Falls.

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Why not write a novel like Olive Kitteridge or A Visit from the Goon Squad where the novel consists of interrelated short stories that ultimately tell a story about the main character(s)? You could tell each story from a different character’s pov, or center each one around a different character or something…? ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯

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I don’t if it would work for the wolves and vumps :smiley:


There’s a cat song for that.


They’re launching next month (September) so they’re in beta right now, but this is their website:


I’m definitely interested to see how this will play out.


Tomorrow, editing day.

Hopefully, it won’t be too bad.


finally :sleepy: finally finished rewriting this one chapter and it only took the entire week. someone take social media away from me, i can’t stop doomscrolling :sob:

okay, still need to finish this round of edits but i don’t think anywhere else left needs as intense of work as this chapter did. I for real had to re-write the whole thing from scratch and then re-write it again. It’s worth it… but still


throws your phone out the window

Write :smiley:


nooo my music :sob: :sob:


You can have it when you write faster :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


ughhhhh fine

so mean :disappointed:

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Did you do it?

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