I don’t care about being the best. I just want to be remembered, and people enjoy my work. But he’s right about not overthinking. And to make something 100% you. (And it’s Bow as in bowtie, not as in bow btw).
What do I love enough for my art to become the procrastination itself? Good question. I’m NOT doing intermittent fasting because it would be madly unhealthy for me to do. I can drink more water, though.
This guy has inspired me to make something specific, honest, and interesting Even if you write a story like that for no reason other than to read it yourself, it’s still an accomplishment. Its something that makes you happy.
Yeah, I agree with that ‘don’t say X needs to happen point’ point. But you still don’t need to write a novel’s worth or unfolding events, as most people think. (This isn’t aimed at him btw)
A novel and a story aren’t always synonymous. We have all been brainwashed to think that it is because of the toxicity of the publishing industry. That’s why we have romances that could be 125-200 pages long because twice that. For no good reason, to meet the capitalistic standards of the mass consumption machine that rejects true art.
It’s the same with the music industry. Even talented artists are being made to make “TikTok songs” for hooks that are forgotten about tomorrow, instead of something organic, and unique that can stand on its own two feet.
“Play don’t show” is interesting, but yeah, you wanna involve the audience. You need to build the tone, and you need to show the family dynamics. But on the other hand, I could care less about big themes, and having my work “seem deeper than it is” because I write for the everyman (not that the everyman can’t understand deep themes), but I’m more straightforward and that’s alright also.
But yes, we need to make MORE than content. MORE than a fad. MORE than just money in the bank. AI will never be as good as we are, in any way, shape, or form. Everyone wants to be noticed and get famous on TikTok and sell multiple millions of copies of their books, but you need to make stuff that you don’t care to get seen for practice too. You do need to practice the craft.
And yes, you can do second projects and not overthink things. That’s a great idea. Not everything that I am gonna write is gonna end up on Wattpad either or even published. I do need to screw about with ideas, and write something ‘special’ and let the creative juices flow.
And what he said about workshopping and networking is right. How else is anyone gonna see your stuff if you wanna be noticed and don’t go about doing those things, how are people gonna know who the hell you are and what you’re writing?
Consistency is also important, yeah. I suck at that, oh well. I need to focus, haha. Maybe, working on things will keep me focused without a strong plot.
Love the people you love (myself jk? Maybe, maybe not but you are your biggest fan on earth lol) and make art. Yes, very important
But you can make it simple, and interesting. You don’t have to be a pretentious, insane prick about it either. I like simple, but interesting and that’s what I do best.