Struggling Writers’ Daily Den: rant, share, complain, ask, daily progress thing (Part 2)

A muay thai fight. Those kitting fanatics don’t take shit from anyone.


I can do several dramas right?


Do you keep a list of plot thoughts on your computer? Like whenever a good idea for a book hits you, do you make a note of it in case you want to write a book about it someday? I keep such a list for when this kind of thing happens and I stumble across a couple characters in search of a story. Then I read through that list to see if any plots strike my fancy with these characters. You need to do something like that.

If you don’t have any such plots already jotted down, just start with your favorite books/shows/animes/mangas/video games/etc. What’s your favorite episode? Maybe even a good song could supply a plot.

You need to get these two characters involved in some conflict, like Narb said, that doesn’t involve romance but perhaps provides an opportunity to prove their love by testing their relationship.

Maybe they find themselves on opposite sides in some kind of argument? Miami in real life is perceived as a major doorway through which drugs enter the country. Maybe Jey has a criminal family he’s been trying to distance himself from, but they suddenly invade his life with some kind of problem? And Tony is from a right-wing Christian fundamentalist family in Texas? That kind of thing could create some sparks.

Eh, I wouldn’t worry. I’m sure something will come to you if you just think about it for a while. Or watch old Miami Vice episodes. Or maybe just read the synopsis of each episode on Wikipedia. Sometimes reading little blurbs like that can jumpstart your brain and give you an even better idea. (*^-‘) 乃


Random thought. Have the characters take a three-month holiday to Europe to attempt a brief Grand Tour. Should be something on that trip to educate and entertain each of your characters…And a wide variety of settings to create more drama…


Did they invent the Sabot round (aka The Grouchy Knitting Needle)?


Yeah they did. At least the ones that Churro is writing about did.


I occasionally make vague lists, but mostly plot points. Not much of a brainstormer often but I do make a note of the good ones. That’s important and a good idea to do that. But yeah, I could maybe make more notes. Most of my “plot points” are vague, tho.

:thinking: Songs can do that more than TV shows or books, but those both do inspire me.

Jey’s family is 100% normal. They’d never do anything like that. They’re not like Scarface :joy: and I’m not doing a hidden criminal family trope… not a mafia romance :thinking: Not gonna change the canon just for that, even though that could have been an interesting idea.

… But maybe I could reverse the right-wing Christian fundamentalist trope, and have it be that the super-liberal side of his family is too suffocating for him and making him angry because they are trying to virtue signal too hard? I’ve never seen that done before.

Yeah, I am gonna think about it for a while. Ideas come to me when I leave it, but am engaged in the story topic. Watching something, or listening to music helps. I never thought of reading blurbs either, that’s another good idea.

Great idea! That could definitely be a spin-off or another story/one-shot further down the line, when they need to go on vacation/win the lottery or something.


I’ve come across a wheelchair-bound…activist? She wants to see a fantasy where the disabled are still disabled, and still being used, but not miraculously cured…and I’ve got an idea. I’m just not ready to write it.


You know how they sometimes have bouncers and other bad boys as the ML in a M-F romance. Give them all the ingredients to saving a damsel from unsurmountable odds, make it easy for her to love them, and not give her a happy ending.

You know, eff with people.


Yeah, maybe. I also had an idea to make 3 different stories (one for Jey, one for Tony, and one for their friend, Nick and maybe even a suggested Europe adventure).


Currently stuck with the opening of my next chapter. A little advice or random commentary would be appreciated.

During their morning conversation, Krista realises she will have to give the perpetually curious Freyja summarized lessons about puberty, sex and its DIY counterpart, body functions, body changes…all the “fun” stuff about being a teenager…And ideally before their other housemates (a group of veteran mercenaries) return home in two days. None of the mercenaries can know anything about Freyja, except that she is a typical™ fourteen-year-old Israeli girl, who is also an orphan with severe permanent amnesia. She’s totally not a prototype hybrid clone, or anything like that.

Anyhoot. My current jumbled thoughts on how to cover this are:

  1. Krista asks Dov (either in Freyja’s presence, or in a private talk) for permission to begin teaching Freyja, what she should talk about, or if Dov has his own plans…A recognition of Dov’s importance in Freyja’s life, and of his (informal) seniority over Krista…Dov responds to the first bit with ‘sure’, and that Krista should just teach Freyja what she knows, being a fellow teenage girl. Leave the dry theory to the library’s books…Besides, Krista promised Freyja to teach her “lots of great girl things”, and to be a fun roommate…Dov will volunteer to give Freyja a guy’s perspective, whenever she is curious and has free time. Well, from what he can remember of being a teenager.

  2. Krista decides to teach Freyja without Dov’s permission. Dov discovers what’s happening when his query about the girls’ hour-long baths is answered by Krista with ‘just talking about girl stuff’. And Krista maybe wards-off further questions with her confronting humor. Freyja, being prompted by Krista, later asks Dov if he can talk with her about his perspective / experience with the topics of Krista’s lessons. Krista, never missing a chance to tease Dov, might tag along feigning an equal lack of knowledge and a innocent curiosity.

Either way, I intend for these lessons to occur off stage / in between chapter segments, and to be introduced or reviewed by the characters’ conversations. Problem being, how much detail should I use to be appropriate for the story’s intended readership (the mature end of YA)?

PS. I really need to learn how to write short posts.

Since you like birds so much, do you have any ideas for bird themed insults? I’ve already gotten my miledge on Harpy and Chicken.

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My ADHD can’t taje how slow he’s talki g but its not like its by his choice. He’s got a good message, though.


No, pigeon. Like your English ~ Basil, Faulty Towers.

Her voice can charm the birds out of the trees more effectively than a 4.2-inch mortar ~ Clive James.


HKelle whenever I talk to her about Dragonball.


I really just like the corvids lol.

But you can get really fun with other kinds of weird bird names beyond chickens, like bushtit, bogsucker, or stank hen. …Or satanic goatsucker :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


i posted the latest chapter of my WIP on Dec 8th and announced a holiday vacation. i planned on writing soooOOOoo much. it’s Dec 30th and I’ve written…1 chapter.

i’m such a bum.

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I am jotting down notes on these index cards for each chapter from the four parts of the story.

I’m starting with part 1, chapter 1 for Project MH in terms of taking notes. I strongly feel like I need another thing of index cards, depending on how many I need.

I am just taking notes on what I would like to happen and what I want to happen in the chapters, sort of like a chapter summary in a way.

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I finished jotting down notes for part 1, chapter 1 of Project MH.
I hate when I write by hand, I tend to overdo it.

I write fast and I really press hard on the paper a little hard, giving my arm and hand a workout, along with some unneeded pain.

I hate it when I do that crap and I just can’t stop!


Nearly done with another chapter of Crimson Shadows, planning to dedicate more of today to writing

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