Struggling Writers’ Daily Den: rant, share, complain, ask, daily progress thing (Part 2)

I need to jot down notes for chapter 2 and chapter 3 of part 1.
I am trying to do three at a time, which is less painful that way.

Then I shall start part 1, chapter 1 to really get a feel for the story.

For now, I am only jotting down note summarizing the first three chapters of part 1.
These notes or rather summary ideas will change completely or a little or not entirely depending on what I feel chapter 1 to 3 needs.

I rather not ramble any longer than I should.


Screw this. I can’t write romance as a main plot. :joy:

It can be a meandering subplot or something, but I have no idea on this green earth how people can write a romance for 300 pages. It’s pretty boring as a main plot. As a subplot, it’s aight.


Done jotting down notes for part 1, chapter 2 of Project MH.
Now, I should get started on chapter 1 since I am done with the notes then I can get started on chapter 3’s notes too.

I am glad I finished both chapters 1 and 2 notes.

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So, I am going to have to figure out the species and magic system along with the worldbuilding as well, at least as I am writing the parts along with its chapters too.

Bah! I shall think about that later! Got to remind myself to take not only notes, along with doing the writing sprints too.

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@Xman3148 A monkey wrote a holy book. Granted, it is a monkey god, but still.

Huh-? :sob:

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Oooh interesting! :0

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I don’t know if anyone’s translated it yet but it is amazing that it even exists.

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Already nearing 10k words! Man does it feel great writing so much after months of nothing. Let’s see how long I can keep this up before classes take over my life again :joy: :upside_down_face:


I am sooooooo close to finishing this novel. Might even finish the last chapter tonight :eyes:


I HAVE FINISHED WRITING BOOK 2 :part_alternation_mark:


Woot woot! :partying_face:

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Congrats that’s awesome!!


Thanks guys :heart: :partying_face:


No problem. :blush:

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On the writing front, I am still on part 1, chapter 1 for Project MH.

I stopped at over a 1k in word count and did at least three 25/5 writing sprints.
I love how this chapter is going so far!


I hope this is what happens with me. If I don’t write for a bit, eventually the stars will align and the words will come pouring out of me. :laughing: