I need to jot down notes for chapter 2 and chapter 3 of part 1.
I am trying to do three at a time, which is less painful that way.
Then I shall start part 1, chapter 1 to really get a feel for the story.
For now, I am only jotting down note summarizing the first three chapters of part 1.
These notes or rather summary ideas will change completely or a little or not entirely depending on what I feel chapter 1 to 3 needs.
It can be a meandering subplot or something, but I have no idea on this green earth how people can write a romance for 300 pages. It’s pretty boring as a main plot. As a subplot, it’s aight.
Done jotting down notes for part 1, chapter 2 of Project MH.
Now, I should get started on chapter 1 since I am done with the notes then I can get started on chapter 3’s notes too.
So, I am going to have to figure out the species and magic system along with the worldbuilding as well, at least as I am writing the parts along with its chapters too.
Bah! I shall think about that later! Got to remind myself to take not only notes, along with doing the writing sprints too.
Already nearing 10k words! Man does it feel great writing so much after months of nothing. Let’s see how long I can keep this up before classes take over my life again