Struggling Writers’ Daily Den: rant, share, complain, ask, daily progress thing (Part 2)

Really depends on how you do it. So, some ideas:

Slow Burn: teasing, confusion on if there is a romance. So, often insecure, nothing happening at all, but everyday life.

Love Triangle: constant abuse of the idea of loyalty and constancy. Often 2nd ML is actually the better person.

Reunions: finding out about what happened in life after you separated from a mere friend, which finally has a chance to grow to more than that, but it’s got to go through the friendzone even if there’s smut involved. Which means all the things can happen. Thrown back at his mum who likes his ex more, and is nuts, for example.

Mates: 7 stages of grief for “strong independent women” to come to terms with an “assigned partner”, then switch to bending said mate around her finger in rage…only to realize she likes it a little too much.

Harems: either the Tenchi route (too many people bickering over MC, and they want to hide), or you’re used like a blowup sheep doll at a swinger’s party .

The difference is that the scenario changes the rhythm of the romance. But, in general, NO story does well over 10K without moving parts (multiple plots).


I have to return back to part 1, chapter 1 of Project MH for another writing sprint and start Mistborn, in terms to reading.

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Yeah, time to add subplots :open_mouth:

Some of them don’t even need to be romantic.


It’s better for the story if it’s more a dose of reality. Have a loss of a job and food insecurity hit one of the partners that they are trying to keep from the other, something.


Yeah, definitely.

Or family drama.

Layer it up, have stories inside the main arc.

So, for example: Say Troy’s cousin, Rashard is having issues, and Troy is helping him overcome them, you could make that a point for Darrell to be jealous of Rashard because Troy is spending a lot of time with him. And that can then be a part/reason for them drifting away within the main arc. It needs to be a series of cause > effect moments that tell the story too.


Exactly. And writers who won’t do that default to smutfilling.


Smut is boring when it’s forced.



I’m just wondering if it makes sense to you and sounds good.

It’s here, if you’re still up for it. Any thoughts are welcomed :blush:


So there’s been an interesting development in this story (I’m a pantser, so stories sometimes take me by surprise like this :joy:) and I’ve decided to change the title from “The Hunt for Crimson Shadows” to “The Hunt for Azurean Shadows”

Small change but it’s much more fitting to what’s been happening

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I want to make a word count tracker for daily and weekly writing session or print a free one out from online.

Gah! I need a bit of help!

badly want to finish this book but i keep procrastinating.


Same, same…

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Project MH is either boring me or I simply cannot make myself to continue due to my ADHD/Autism interfering like always.

Both reasons could apply to my mental health.

EDIT/Update: I’ve come up with another idea for a story that Anjan can be involved in, but he is undergoing a different character development this time. I kept thinking about it while I was trying to get to sleep for two-ish days and I finally had to write it down on paper. So, I am glad for that.

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debating whether i should add 1 chapter in a new pov even though i hate when books do that and i know i won’t.

i’m not sure how else to get across that this character gets arrested and then ye olde villains find him in jail and kidnap him when he’s released and conduct some villain-y revenge on him, leading him to summon the mc. because from the mc’s pov that character walks out and then a week later summons the mc.

so i guess my options are like… well actually i think i figured it out, nvm


I am jotting down notes for my new WIP called Project CC.
I am currently trying to figure out the characters and a bunch of other things in my spiral bound notebook.

I shall use the index cards for the chapter summaries.

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Ok, I’m done with romance. I really can’t do it, unless something else happens. Unless someone dies, there is something illegal going on, or someone fights. Or something crazy happens :joy: I think my Troy story needs something else to happen in it. Nothing fantastical, just something else to give it some plot because honestly Troy doing it all the time is just boring.

Does he have something unpaid?

Did he make out with the wrong person?

Is he jealous of Izzy?

:thinking: Something that makes sense. I don’t wanna give up on him yet. Something not complex that is easy to write. Something that is interesting without a lot of planning. Something that works.

@J.L.O @NotARussianBot @Qualeshia12 @Akje and anyone else. Any ideas, help?


I didn’t mean to work through the dead of night editing Between Roses.

I had forgotten about this scene, and also fixed it a bit.

“I’ll never let it get to you again.” Without thinking, she bent over and kissed his forehead. He fluttered open his eyelids. She froze as he reached up to touch her cheek.

With a contented sigh, he said, “I like you so very much, Eryn,” he whispered and pulled her towards him. Eryn wanted it this time. Closing her eyes, she leaned in. They were so close, and she could feel heat radiating off of him. Their lips gently brushed against each other.

A blaring trumpet startled them apart and she looked up bewildered.

I hope this isn’t too cheesy.

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Don’t feel bad. I’ve recently finished three TJ Klune books, and all of them are terrible as far as the romance. He’s really awful at writing it…I don’t know why he’s known as a romance writer! But fortunately he’s awesome at writing found families, which is where the real story is, so I keep reading them. Maybe you should focus on some other aspect too? Like the friendships between characters or the conflicts between the mc and the villain, etc.? And just have the romance as a sub-sub plot, if at all. I dunno…what’s your favorite romance novel, and how was it written? Was the romance the main plot? Deconstruction of the books we love seems to help, so you might want to try outlining your favorite books to see how they work. ( ^◡^)っ✂


Project CC needs a title at some point, even though I am early in the plotting/planning game.

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I heard his stories are good. It’s probably because anyone who is popular is categorized as a “Romance Writer” now because it’s on trend as a genre and it’s marketing too. Romance is a big buzzword now, I think. And yeah, I am better at writing that, or dynamics between previous established relationships/characters, rather than forming new ones.

IDK, originally the whole point of the story was for Troy to grow from being a manwhore to someone who can commit and doesn’t have sex every night but I am thinking of his clothes store. Maybe he also needs someone who is as sassy and conflicts as much as he does working there. Someone he can be jealous of, as well as Izzy.

Oh yeah, he used to be a good, award winning dancer, but gave that up for his clothes store.

Troy is his own worst enemy. There are no real villains in this story, it was originally meant to be a character study and growth. It’s not the kinda story to have “a villain” in it.

I wanna keep Darrell, definitely. He was gonna help Troy find himself.

Romance was not the main plot :joy:

Maybe that can help at times, if the genres are similar, and that cut emoji is cute haha.