It’s like those werewolf stories but with a chupacabra?
That is an interesting twist.
It’s like those werewolf stories but with a chupacabra?
That is an interesting twist.
I’m just guessing, but I assume G is naïve and Destiny’s manipulative and possibly domineering? So they’re each going to have to learn a lesson that changes them. And I assume the climax is when G somehow discovers what Destiny has been doing to him all this time, and they have a confrontation about it? So you need a plot that leads up to that. Is RiRi a major character? She could be the catalyst for change somehow. ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯
It’s a really scary ugly half traditional one and a half alien one with scaly skin.
What about the middle and the build up? That’s the hard part. The most difficult part. She is a major character but not one of the main ones.
Have you tried plotting it out from the beginning? Nothing too detailed, just a few sentences describing each chapter and what needs to happen in each to move the story along. (*^-‘) 乃
What if he has weird flashbacks as nightmares, but Destiny’s face is always obscured, so he can’t tell who else is in his nightmare, and over the course of the story, the nightmares become more vivid and he starts to be affected by them during the day. And so, trusting Destiny, he talks to Destiny about his nightmares, which then leads to Destiny doing things to try to make G forget or not think about the nightmares.
But then one day, G actually sees Destiny in his nightmares doing horrible things to him and with him. G doubts this. And then one day, Destiny gets sloppy and leaves evidence of something on G’s body. So when G wakes up from the last nightmare, he has something on his body that directly links to the nightmare. He keeps it from Destiny because he doesn’t want Destiny to think he’s crazy.
When it happens again, G starts to look into things like sleepwalking and maybe sets up a secret camera and that’s when he finds out what happens to him, and what Destiny is doing. Betrayed, G tries to figure out his history secretly, and why this happens to him, and also tries to become aware during his transformations.
Destiny finds out that G knows and tries to hypnotize him or mess with his mind in ways that make him doubt himself.
During all this, his girlfriend is oblivious but worried about him and his mental state. He distances himself from her and it puts strain on their relationship. Even when he has proof, he doesn’t show her to protect her.
Maybe the girlfriend is the one who snaps G out of the hypnotic state and makes him confront Destiny.
Got to return to Project Succession either today or tomorrow.
I’m beat though.
That’s kinda interesting actually. Does this link in with the current timeline but as a B story plot?
Idk what the “current” timeline is
I was thinking that to be the main story, and the background story could be the rocky relationship of G and his girlfriend along with this friend Destiny who gives off red flags that everyone ignores except for the girlfriend. The rocky relationship with the girlfriend is because she doesn’t like Destiny, but G won’t hear of ever getting rid of his friend.
People warn G of Destiny sometimes, but G really trusts Destiny and maybe there’s something that happened in their childhood that really seals their supposed friendship from G’s perspective. From Destiny’s perspective, it was all nicely planted so he can continue exploiting his friend for money and stuff.
So, G finding out that his girlfriend was right about Destiny, could happen after she breaks up with G. But then when Destiny hypnotizes him, it’s the girlfriend who comes to the rescue to snap him out of it. Then for the first time he has control of his transformation and…idk what he would do to Destiny. Either get him caught by police somehow, or…murder him somehow, like push him off a bridge or a cliff… (if you make the death uncertain, you can have a sequel of Destiny’s revenge and maybe this time Destiny can also turn into something).
I like brainstorming for other people’s stories
Most all of this is pretty solid.
What exactly do you feel is missing from this outline, @Churro?
(Been out a bit more. Still am good.)
Hi, you. I honestly have no idea? I can’t think of anything, can you?
This is a joke:
put a cat in it
Make the cat be the one that ultimately saves G in the end by being the sole emotional support
I like a book with a cat in it.
Likely you won’t feel something missing until you hit a wall.
Hello! @copyedit was wondering where you were!
I decided to post my Dragon Ball fancomic online.
I have a project with @FOLuke and the two main characters are together and they own three cats between them which are basically their children lol. That’s our cat story.
Haha yes you know me too well ;(
Finished Chapter 6, Part 2 of Project Succession.
Moving along and I am happy with that.
I’ve begun to notice that today is not set up nicely for authors who want to grow. People want free stuff too much and they want it NOW. Authors that are doing well with somewhat of a good audience are those who were doing rather okay 5, 6 years ago. After that social media became a pool of freebie wishers and demanders, and now even more with the economy being in terrible shape everywhere.
It’s not a good time to be any type of creative person who wants to make it big in a creative way.
And so we grind.
I was able to complete Chapter 6, Part 2 for Project Succession.
I finished 3414 words of it! I am now going to start Part 3 tomorrow!
I am moving onto chapter 28 and moving further into the 90k mark.
You got this, Qualeshia! Believe and you can achieve, girl!
Best kind of story is one involving cats
tattling on me lol