Struggling Writers’ Daily Den: rant, share, complain, ask, daily progress thing (Part 2)

AI’s writing is pretty cringe though. I don’t know how people are posting its writing as their own because you read a few paragraphs and it uses the same words over n over again. It puts in random ass things all the time. They’re really missing out on having a good program for actually putting in effort and writing. Great for when you don’t have anyone you can talk to about your story.

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Last night I came up with a story idea and wrote a little of it.

It’s a standalone story not set in any of my already-existing worlds which was kind of strange and also refreshing to write.

There’s a bear spirit.

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Done with Chapter 5, part 4 at 4975 words. I stopped at 80,688 words.
I passed the 80K mark and I couldn’t be happier.

I just finished chapter 24.


I renamed the Jabberwocky to the Mockerjabby.

“The Mockerjabby is madness itself. It came from the Red Queen. Spread like a sickness. We are all somewhat had but less so after we left Underland and came to Upperland. Upperland somehow keeps us a tiny bit saner. But still, being near the Red Queen,” Everet stared out the window at the upside-down world, “it does things to us. I believe even the White Queen has been had. The madness needs to die.” Everet clenched his fists, and a growling sound came from his throat.


I forgot about this green talking cat I added before. It’s not peak insanity, but it’s pretty close.

If she didn’t get home soon, she was sure she’d go crazy and crazy was so normal here no one would help her.

“So, what? I go normal? Like that even makes sense.” She quickened her pace, blocking a green cat in its path. The cat, so shocked, jumped and latched onto the ceiling with its back legs dangling. Worried about it, Eryn gently yanked its foot and it fell into her arms.

“How do you live here?” she grumbled to it, making sure it was okay.

The cat squirmed in her arms until she released it. Then it squeaked, “Would you like a cup of kettle, hot off the boiling spoon?”

What??? XD

I’m tempted to make more cats speak, honestly.

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I am rambling and doing too much in this arc for Project Succession.

I don’t know how to end it now and I show Oristina and Alcoy having baby Aeris.

So, with that in mind I may have to just jump forward regardless. For now, I need a break from that.

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I just finished Chapter 5, Part 5 of Project Succession at a whopping 5978 words. This raises the word count at 86,666 words in total.

Onto chapter 6, part 1…tomorrow.

I just finished chapter 25 tonight and I am pleased with this. Time to return to Aeris and the gang now.


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First bit of the prophecy in Between Roses :grin:

When a weed went tumblin’,

‘Cross the tuldderin’ fields,

Wishes turned into nightmares,

And nightmares turned into tales.

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Project Succession: Chapter 6, Part 1 is finished at 2165 words.

That was needed since the last part was so fucking long and I could not go any longer than that.

Still progress is progress.


Yay for progress :grin:

All I did was come up with another name to call my Bandersnatch creature. But it’s still progress.


I wrote something on vacation. Am still on vacation


Broke the 90k mark for Project Succession, but I am not done with Chapter 6, Part 2.

I am very pleased with my progress, very pleased.


I’m trying to turn my novel into a full ttrpg. I’ve begun making a world book, which in itself is an insane undertaking. And I’m workshopping not one but three game mechanics?! There’s Combat, Honour and Romance! And then there’s the characters and stats and whatnot. AND at least seventy plot hooks with interconnected quests/ goals?!

I am scared of what I’m about to unleash. My brain’s been running on full power for like a week thinking about all these things. I can’t sleep. I’m gonna make this game and play it if it kills me.


Look mom my masters degree in game studies was not in vain!

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can someone help me out? I’ve concepts but I’m not an idea person @Qualeshia12 @TheTigerWriter @NotARussianBot @J.L.O @Akje how do I turn the wolf thing into a novel?


What wolf thing is this?


Destiny and G are both a part of the seventh street outlaws, a vigilante and petty crime gang formed for survival within Outlaw Hill, a mean lawless trailer park city for misfits located outside Angel Falls. Once a month, during a full moon, G turns into a chupacabra and Destiny controls him. G wants his secret hidden from his girlfriend RiRi, and he trusts Destiny, who swears she’ll never find out. But Destiny also sometimes uses G for his own selfish gain. He uses his chupacabra form to scare people into extortion, and other things. G doesn’t know that Destiny’s betraying his trust. Destiny does everything in his path to make sure that he never does. Even if that involves a possible murder or two.


So, G turns into a chupacabra, but doesn’t have memory of this time after he turns back?


Welp, first off: how are your characters going to change? Maybe devising the character arcs will give you ideas on what should happen with the plot…? ヽ(^。^)丿


I am debating about him having a memory about that. I was also gonna have him know and not have his girlfriend find out and Destiny to guard his secret, and not let the girlfriend get hurt.

Some ideas on that?

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