Struggling Writers’ Daily Den: rant, share, complain, ask, daily progress thing (Part 2)

In my story Red Reign, Nixora has been given the nickname “Monster in White” which is actually meant for her warmech that she pilots. I plan on giving her another nickname that is far more suitable for her. Not saying Monster in White is bad, she just needs her own personal nickname given to her.

I might go with something like “Nix the Unbroken Witch” or “Berserker Queen”.

So, without further ado, I shall get into some more writing in a bit.


I regret drinking last night.

I made some notes and can barely read them lol.


last day i have off to cram in none-nano writing

and pick a nano project

let’s goooo


“Spare me your confessions. I’ve got an execution to plan.” Lol


That’s why I refuse to make notes. I’m certain the way this first chapter will go, but not much more.

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Same though.

I am done with chapter 5 of Red Reign. It was really good too in my opinion.
For chapter 5, I finished at 2764 words.

I am super excited for the next chapter when Nixora begins her fight.
Break time.

I didn’t eat breakfast or lunch. So, I am starting to get a bit hungry, and it is only 2:21pm.

Does anyone else do that? They get so wrapped up in writing their story, that they forget to eat or do something else entirely.

I didn’t forget. More like I was just too focused on the story. LOL!
Nothing else to report.

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I used to. But, it was more like I refused to get out of bed (when I didn’t have school) until I finished a chapter or sat there for ten minutes with no idea where to take the story.

I kind of hit a roadblock with my plotting. I’ve been out of the straight romance game for so long that I’m honestly unsure of what is needed. I mean obviously, I need dates, chemistry, and them getting to know each other. But, what else is a necessity?

Oh, I see. What made you stop doing that?

pondering Hmm…I might end up doing the second draft when I am done with the first in a better play format or even the third. However, I am going to have to shift to novel format in the fourth draft of Red Reign in the future.

To be honest, I am liking writing in play format better than started in novel format. It is weird, but I am getting through the story faster and better than when I do it in novel format. It is strange, but I like it that way.

Just my preference.

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Honestly, I stopped writing for awhile. And by the time I starting writing again I realized how unhealthy that was.

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Oh wow, I had no idea…

I’m currently cleaning up my project as I’m gearing up to write the climax. So I’m editing. It’s all needed though because I need to know what foundation the climax stands on. Everything is starting to take shape and I’m excited.

So I guess nano will come around right as I’m ready to write the climax. No pressure but yes pressure because there are a lot of details in the climax that I don’t know yet how to handle. Let’s hope it will come to me as I’m writing.


what’s the easiest thing to write for nano?

Depriving yourself of basic human needs for anything is not something I’d recommend. It can lead to a lot of mental and physical problems.

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True. I did end up eating something even if it was light, it was still something.
I shall take your advice to heart. :slightly_smiling_face:

Why do you want to write something easy instead of something you believe in? ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯


In complete honesty a rewrite is the easiest. Then, it would be anything that has a major outline and after that anything you have a great motivation to write.

So I can meet the word goal. That’s the main point of nano and if you aren’t aiming for it, then what is the point?

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Ha, 3000 more words until my 70k goal I put on myself or I will never finish this story. I do know that it will take more than 3000 words to write the climax. Finally now the characters have gotten into the hot air balloon at night to ambush the beast to destroy it.

It’s now time to travel the sky. That means good heavy description to pass the word count. Idk if I can finish the story itself before NaNo.

Depending on how I feel I think I need to put it on hold to figure out what to do about the first scene for my NaNo story.