The Kitchen Triangle? Are there homes that wouldn't have that setup?

There is an actual word for this format, I just don’t know the proper word.

In every kitchen that I have seen and have been in, it follows a triangle. If you have zero idea what I am saying, I shall explain.

The kitchen sink, fridge, and oven are placed in a way that should form a triangle. Why? It is simple, because since those are the most commonly used things in a kitchen anyway, it makes sense in a way to have them close to each other. If someone has to go distances just to get to the fridge from the sink to the oven, that is too much happening and calls for possible concerns. That has always been the layout from what I know in America.

Yet in other countries, is it the exact same? Like in Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, and more? What is it like for each other country beside America?

Thoughts and feelings?

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Thoughts? Feelings? Questions?

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All I can say is that in my grandparents’ house, the door always smacks up against the dinner table if you aren’t careful.

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That small?

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No the dinner table, back porch, and kitchen are just really close together. You can’t use the “front door” because that leads into the living room. Growing up, I just sort of accepted it all as just how Nana’s house was.

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Yeah, grandparents have the strangest house layouts, regardless of the country.

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If you ever watch the movie “Feast of the Seven Fishes” you’ll see more of how weird that house is. The director is even one of my Grandpa’s former students from when he was a high school history teacher!

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Did you grandparents have a weirdly cramped house layout, too?

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In a way, yes they did.

It feels like a bizarre distant memory, but my goodness, the layout was odd back then.


Not only that, older houses tend to have a weird layout anyway.

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Can you describe what you remember from it? And maybe whatever health conditions they had that might explain it.

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Probably not.

It’s so long ago that I just remember that it was a bit weird. Thinking about it, it was more of a house apartment, not an apartment complex.

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Fridge is in the dining room outside of our kitchen (where the sink and stovetop/oven are), and said kitchen is in a hallway between the dining room and the bedroom hallway :thinking:

Other houses and apartments I’ve recently visited tend to have them either in a straight line in the kitchen or in a triangle-ish pattern

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Do you live in an older home?

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That it is! The kitchen is in what used to be the original house, while the fridge is in the “expanded” area

I don’t know when the expansion took place, this house has existed since the 1950’s at the least (and I suspect it’s even older than that)


Mostly, this would be the norm for many countries, but some move away from this structure due to varying reasons… Including Internet Influencers, Shitty Council Housing Designs (UK Mainly), and Own Builds…



What about microapartments in big cities? It’d be a sink, minifridge, toilet, and bed square then.


Ah, older homes and the kooky layouts!

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Really? Why would you want that though?

I get that people should make their homes however they want, but that is absurd. The triangular kitchen layout is now pointless…

…might as well be a square or some shit…

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My kitchen is long and thin, has a dining area and a lounge area. It’s like, one big area. Lemme show you what I mean (similar to this house, but were the cupboards are at the end of the kitchen is a dining table, and at the back wall is a sofa):

Seems to be a common layout in 3/4 bedroom [semi] detached houses in Ireland that are a step up from council houses/terraced houses.

An “open plan” kitchen dining/living room area, instead of a seperate diner and kitchen. And the living area is usually smaller than the main lounge, if it has one:


We don’t have that lol