*****The Story AYA (Ask You Anything) [Now: Magic System] *****

I’m glad you found my world building fascinating, otherwise, what’s the point? xD

A mysttic and cosmic is basically just humans+. They’re no different than any other beings in terms of morals and beliefs. So, it is clear that a a mystic with a very sour personality will probably abuse their power.

One example would be Ann Kahl yes, that character i submitted from the other thread. She’s a mischievous being with only greed in her mind. She’s opportunistic and uses her power to bend the will of others.

Yes, there is! However, the laws of the Limit of Existence require an equal exchange—a life for an equal life. There’s also a caveat to this. An “equal life” does not just mean a human life for a human life. A person’s life is weighed by their deeds and “karma”. Every ounce of that person’s life must be “replenished” by a similar amount, otherwise, the resurrection will fail. Healing alone sheds a little from the caster’s life force. There’s also the thing about pulling someone’s soul out of the Realm of Afterlives. If the person has died for quite some time now, they can’t simply be exchanged for a resurrection. It’ll be like fishing the soul from the afterlife and you might even encounter resistance when the soul refuses to be pulled back to life. It’s a gruelling and dangerous process. It’s frowned upon not because of “necromancy” stuff (that’s just reanimating the dead), but because it can cost a lot of lives.

The Limit of Eternity. She’s actually a Primordial One who oversees the universe and the Rivers of Time. Her name is Guinevere (Earth name). She’s the sister of the Limit of Expanse (Ehlari). She’s usually in the Rivers of Time, ensuring no obstacles would block the progress of the Raft of the Present. She foresees every possibility of time.

And yes, there’s time travel. However, she restricts time travellers to just the passed past. Meaning, that time travellers can’t go back and change the trajectory of the Raft of the Present. Guinevere has already foreseen these time travels and laid out how they will affect the present.

That’s Celestial Magic. Since the ability of Mystics to use magic is dependent on the Celestial energies flowing through the Earth, the immense power one would need to use Celestial Magic would require them to pull energy from other celestial bodies. Celestial Magic allows the user to have more power in them, which makes them ascend to godhood.

This also goes to Mystics as well, mainly because of the Limit of Element, which is the source of reality, being stingy when it comes to sharing its power. In the whole universe (except the Limits and the Primordial Ones), there are only 4 reality cosmics. They are heavily monitored by Primordial Ones, because of their powers.

Also, reality magic does not exist. So, it’s not even rare, it’s non-existent.

No, not in that way I guess. The only biological benefit they get is mostly enhanced vitality and durability, depending on their powers. Mystics are mostly screwed, cause they don’t have innate enhanced vitality and durability tho.

As for ageing in general, there are magic techniques that allow immortality. These techniques tho are very hard to come by and are mostly individualistic, meaning they are developed differently person-by-person. It’s up to them if they want to divulge their knowledge, but it’s mostly kept.

There’s also a fountain of youth, which is guarded by none other than Herdwin (guess who?), which grants youth (not eternal). It’ll grant a person youth for quite some time, but they will still age naturally.