*****The Story AYA (Ask You Anything) [Now: Magic System] *****

I touched quite a lot about the magic system in my story here.

But I really didn’t get into the origin of these powers. To recap, the universe has two kinds of magic: Cosmic power and mystic energy. Both magic takes energy from the celestial streams that flow throughout the universe. These celestial streams bring celestial energy to worlds and other heavenly bodies, which get stored in these worlds. These are the sources of magic that the Cosmics and Mystics use. Now, the difference between the Cosmics and Mystics is how they gather celestial energy from these streams. Mystics use devices (wands, staves, grimoires, etc.) to harness their powers. Those who use gadgetless magic usually train themselves to use their body as conduits. The way they use magic is by channelling magic through these gadgets (and themselves) from the environment. They need the energy of their surroundings to use spells and whatnot. Cosmics on the other hand have celestial streams flowing directly through them, making their power innate and sometimes superior to Mystics. They don’t need energy from their surroundings, they instead have to harness that power within them.

If you’re still confused, think of Mutants from Marvel as Cosmics and Wizards from Harry Potter as Mystics. There can be hybrids, of course. Everyone can use magic with the proper training and knowledge. However, it’s not an easy feat if you are new to it or not exposed to magic at all.

Now, for the origin. The universe consists of various realms. There are countless realms and dimensions. These realms are the origins of the celestial streams. These are the beginnings of the stream that flows through the worlds. These realms exist inside beings called Limits. Limits are celestial beings with immense power. Jotting from their name, they are the most powerful beings. No other beings can top or equal them in power. They are also virtually immortal as they can only die once the universe dies. They roam the universe, spilling their immense power that is shared throughout the universe. For example, the Limit of Thoughts holds power over all powers that involve the mind like telepathy, telekineses, etc., the Limit of Expanse holds power over all powers that revolve around worldly stuff like wind, air, fire, etc., the Limit of Existence hold power over life and death, and more. There are a lot of Limits and most of them are unknown and their powers are unknown as well. However, it is certain that they hold power over anything.