*****The Story AYA (Ask You Anything) [Now: Magic System] *****

Okay I need to think on this one :joy: Mainly because my two main worlds don’t have “countries” per say


Okay, I guess I’ll go first.

Samarin Politics

If you’ve read my Culture submission, you would be familiar with Samarin and its people. Well, now, let’s delve into the political world of Samarin. Samarin is a Coregency— in a way. Coregency is when two or more rulers govern the land. In Samarin’s case, there are 5 rulers, with one as head of state of the entire Samarin. The five monarchs rule their domains, make laws, provide protection, etc. without the interference of the others, even the High Monarch, while also being part of the bigger kingdom of Samarin.

  1. The High Crown that resides in Samarin City. This monarch has the task of not only governing Samarin City, but also the entire country. They make sure that Coregency stays strong and loyal. There’s also a separate monarch that oversees just Samarin City, but they share that responsibility with the High Crown (you’ll know why later)
  2. The Priestess of the Tallim Woods. Usually, it is a position for women, but there have been men in history who had the position. She is mostly the one who makes sure that the tribes of the Tallim Woods do not cause conflicts among each other. It was mentioned before that the Hiperias do not engage in political and diplomatic disputes, but that doesn’t mean they do not have a seat in the High Table. Although the Priestess rarely reports to the High Monarch, it is understood that the protection of the forest is of utmost priority to the High Crown when it comes to the Hiperia territory. It is the High Crown who needs to ask permission if an expansion is needed for Samarin City, and the Priestess needs to grant that land before any deforestation is done.
  3. The Crown of Ravenscroft holds the seat of the Kingdom of Ravenscroft. This position has been held by one family for centuries. Notably, most of the High Crowns of history came from this kingdom. They are known to be compassionate and kind.
  4. Mother Goose. Now, Mother Goose is not an actual goose, at least most of the time. It’s a whole lot of story for another day. Let’s just say, a previous High Queen, who was originally from Earth, felt homesick and literally willed a whole city filled with characters from fairy tales and nursery rhymes of Earth. That High Queen’s power is so strong that to this day, new nursery rhymes or fairy tale characters appear every few years. Mother Goose is the Mayor of this city.
  5. The White Crown. This monarch governs the White Castle. It’s a city of Rumir refugees that got stuck inside the Asce continent after the resurgence of Rakshesha. However, the Rumirs of this city mysteriously evolved into near-invisible beings. They have a form similar to a spectre or ghost. They were given a land to settle in and named it, the White Castle which is ruled by the White Crown.

Each domain follows one type of government, Elected Monarchy. The kings, queens, priestesses (not so much), mayors, etc. are elected by the people. The way it works is that each family sends their best candidate to the Council of Crowns where they learn about how to rule and stuff. After that schooling period, they run to become the ruler of that land. Then, an election happens, and whoever wins, gets the crown. How is this still a monarchy? Well, the crowns have absolute power over the law of the land. Whatever they say goes. That’s why the Crown of Ravenscroft has been in one family because they’ve been very compassionate and kind. These crowns can have advisors and councillors, but it is still in their hands that hold the power. Now, the selection of the High Crown is the same, but on a more national level. The five crowns of Samarin will have a campaign and an election. The winner will get the High Seat of the High Table. And guess who wins most of the time? the Crown of Ravenscroft. There have been other winners, of course. In fact, to rank who had the most High Crowns: 1. Ravenscroft, 2. Samarin City, 3. Jotenhil (Mother Goose), 4. White Castle, and 5. Tallim Woods.

Phew, another long post dang. I’m sorry.


Hmm, I’ll choose the country known as the Empire of Soliania.

A new ruler is chosen by who is the worthiest to take the throne and is skilled in politics, social economics, and etc, along with the person going out there proving themselves to the people and doing more than they should.

Sovereign. There are times when the person is given the title Sovereign King or Sovereign Queen or even Sovereign Empress/Emperor as a sign of respect and favor from the court and the people.

The Solianian Imperium Court is a council of twenty government officials and high nobles who take the words of the current Sovereign and bring them to life. They write down the many laws and regulations that are created by the Sovereign.

Sovereign and the SIC hold meetings and assemblies on a beginning, middle, and end of a yearly basis to propose new laws, regulations, and make changes for the nation and future plans for the entire country in terms of the medical, financial, business, and more.

Stealing, killing, and illegal aether potion trade are SEVERELY forbidden.

Depending on the severity of the crime, months to years in prison will do the trick, but normally the murdering and trading of illegal potions and other magic related criminal acts are cause for immediate execution, unless the definite reason behind it. Like self-defense or against their will.

It’s mixed feelings. Some people LOVE the current Sovereign for the laws and what they are doing for the country, while other don’t necessarily hate the Sovereign, but do hate the injustices of their nation that has been overlooked, even though things are getting worked on. It’s a matter of things that aren’t happening fast enough for them to be happy. So, they are disliking the way the current Sovereign is handling things…for now.

I have more countries, but I am going to come again to maybe list down the main nations from Project Succession.


Yup I’ve got nothing for this one :joy:

1 Like

I will return.


So what exactly do they have?
If not countries, apply the term that is used in your world.

Note that the questions I give are prompts to help you answer, but in the end I want you to talk about the politics and how it all works :wink:

@nikko Don’t apologize for long posts :wink: I welcome the details :grin:

“Lands” or “Regions” I guess. They’re just different landmasses around the worlds but they aren’t considered “countries”. Those haven’t been a thing since the mythological times. Still working on the “why” part of the equation :joy: Usually the planet is re

Lyriumia and Terpola have different rules for who is in charge for their world. The only thing they have in common is that it’s always a Balance Keeper (Order for Lyriumia and Chaos for Terpola). The Terpolite throne is passed through the Acheron Bloodline while the Lyriumian throne is passed to whoever their patron deity choses.


So this question might have broken me and I might have gone absolutely insane…


casually spawns

Let’s do 2, 4, and 5, for the Age of Light and Age of Darkness arcs of one of my series.


There are many countries in this world, but the one these two arcs mostly take place in is called Winzig.

I’d say the world is round in this series.

For Winzig, it’s kind of tiny compared to the other countries/kingdoms. It’s filled with people who are (mostly) nice. It’s a temperate kingdom, and there’s also a forest in it.

Fantasy Races
  1. Magia.

Magia are people who have different types of magic (fire, water, ect.) that they can do from a fairly young age. They have to learn how to do the spells, but it’s mostly easy for them. Some notable examples include Elena (the ruler of Winzig up until the end of the last book in Age of Light), Illyria (who I mentioned in another thread, that she is the one who becomes queen when Elena retires, and Bruno (who becomes king at the end of chapter two of the first book in Age of Darkness.

  1. Druidborns.

Druidborns are natural healers. Like Magia, they have to learn how to use their powers, and they take slightly longer to learn then Magia, but not too long. Some notable examples of Druidborns include Anika (one of Illyria’s friends) and Valerie (who’s introduced about halfway through the last book in Age of Light, and becomes Anika’s apprentice in the epilouge of that book).

  1. Ferme.

Ferme are farmers. They innately know how to do things such as herd sheep, or grow crops. Some notable examples here include Pomeline (another one of Illyria’s friends), Tess (Pomeline’s grandmother), Hawthorne (her older brother), and Olive (her younger sister).

All three of these races can live anywhere, but there are some things that they go through at some point where they stay somwhere (such as Magia living in a castle while they are learning spells, Druidborns staying in a forest for one year, and Ferme ages 8-11 taking part in a camp that teaches about things related to farming).


In Winzig, the ruler is chosen by the current ruler. They can choose who will be next to rule whenever they want, whether it’s as soon as they’re crowned, or a while after that. The ruler is called King, Queen, or Monarch. They have an advisor who helps them choose laws. The laws are the same as many other places (such as no killing or stealing), but there’s also different ones depending on who’s ruling (for example, there once was a law against laughing in public…that law didn’t last long). The punishment also varies by who’s ruling and how bad it is, but mostly it’s things like you have to do a specific task (for minor crimes), or getting thrown into the dungeon (for more serious crimes).


Did I mention I lost my mind

Overview - TL;DR

The government of Souwa is composed of three separate powers, and independent bodies forming a meritocratic and semi-democratic rule:

For comparison, most other states have a monarchical structure as demonstrated below:

Government Structure

Ok here we go.

Cardinal of Souwa

The Cardinal is the head of state and government of the City of Souwa. He is also the ceremonial head of state of the former Adavangian polities, including the cities of Adad and Cefan. The Cardinal is elected by the Council of Deans and serves in office for 1 Cycle (~seven years). The Cardinal may be re-elected to serve an additional Cycle to a maximum of ~14 years in office. He receives a salary of 300 goma (Adavangian Gold), and resides in the Cardinal Palace in Souwa while in office.

The Cardinal is elected by a majority-vote of the Council of Deans. The candidate must be a citizen of Souwa by birth. There are no other formal prerequisites, however, historically, candidates tend to be former members of the Council of Deans. Before taking the oath of investiture, he is presented to the People’s Assembly for formal approval with the words: ‘Behold your Cardinal, should it please you’. The Cardinal is held accountable by the Council of Deans.

The governmental duties of the Cardinal include: ratifying new legislation, granting amnesty, management of state affairs, and diplomacy with other states. The ceremonial duties of the Cardinal include: granting knighthood and ritual roles and processions in Souwa, Adad and Cefan. He also oversees the Peace Corps.

The Cardinal’s official costume includes a cloth-of-gold robe, a white-and-gold skull cap, pearl slippers and a ceremonial sceptre. He is a powerful figure in world politics, often acting as an arbitrator in warfare and state trade and land disputes. While in office, the Cardinal does not have the right to practise any faith, nor name a successor.

Council of Deans

This is the legislative body of Souwa composed of 19 elected representatives from different academic disciplines and trade guilds. The Deans are nominated and elected by the People’s Assembly based on merit and public service. Out of the 19 members, 15 are voting members while the rest remain in the Council and the Cardinal’s Office as Advisors. Advisors and voting members are determined by lot. Advisors may become a voting member in instances where a Dean is unavailable due to sickness, resignation, sabbatical or death. All Deans vote during the election of the Cardinal. The voting body always maintains an odd number in order to determine a clear majority.

The only prerequisite for candidacy for the Council is citizenship of Souwa. Unlike the Cardinal, Deans may be citizens by birth or by naturalisation. Deans are elected one year prior to the election of the Cardinal to ensure a smooth transition of government, and serve for 1 Cycle. There are no limits to the re-election of Deans. However, upon re-election, the Dean must take a sabbatical for 1 year in a foreign state as a measure to avoid entrenchment. Deans receive a salary of 200 goma. They are prohibited from private work or trade ventures while in office.

The primary duty of the Council is to create laws and amend the Constitution of Souwa accordingly. They are expected to maintain transparency in all their work and are held accountable by the People’s Assembly. Another duty is the election of the Cardinal, where each candidate requires the endorsement of at least three Deans. The Council determines the best two candidates over a series of inquiries and meetings, and takes a final vote of majority.

The official costume of the Council of Deans include plain blue robes, skull caps, pearl slippers, and gold medallions etched with the arms of their school, guild or family. The Council is not representative of the population.

People's Assembly

The People’s Assembly is the leadership body of public servants and is responsible for the everyday management of the city. This includes: city planning, land management and upholding trading standards. They are also responsible for the office of the exchequer, treasurer and governors of the city districts. The People’s Assembly advocates on behalf of the citizens to the Cardinal, facilitate partnerships at all levels of communities within the city, and commission services of companies for work (for example, hiring companies for roadworks). All decision making policies require a two-thirds majority vote of the Assembly. They are held accountable by the Cardinal, who asserts the power to veto their decisions within reason.

The People’s Assembly is composed of 35 community leaders of Souwa belonging to different schools, guilds, faiths and families. The People’s Assembly do not receive salaries, as they are expected to have independent wealth. They may, however, receive a remuneration of up to 50 gomas for services rendered during the election of Deans or during state ceremonies.

The People’s Assembly is a peer-elected body dating back to the former Adavangian Kingdom and tribal customs. Members must be either a citizen or a resident of Souwa regardless of birth or naturalisation. There are no formal electoral terms, and members may remain in the Assembly for life. New members are elected by peer endorsement, and they must receive a two-third majority vote. In order to ensure impartiality, members are not allowed to endorse candidates belonging to their own school, guild, faith or family. Additionally, aethurges are not allowed to endorse other aethurges.

The People’s Assembly holds massive political sway among the population. All citizens and residents of Souwa have the right to meet and petition the People’s Assembly during meeting days.

Peace Corps

This is the state diplomatic, military and police unit of Souwa. The Corps is composed of: Diplomats, who are selected on merit by the universities and approved by the Cardinal; Retinue, the personal guard of the Cardinal and the Council of Deans; Wardens, the police unit of the city; Jailers, who are responsible for prisons; and a small army and navy patrolling the Souwan sea, city limits and Adavangian territories. Leadership positions within the Peace Corps are appointed internally through a bureaucratic process. The uniforms for all branches include tabards with the shield of the City of Souwa, and badges of the Peace Corps.

Relevant branches of the Peace Corps are deployed to foreign states on diplomatic missions, and only engage in combat in extreme circumstances. During wartime, the Peace Corps provide humanitarian aid, assist in rebuilding efforts and may join allied forces if battles continue after peace, armistice or ceasefire has been declared.

The Peace Corps boasts ~5000 aethurges and ~10,000 men fulfilling different roles. The Corps is funded by the treasury and are prohibited from serving in personal military units while in service. They are answerable to the Cardinal, who upon investiture, formally authorises the Corps with the words: ‘I grant you leave to carry out Peace within this Blessed City, and the World, in my name.’

To keep up with the city’s burgeoning population, garrison duties and policing, traditionally done by the Wardens, is also done by several mercenary groups hired by the People’s Assembly.

Legal Structure

It keeps going

The Constitution of Souwa

A living document outlining the fundamental rights, protections and liberties of the citizenry, and the government structure of Souwa. It is a vast codex of laws, including penal codes and legal commentary, which have been in effect for ~400 years, making it the longest practised constitution in the world.

The Constitution of Souwa notably differs from other states, as it does not recognise Canon Law. Temples do not have the right to hold their own courts and administer justice for crimes. Thus, religious orders such as the Canonrics, while recognised by the state, do not hold much political power.
The constitution is based on ancient Adavangian codes of ethics, taking a relatively humane approach to offences: capital punishment and torture is abolished, and corporal punishment is limited to flogging and amputations (in the case of aethurges). Sedition and lese-majesty do not carry criminal charges. Citizens have the right to rebel against the Cardinal if their liberties are not upheld. However, espionage and treason carry criminal charges. Blood feuds are prohibited. Imprisonment, fines and indentured servitude are common judicial punishments.

Contrary to its status as the ‘City of Peace’, the fusion of revolutionary ideas and relatively lax laws makes Souwa a hotbed of protests and riots.

Courts of Reason

Souwa has a three-tiered court system: Lower (civil), Apellate (criminal) and High Court (state). This is an independent body where judges are selected based on academic merit and impartiality. The courts include arbitration chambers staffed by rotating panels of legal scholars and respected citizens. The Courts reserve the right to set judgements or penalties in legal disputes, according to the Constitution. They also reserve the right to try the government, including the Cardinal, when necessary. The Courts are required to present and publish proceedings to maintain transparency.

Souwan Accords

This is a multilateral trade agreement honoured by Souwa, multiple foreign states, and over one hundred guilds and companies. It sets out trade protocols such as movement, protection of workers and goods, free trades, exclusive guilds, maximum tariffs, exchange rates, prohibitions, and protection of competitive interests of the signees. Under this agreement, possession, public sale, and distribution of zyrkoliths is expressly forbidden and carries criminal charges.

Major Political Factions and Figures

This is the fun stuff.

League of Universities

Founded to promote literacy, cooperation and knowledge exchange within the city, the League consists of Chancellors and senior officials of Souwa’s elite educational institutions. The League is arguably the true Lords of Souwa, positing leaders in all areas of the government and legal system. The Grand University of Souwa has produced the most number of Cardinals, Deans, and judges for the city throughout the years. The League is immensely powerful, controlling the flow of ideas. It is a point of tension as there are frequent bad-natured debates, discrediting and academic sabotage among the schools vying for power.

The Souwan School of Mysteries, a historically important academy dedicated to the study of aethurgy has recently been disbarred from the League on grounds of charter violations — citing the school’s research into controversial theoretical magic (hebemurgy), their alignment to the religious Canonrics, and their recent patronage of a paramilitary unit. This comes as a shock to the Souwan elite as this is the alma mater of the Cardinal.

There are rumours of corruption within the League that led to the decision, and the Cardinal has been informed. Musteppo, the head of school, has not spoken out against the League. However, the disbarment has led to the formation of the Holy Knights, a religious paramilitary group composed of zealous students of the school. The Holy Knights have begun to agitate the city and the Chancellors — notably Lalli Wilmy, who is the Chair of the League.

His Serenity Proctor Hezenios Aphraty II

Hezenios is a soft spoken, intensely melancholy figure. He is the 31st Cardinal of Souwa, and is in his second year in office. He is a capable man; however he is unprepared for city’s political machinations. He studied Logic and attained Proctorship at the Souwan School of Mysteries. He subsequently served as a magistrate in the Courts before his investiture (an unusual case as he is only the second Cardinal from the Souwan School of Mysteries, and the seventh Cardinal to not serve in the Council of Deans). He has an unremarkable pedigree, descending from a family of notaries within the city. Upon his investiture, his family was given an achievement and raised in station to aristocracy. However, their new status has not been received kindly by many of the elite families.

His tenure so far has been marked with personal tragedy. Within the first year, his beloved wife Sisi died of wasting. Five months following that, his eldest son Hezenios III, an apprentice pilot, died at sea. He has been in mourning since, opting to wear black robes instead of the traditional costume — a decision that raises eyebrows given that black robes are symbolic of the Canonrics who are associated with his former school. It is seen as taking sides when the Cardinal should be non-partisan.

The Election

The circumstances of his election are complex. Initially there were two candidates for Cardinal: Arrenios Thibaudy V, a young Dean and a Learned of the University of Thibaudy and Dery Clemesh, a popular long-serving Dean. Both candidates belonged to rival families, and tension was high during the election process. In the days leading up to the final vote, Dery died of old age. Arrenios claimed the election by default, however the People’s Assembly declared it unlawful, as there must be two candidates in an election. The Council convened for a re-election, and a candidate was nominated in Dery’s place: his nephew Muno Clemesh, a brash man serving as Governor of Helosia — a province in the southwest. However, he was rejected on a technicality (despite being a Souwan citizen, his birthplace was Fahan in Helosia).

Following the rejection, Bartoly, the patriarch of House Clemesh secretly approached Hezenios to become a candidate. The terms were simple: patronage of House Clemesh interests and their interests in exchange for protection and lawful marriage between their families. Hezenios was seen as a neutral party and won the election, bolstered by support from Deans loyal to House Clemesh and other Deans wanting an end to the politicking.

Since his investiture, the city has been unstable. A drought in the south has affected the food supply and crime has increased. Fires have broken out in the dockyard and the Clemesh Bank, with the blame pointing to the Thibaudys. In between grieving, managing state affairs, he has been arranging the marriage of his surviving son Raspad Aphraty with Nencia, the granddaughter of Bartoly. Unbeknownst to him, Raspad is in love with Kaja, the daughter of Lalli Wilmy (née Thibaudy).

Thibaudy-Clemesh feud

House Thibaudy is a scholastic noble family who claims descent from Daryokus, the Last King of Adavangia. They have historically been patrons of education, supporting the establishment of the Grand University of Souwa, and later, the University of Thibaudy. Its patriarch is Proctor Morvus Thibaudy, the Guildmaster of Advocates. He has five children and eleven grandchildren, some of whom occupy senior offices within the city. Notably, his third son, Giurgos is the Grand Magistrate of the High Court. His youngest child and only daughter Proctor Lalli Wilmy (née Thibaudy) is the Chair of the League of Universities. His grandson, Learned Arrenios V, served in the Council of Deans. The previous two Cardinals — Danyos Thibaudy of Blessed Memory, and Gebel Jusry II were loyal to the Thibaudys. Their fortune and positions are under threat

House Clemesh is a wealthy banking family of Souwa who also claim descent from Daryokus, the Last King of Adavangia. The patriarch is Bartoly, a well-respected banker. He has three children, two of whom have married into advantage — his daughter Rema is married to Nacedoonian Prince Gerid, of Setya. His son Muno is married to Lady Julissa of Helosia, securing him the position of Governor. His other son Mavrilo is the Head Banker of the family bank. His brother Dery served in the Council of Deans for 3 Cycles. Bartoly has been wanting to instate a loyal Cardinal given that the previous two were Thibaudy men. He wants to expand the Clemesh Bank internationally, secure the office of the Exchequer for Mavrilo, and become the official creditor to the Cardinal.

The Thibaudy-Clemesh feud dates to the Souwan Civil War between 734-737 sa, in which both dynasties claimed inheritance of the former Adavangian Kingdom. House Clemesh allied with their former occupiers Nacedoon, while House Thibaudy allied with the native nobility. After many losses, the war ended with a democratic resolution, separation of power and the election of the first Cardinal. Despite the result, the feud continued over the years with massacres, sabotage, and conspiracy on both sides that, at times, threatened to destroy the city.

In recent history, both houses have been locked in a political stalemate. Tensions began rising with a series of manoeuvres by the Thibaudys for the position of Cardinal. It came to a head with the election of Hezenios. The Thibaudys are aware of the pact between Hezenios and Bartoly. The disbarment of the School of Mysteries was done as a measure to intimidate the Cardinal, as the head of school Musteppo is a trusted personal advisor of Hezenios. House Thibaudy has begun to gather support for an impeachment of the Cardinal, while House Clemesh is finalising the transfer of the Exchequer Office to themselves. Neither family is aware of the personal intrigues between Raspad Aphraty, Kaja Wilmy and Nencia Clemesh. These actions come at the brink of a brewing rebellion.

Golden Hand

The Golden Hand is a semi-secret society which aims to unite and restore the Adavangian Kingdom. It holds nationalistic ideologies, including: the real unification of former Adavangian territories including Souwa, Adad and Cefan, establishing a social order where Adavangians are held supreme over other groups in the region, and crowning the King of Adavangia — a prophesied messiah.

While the restoration of the Adavangian Kingdom has been part of the popular imagination for centuries, with failed claimants and uprisings, it has gained new traction within the last Cycle. The Golden Hand is under the aegis of Raspad Gulis, a former lower officer of the Peace Corps. The society largely encompasses conspiratorially minded youths who are training to begin a military uprising, with agents currently active in Souwa, Adad, and Jerouwa (a border town). The society has been secretly recruiting aethurges and acquiring zyrkoliths in order to assassinate the Cardinal — a massively consequential action that, if successful, will plunge the city and the world into war.


I like seeing the lengths in which some of you go with your world building :grin:


Topic 6: Magic System

Six rhymes with magic…sort of :stuck_out_tongue:

Tell me all about your undeveloped or highly developed or barely-an-idea magic system. Tell me as much or as little as you want.

Here’s a few things I’m personally interested in hearing about if you have it or if you have thought of it:
1: Light-based magic vs darkness/shadow-based magic.
2: Transformation into something more powerful or something non-human or both.
3: The origin of the magic.
4: Magic that is related to angels or demons.
5: If the magic can be removed from the user or not. If so, how. And then consequences of that, if any.


I have to come back to this later or another day to better answer it when I have all the things I need for it on paper and what not.

Thanks for making another one of these.


Druidborn healing magic is considered light based magic. Light based magic for Magia is most of the magic they can do. Darkness based magic is used for evil. The dark spells are even more powerful then the other spells.

A bit of a spoiler for the first book in Age of Darkness: Illyria gets hit by a dark spell, which she dies from (but not immedieately). The whole Darkness arc is everyone trying to find out who did it, both to avenge Illyria, and because they’re worried whoever did it will try to take over the kingdom.

There’s a race of shapeshifters who can turn into animals. They can use this if they need to do something specific, for example if they need to go underwater for some reason, they can turn into sharks, dolphins, things like that.

The shapeshifters can remove their magic, using a specific type of plant. Unfortunately, they get a sort of curse if they do this.


I touched quite a lot about the magic system in my story here.

But I really didn’t get into the origin of these powers. To recap, the universe has two kinds of magic: Cosmic power and mystic energy. Both magic takes energy from the celestial streams that flow throughout the universe. These celestial streams bring celestial energy to worlds and other heavenly bodies, which get stored in these worlds. These are the sources of magic that the Cosmics and Mystics use. Now, the difference between the Cosmics and Mystics is how they gather celestial energy from these streams. Mystics use devices (wands, staves, grimoires, etc.) to harness their powers. Those who use gadgetless magic usually train themselves to use their body as conduits. The way they use magic is by channelling magic through these gadgets (and themselves) from the environment. They need the energy of their surroundings to use spells and whatnot. Cosmics on the other hand have celestial streams flowing directly through them, making their power innate and sometimes superior to Mystics. They don’t need energy from their surroundings, they instead have to harness that power within them.

If you’re still confused, think of Mutants from Marvel as Cosmics and Wizards from Harry Potter as Mystics. There can be hybrids, of course. Everyone can use magic with the proper training and knowledge. However, it’s not an easy feat if you are new to it or not exposed to magic at all.

Now, for the origin. The universe consists of various realms. There are countless realms and dimensions. These realms are the origins of the celestial streams. These are the beginnings of the stream that flows through the worlds. These realms exist inside beings called Limits. Limits are celestial beings with immense power. Jotting from their name, they are the most powerful beings. No other beings can top or equal them in power. They are also virtually immortal as they can only die once the universe dies. They roam the universe, spilling their immense power that is shared throughout the universe. For example, the Limit of Thoughts holds power over all powers that involve the mind like telepathy, telekineses, etc., the Limit of Expanse holds power over all powers that revolve around worldly stuff like wind, air, fire, etc., the Limit of Existence hold power over life and death, and more. There are a lot of Limits and most of them are unknown and their powers are unknown as well. However, it is certain that they hold power over anything.


Honestly my magic system is “whatever the hell works at any given time” and I don’t actually put that much thought into it :joy: Let me see if I can make up find anything on the ones you’re interested in, then I’ll be back


OKAY i have made stuff up found the information!

I’m going to keep this one in the context of Lyriumians and Terpolites.

Light, Dark and Shadow Magic are all different things.

Light Magic originated from the First Being Naiu. People channel her energy (so any form of light) and can use it for a lot of different things: light sources, attacks, healing (this is a mix of light and healing magic), heat, light manipulation, invisibility

Dark Magic originated from the First Being Naka. Same deal as with Naiu, people channel Naka’s power or any source of darkness to use his power. It’s mostly used in attack magic but the Terpolites (who have a LOT mor experience with it) can also use it to create energy, cold, healing (also mixed with healing magic).

Shadow Magic is the tricky one. It’s considered the halfway point between Light and Dark Magic. Shadow Magic is used by channeling the Primordial Deity Lutu (created by Naka) so is able to do things from both side to a certain extent. However, because Lutu works for Iniq (Death), it also has crossover with Death Magic. Still working out the specifics of Shadow Magic as it hasn’t come up much (and by that I mean maybe once) :sweat_smile:

Depends on the type of Shifter. Examples:

  • Troy is a Wolf Shifter. He can transform into a wolf
  • Izzy is a Cat Shifter. She can transform into a cat
  • Nikki is a Shapeshifter. She can transform into anything so long as she has a general idea of how it works (eg Dragon, sabre-tooth tiger, Lyriumian, Fae, Zer (mermaid), snake, etc). She hasn’t tried to transform outside of people or animals but it is theoretically possible

Gonna stick with the Lyriumians and Terpolites for this one too :joy:
:sparkles: nobody knows :sparkles:
It’s not magic, it’s advanced science that looks like magic
As far as it’s known, the First Beings created Creation so, therefore, they created Heka (Primordial Deity of Magic; magic itself). But no one knows where the First Beings came from and they’re very tight-lipped about it so we may never know :eyes:

Only recently started on this one because the Angels, Fallen Angels and Demons appear in The Photon Cycle, mostly through the characters Nora (Fallen Angel) and Lorelei (Angel). Lorelei is a new character. Nora is the only Fallen Angel I’ve done work on specifically but she’s a special case. Lightning Magic thought to have the ability to end the world (by Angel-Demon-Fallen Angel standards, anyway). Her family’s name isn’t “Omega” for no reason.

THEORETICALLY all magic can be removed from the user so long as it’s done by something stronger or strong enough to hold it.

Amneris loses her powers quite a few times and is the only character it’s really come up for so far: first by the Vivundai (who seal her magic) then my a mental block (partially because of the Vivundai), then has it stolen by a magic book (that was a weird day).

Magic can also be transferred so long as one knows how to do it. This is pretty uncommon and when it happens it’s usually temporary. It can also be sealed.

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Oooh, nice. I have questions :grin:

  1. Is there a limit? Can they turn into anything and any size?
  2. What if they’re injured in this animal form, like, for example, what if they’re a bird and get their wings or beak injured, how does that transfer onto their human body when they shift back?
  3. When they shift, do they get better ability to see in the dark for certain animals?
  4. Some animals don’t see in many colors. Do the people retain their human eyesight and human brain?
  5. Can they talk after shifting?
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Suddenly, everything became clear XD Although I did understand your explanation without these examples :wink:

I’ve never seen anything like your Limits before :open_mouth: That’s fascinating world building :blush:

So, I have some questions:

  1. What’s a corrupt Mystic and a corrupt Cosmic like? How do they become corrupt and what happens to them when they do?
  2. There’s a Limit of Existence which holds power over life and death you said. Does this mean there’s some magic or power for resurrection?
  3. Is there a Limit of Time or is time part of Existence or Expanse? Is there magic for time travel or speeding up aging or turning back aging?
  4. What’s the rarest form of magic that a Mystic can do?
  5. What’s the rarest form of magic that a Cosmic can do?
  6. Does the magic affect their aging in any way? In my World of Elgana, the existence of magick in an individual often slows their aging after puberty, so they are younger longer and therefore, live longer than those without magick.