The Wattpad Book from Another World

I think most people are really window dressing writers of some ilk. “Writing what you know” is myopic.

But still, it’s just that people can write another genre without giving up on their style altogether to get a feel for what they are irritated by, by their own mind’s labours.

Plus it’s more impressions of what this stuff sounds like.


Until we bluntly and repeatedly say what we do, it’s really not going to get out there, no? Lol


Definitely, lmao. Other writers are usually shocked by my wide array of genres. I was never one to stick with one road anyway. That isn’t for me.

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I don’t know how I managed to stay with Werewolves for almost a year…

Oh, wait…I went nuts and wrote most of a Cinderella Erotica (that I need to finish), an almost YA novel about a farm girl and a Center…and then went back into werewolves.

I promise, I like my writing enough but Jeez, it gets taxing.


Personally, I haven’t dipped into Erotica. It seems like a pretty difficult genre to make justice to. I can write steamy romances but it needs to have an established emotional connection before I write the 18+ stuff.

Usually, in Paranormal, I stick to vampires. But I’ve got a WIP that will deal with a demon x a costard’s syndrome man (someone who believes they’re dead but they really aren’t). It’s one of my most intriguing original WIPs thus far. Is inspired by the horror game Amnesia.


I like the concept of the last one. :eye:

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Me too. :eyes: I haven’t seen any LGTB+ books like it. Plus, it will be so interesting to have readers slowly realize the main character isn’t a zombie. They will be like “OMG! IT WAS HINTED AT SINCE THE START!” XD

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Imagine having cobtard’s syndrome in a world where the undead exist. That would be hard, because you can’t just tell them that they’re alive because they’re moving and breathing and speaking.

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Well, the reason why this one works is the MC is like “Why the Hell not”, and it’s basically a programmed world running amok. It’s really an exercise in writing scenes that make sense, as far as I’m concerned, but there is a real plot.


Exactly. Historically I believe it has only been two-three cases with the syndrome. The furthest back is from the 1800s when the person will ask to be buried. It will be so exciting to write. I’m still not certain whether I want 3 POV or 1 POV in the book.


Usually, from what I’ve seen on Inkitt with Erotica, the story will have 5+ smut scenes. I’ve no idea how people pull it off. I have always been for the story first and romance second.


After setting things up it’s about every friggen chapter, or every other. I can have 5 scenes in a regular novel that isn’t really focused on that, although I like not writing it, too. lmao


POV 3 will be easier than getting from the mind of “I’m sure I’m dead” because they have to overlook things.

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I’ve to be in a special mindset to write 18+ scenes. Even when it’s graphic violence. Though, I’ve been told that when I write horror, it’s downright terrifying. What I see some do wrong with it, is that they have gore for the sake of it, instead of showing the true terror of experiencing it or how it changes the MC. Wattpad is especially bad when it comes to Horror, Paranormal, and Mystery/Thriller genres.

Yeah, I’ve been thinking the same thing. I still have some books to finish before I start the story, so I’ve time.

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I’m not even sure I’ve got the chops for horror. Gore is pretty easy.writing adult scenes makes me fall asleep, like I’m just so damned comfortable, that it’s naptime. I’ve fallen asleep a few times trying to get that done–its worse when I’m lacking sleep.

I’m about to make it my own personal insomnia prescription. Lmao


Holds up a piece of eggplant.

“Look, this is my ear!”

“No, it’s not.”

“It just fell of my body and you won’t bury me.”

“It’s eggplant. Too spongy to be your flesh.”

"I’ve been rotting for months, everything is spongy!’

Now short scenes where they’re looking at their face slowly falling off in a mirror, sure, that can be done, but it would take some freaking dedication to write more than short scenes from that viewpoint.

Hrm…perhaps the first few paragraphs from their view, at the start of each chapter, then a dashline to switch to 3rd. Get a visceral feel for the character without taxing everyone.

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Wattpad has standards?


Too often gore is added when it’s not necessary. True horror for me, can’t be done without having some light (such as humor or hope) because it makes it all the scarier when the characters realize there is no way out. I just have a difficult time with smut scenes, I think is because of my Catholic upbringing.

I feel you on that one. :laughing: I always take my meds every morning, since if I don’t, my mental health issues can get really bad.

I don’t know, I’ve to figure out some stuff as well. Since the MC will drink potions to remain mentally stable. Because the longer he is in darkness, cold and isolated places, the more insane he becomes. But the reader won’t understand until later how wrecked he is mentally from before. Like other characters would ask like, “you aren’t hungry?” and he, “I don’t need food.” etc.


Flowers for Algernon follows mental rise and decay. That writer did a damn good job of showing the mental shifts in writing styles.


Sounds like a familiar title. I know if this story (Corpse Consort) does well, people might ask for more. But I only expect it to be one book. He will meet other people as well (humans) but because of his mental illness, he can’t always decipher ghosts, demons, etc from a human being. It can create some pretty interesting scenes.

I’ve tried to find it in Wattpad books, however, most seem to be kidnapping stories or murder mysteries. This doesn’t always spark my interest, because most follow similar plot lines.