This core, that core, and academia? Too much labeling or nah?

I know, right? Just what IS it? According to Wikipedia:


The BBC describes a UK wonky-pop club night as involving “cutting-edge pop, dance, hip hop and everything in between”; club organiser René Symonds states that “the iPod shuffle generation will not be limited to one genre and wants a return to authenticity after years of manufactured pop”. The wonky pop website sets out a manifesto that states, “We want to show the world that pop is not a four letter word, and for every flaky reality TV winner there’s a myriad of cool, credible and weird acts.”

Major influences cited for wonky pop acts include David Bowie, Kate Bush, Kylie Minogue, Prince and Madonna. Wonky pop was credited with causing a shift in popular musical tastes from male-driven guitar acts to female-driven 1980s-style pop music seen in the synthpop revival of the later 2000s.

Yet after reading all that, I still have no idea what it is exactly. It could be any song on the top 40, so why does it need a label? ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯


Omfg hellfire is one of the best bops Disney has ever constructed.

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Just add in bloodsucking werewolves and you’ve got Powerwolf

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