Thoughts on RoyalRoad?

Hello everyone, been a minute since I was on here (again), I know.

I’ve been interested in serial fiction for a while now but never found a website I was happy with to put my own work on (I’m sure I don’t have to explain why WattPad never appealed to me).

However, I came across a website a little while ago called RoyalRoad and I’m now trying to get into using it for myself and to help other writers with their work.

Has anyone use it? What are your thoughts? If you haven’t used it, what’s your assessment from a visit to the website?

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I did, it didn’t last long. Same with Wattpad.

How did you find the community?

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The community was fine I guess. When I went back a week ago, I didn’t go back to the forum community. I just tried to post my story onto the site. Only I didn’t fully go through with it.

I left for my own personal reasons. Give it a shot yourself. The website has genres that Wattpad doesn’t cater to.

What genre are you writing?