haha no worries, I feel you! I used to do fanfics etc and I keep that very quiet on account names XD
sniffle thank you so much!
haha no worries, I feel you! I used to do fanfics etc and I keep that very quiet on account names XD
sniffle thank you so much!
See, that discipline is something both of us need work with. Lmao
Oh yeah. I’ve definitely learned a lot from my Wattpad experience.
One big thing that I noticed I can do now that my fellow writers who don’t post online struggle with: how to pitch my story. I can write a blurb and a synopsis. I can create a book cover and promo graphics.
And I now know what it means to have an “author’s brand.” I remember hearing this years ago and being intimidated. How do I develop a brand? What is a brand? By now I finally see that it’s really about how you carry yourself out there, how you want to be perceived. It’s in being picky about what you say, what you’re willing to be associated with.
And I’ve learned how to curb my expectations. I used to go through a rollercoaster of super highs and super lows that were very closely tied to how well I was doing on Wattpad.
I don’t know when this calmed down, but I no longer fear rejection in the same way. I think I simply outgrew it and I see everything in a different light.
Say what you want about Wattpad, but I think it gave me a leg up. Compared to how I would’ve fared if I hadn’t used this platform, i think I’m better off.
I know right? lol you’re like older me in a way…
In a way? Lmao
I definitely agree. Wattpad allows you to test the waters and develop a brand. See how you can interact with potential customers. Yes, who to associate with is a big one too.
I’m glad that you no longer fear rejection from the Wattpad experience and yeah, it’s not all about the numbers, and am glad you outgrew that.