☕🌿 𝖢𝖧𝖨𝖫𝖫 𝖡𝖮𝖨 𝖢𝖠𝖥𝖤 🌿☕ - unwind your mind at the cafe

Hey! How’s it going?


i imagine it would be an interesting conversation to say the least lol

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I love that! I feel like if you find a language of translated fiction that you like the style of, it opens up so many more stories and ways of telling them that you can’t find in just one culture’s way of storytelling!! Local bookstores are so cool, I really wanna find somewhere that is a second hand bookshop or not a chain one to browse what kind of different selection they would have, you’re so lucky to have one locally and that there are nice cool people there to make friends with. Having that kind of community around is really special.

I still haven’t read it yet, it’s in my tbr for this year with the rest of Moby Dick and this other long book called Shogun which I’m excited to read! Also fear I may be getting another book on this tbr because this guy I’ve been befriending (flirting with) at my job has told me he’s getting me a birthday present and i suspect it may be a book since we were talking about genres and reading/writing being a hobby of mine. But I guess I’ll see what he set his mind on getting for me tomorrow when I see him fjfkfjkdndkskejssk !! I think if we end up going on a date I’m gonna convince him to go on a library date with me, I think that would be really cute hehehe.


LUKE A LOVE INTEREST? OML I’M SAT SPILLLL and he’s giving you a book for your bday stoppppppp

That’s such a great reading list!!! I completely agree with you. I use to love reading fantasy but then somewhere along the way it just stopped for me and so many people have recommended series like ACOTAR and stuff like that but urgh i don’t know what to say but it just doesn’t pique my interest anymore and i wasn’t a fan of the writing. But then i decided to pick up a translated book on a whim because i had been People in my neighbourhood and it was lol an interesting book to say the least and then i read iona iverson’s rules for commuting and i just fell in love with the genre? It really healed me during burn out and the messages related to what was i currently feeling in my life.OMGGGG i’ve just started getting out of my comfort zone and interacting with people and it has opened up so much for me!! I’ve looked up my local cafes and they seem to have events like meet and greets? I was thinking of attending but my social anxiety is just pulling me back lol

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We met at the start of October when I started this job!! He’s been coming to talk to me everyday for a good two-ish months (maybe almost three?) when we’re working and he is just soooo sweet. Even got excited when I was going out to his friend’s night out. Always offers to help me with things, insists I’m not and could never be annoying, looks at me all softly, calls me “my lovely” or shortens my name, and has deep meaningful conversations about anything and everything with me. It’s really nice how much effort he puts into being around me and being considerate and :pleading_face: I like him a lot tbh. Plus everyone at work knows he has a crush on me so really it’s just waiting until the words are said between us you know? And I think he’s going to give me his number next week when I go back to work after my birthday. As for the gift, it was a gift card for the bookstore, so I can get like 3 books on him lol, the first one I’ve bought and read over half of is “The Party” by Tessa Hadley and I’ve been loving the writing style and atmosphere of it!! Just have about 40 pages left, but it isn’t a long book. Can’t decide what other two books to buy yet though.

Fantasy can be so fun but I feel like high fantasy can just be too much for my tired after-work brain these days and I just wanna read something real that I can connect with. I also just love things set at or near to the sea, the feelings are just so cosy to me for some reason!! ACOTAR always gets so much positive talk and yet I am the same, I just don’t feel the motivation to read it at all, at least not right now in life. OMG you should go!!! I know what you mean about having to try stepping out of your comfort zone because I’m only starting to do that now too, with this guy, but I had such a good time out with him and everyone, and the worst that can happen is it’s not for you and you can leave literally whenever you want! (He literally said this to me when I said idk about going out because I don’t really do it and he was like whenever you wanna leave just say the word like AHHH STOP he’s actually such a lovely person)

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:brown_heart: :brown_heart: :brown_heart: :brown_heart: :brown_heart: :brown_heart: I SHALL BE BACK ASKDJFSDF

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STOPPP THIS IS THE CUTEST THING EVER OML, He sounds so sweet and attentive to you gurllllll. How are things now??? i know its been some time lol. I’m so happy for youuuuu.

oooh i haven’t heard about that book tbh i’ve been so out of the loop with book reccs and what’s been popular lately so do let me know if its good! I honestly have been just walking into a bookstore and picking up random books that sound interesting to me :sob: which isn’t bad because i get to talk to others in the bookshop and see their opinions but sometimes i miss hunting for the specific books i want

THIS OML GURL YOU GET ME i’m so beyond exhausted and motivated with academia that i just want a book that HEALS me and fantasy will ALWAYS have my heart but its too much right now for me


FR like the fandom for the books is wild but i’m also just not at that stage right now

stopp we need more people like this

the update on this is i didn’t go BUT not because i didn’t WANT TO but because i had an assignment due and was working askdjfaksdf BUT ONE DAY i will go aksdjfksdf

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When I have more time, I’ll come back to this video. Autism in a cross-cultural context fascinates me.


We went on our first date 2 days before Valentine’s and are going on our third date for dinner this Wednesday! We’ve basically been texting non stop since he asked for my number the weekend before the date when he asked me out too.

Not sure if it’s super popular right now but I picked it up by fluke and really enjoyed it! It’s a quick read about these two sisters and if the story sounds interesting to you I would recommend it, I really enjoyed it.

Literally so real. Trying to read long books also is such a slog. I enjoy it but trying to be awake enough in the evenings after work is so hard and now since I’ve been going out more with this guy and having more social plans it’s like, where do I get the time and motivation to read more than a couple pages once a week? Lmao!

I feel like I need to find a good book with a lighthouse theme in it, that would really be a hit with my brain I think!

Maybe one day, but not today!

It is actually so nice having someone be considerate of you. Who would’ve thought huh? :joy:

NOOOOO that’s so sad! But there will always be another opportunity for you to do something like that, don’t worry! And when you get the chance it’ll be so worth it!

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