
A place to rest, to chat, and, of course… stir up chaos.


How are you lovely people today?

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I’m happy to see a new face! Can you guess what my pfp is from?

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I’m an old face with a new name :joy: it’s Angel!

Uh, no? Where?

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Hi Angel.

The name is Kaiji. Now, that name might not mean much to you, but @HKelle knows a thing or two about it…

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Huh, it’s a manga, right?

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It got an anime adaptation! :awesome:

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What can I call you?

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Narby if I like you.

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Ooh cool!
So like Tower of God. Got it.

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Ah okay. Got it!

And if you don’t? :eyes:

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NARB or Bot.

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Do I call you Lunar?

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Narb, got it.

I go by Angel.

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To be fair tho, mental health stigma makes it a self-fulfilling prophecy. We don’t talk about things to avoid it, and then it gets more powerful because we don’t talk about it.


Well, some of the issue is that most of us couldn’t tell anyone what the brain does, what’s natural, and what is unnatural. Generally, humans know enough about the mind to be able to talk with 5 year olds and learn something.

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Interesting take :eyes:

Can you pls expand on the 5 year old part?

They dont have labels for things, so they tend to describe things with their limited vocabulary.

For example, they don’t think of butterflies in their stomach and falling in love, when that’s really a terror response.

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