Voice to text app?

I could not stop thinking about it and because of that I am tempted to try it out. The only two gripes are that I HATE the sound of my voice and constantly messing up.

Yet I am tempted to give it a try and see where it takes me. I just have to do it when I am all alone and my mom isn’t home to walk in on me. So, I downloaded an app that I found on Google Play and plan to use it for Project Succession and a test run and more.

The goal is to practice and to get into a nice habit of doing it more often when I need to. I believe I made a thread about it a while back and asked anyone if they would try it or not. I am going to try it out and tell you my thoughts on how I am doing.

So, what are all of your thoughts and feelings on what I plan to do?




If it’s easier for you to talk than to type or write by hand, then I say go for it. See if it works for you. It could help save time too if you are a faster talker than typer or writer. There’s no harm in trying it out.


Thanks, but talking isn’t the easiest, yet I am still tempted to go for it.


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You could put on headphones so you can’t hear yourself, if that would help…? ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯

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I made a mistake. The only way I would hear the sound of my own voice is during recording. This app doesn’t do that. So, I was worried for nothing.


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Give it a go if you want. If it works, it works. If it doesn’t, it doesn’t. Won’t know til you try :thinking:


I mess up a whole lot. In fact, I tend to stumble over my words so much that I often just go ahead and tell people that I stumble over my words, so they know to expect it if it does happen. It’s as if my mouth can’t keep up with my thoughts or something.

Anyway, I think it’s a great tool to have! If you have sudden thoughts or anything, you can just speak into it. Thinking out loud can be good, too. It can help you organize your thoughts…maybe.

I would say don’t worry about messing up. Think of it as the same as a first draft sucking. If you mess up, you mess up. It might be nice to imagine that you’re talking to someone about it instead of just speaking to the void.


Thanks so much for saying that.
I’ll do my best!

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