:galatea: :wackywriters: Wackiversary Galatea Giveaway! :wackywriters: :galatea:

As some of you may know, I am a Galatea author via Inkitt. My book Song of the Abyss was picked up by them in November of last year.

As one of their authors, Galatea has generously gifted me some FREE YEAR-LONG SUBSCRIPTIONS to give away! So I thought I’d celebrate our THIRD YEAR AT WACKY by hosting a giveaway for one! (a $70 value in USD)

Here’s how it works!

- You must be a user of the forum for any entry to count.

- Method 1: Invite Users to Join Wacky

Create a personalized Wacky Writers invite link by following these steps:

Head to your profile and click the tab called “Invites:”

Click the “+ Invite” button:

Set the “Max Uses” box to 50:

Then Save the Invite!

The link that is generated will be a custom, personal link for YOU which will tell us who signs up with your invite code! The more friends who sign up, the more entries for the subscription you get!

- Method 2: Share Wacky on Social Media!

Share us on your social media! You must tag us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or Wattpad for your entry to be counted! You can share one of your own posts, one of our writing prompts or words of the week, or even just the link to the forum, but we want to spread some Wacky love online!

The Rules:

  • You can get a max of fifty entries using either of these two methods (share 50 social posts, get 50 friends to sign up, or a combination of both).
  • The contest will run from August 1 to 2023-09-01T04:59:00Z with winners announced the first week of September!
  • Winners will be notified by DM on the forum.
  • We can identify puppet accounts or alternate accounts. Please don’t cheat: we don’t want to disqualify you, but we will.

Good luck to everyone, and thank you for sticking with us for the last three years!! :wackywriters:



omfg the cutipies I – :sob: :sob: :sob: